
Table of Contents

The Define and Delete Commands

The Define and Delete Commands

Use the define and delete commands to create and delete network-wide constructs used in network management with LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switches (LS2020 switches). These constructs include filter conditions (for bridge, IP, and IPX traffic), traffic profiles, and multicast groups. The commands are given in the following list, together with the titles of the sections of this chapter in which they are discussed:

define filter-type ID expression Define Traffic Filters
define tprof ID max-rate bits/sec [arguments] Define Traffic Profiles
define mcast ID port-list Define Multicast Groups
delete filter-type ID
delete mcast-member ID port-list
Delete Network-Wide Constructs

See also the following types of set and show commands:

The set commands are discussed in the chapter entitled "The Set Command," and the show commands are discussed in the chapter entitled "The Show Command."

Define Traffic Filters

Use the define command to create and modify filters for bridge traffic, IP traffic, or IPX traffic. A maximum of 512 filters can be defined for an LS2020 node.

define bflt ID expression

Use the define bflt ID expression command to define a bridge filter. Assign the filter identification number ID, in the range 1 - 65535. If ID is already in use for a bridge filter, the command overwrites the old filter without warning. Use the show bflt command to display currently defined bridge filters. The expression argument specifies values for fields in an incoming frame header. If the contents of a field match the value specified for that field in a filter condition, then a specified action is taken with the frame. The expression can be a comparison expression or a boolean expression (see the section entitled "Filter Expressions " later in this chapter).

The broadcast rate limit, a port attribute, does not apply to broadcast traffic that matches a custom filter set on the port. Broadcast frames that are recognized by filters are handled by the LS2020 hardware, and are not subject to the broadcast rate limitation.

Note Bridge filter conditions are applied before IP and IPX filter conditions. After a bridge filter condition forwards a packet, an IP or IPX filter can block it.

If you define a filter that applies to an existing flow between a LAN interface and the NP, reset the LAN interface. When the interface returns to service, valid flows are re-established, but flows blocked by the filter are not.

define ipflt ID expression

Use the define ipflt ID expression command to define an IP filter. Assign a filter identification number ID in the range 1 - 65535. If ID is already in use for an IP filter, the command overwrites the old filter without warning.

Use the show ipflt command to display currently defined IP filters. The expression argument specifies values for fields in an incoming frame header. If the contents of a field match the value specified for that field in a filter condition, a specified action is taken with the frame. The expression can be a comparison expression or a boolean expression (see the section entitled "Filter Expressions " later in this chapter).

Note Bridge filter conditions are applied before IP and IPX filter conditions. After a bridge filter condition forwards a packet, an IP or IPX filter can block it.

802.3/SNAP encapsulated frames cannot be filtered.

If you define a filter that applies to an existing flow between a LAN interface and the NP, reset the LAN interface. When the interface returns to service, valid flows are re-established, but flows blocked by the filter are not.

define ipxflt ID expression

Use the define ipxflt ID expression command to define an IPX filter. Assign the filter identification number ID, in the range 1 - 65535. If ID is already in use for an IPX filter, the command overwrites the old filter without warning. Use the show ipxflt command to display currently defined IPX filters. The expression argument specifies values for fields in an incoming frame header. If the contents of a field match the value specified for that field in a filter condition, then a specified action is taken with the frame. The expression can be a comparison expression or a boolean expression (see the section entitled "Filter Expressions " later in this chapter).

Note Bridge filter conditions are applied before IP and IPX filter conditions. After a bridge filter condition forwards a packet, an IP or IPX filter can block it.

If you define a filter that applies to an existing flow between a LAN interface and the NP, reset the LAN interface. When the interface returns to service, valid flows are re-established, but flows blocked by the filter are not.

Related Commands

Use the following commands together with the define bflt, define ipflt, and define ipxflt commands to manage traffic filters:

Filter Expressions

The arguments of a define bflt, define ipflt, or define ipxflt command include expression, a filter expression. This argument can be a comparison expression or a boolean expression.

Comparison Expressions

In a comparison expression, the value of an incoming header field is compared with a constant. A comparison expression has one of the following two forms:

field operator constant (field & mask) operator constant

The syntax parameters field, operator, and constant, and the mask parameter with the bitwise AND operator &, are described in the following paragraphs.


The field parameter is a built-in identifier for a field in incoming frame or packet headers. The field identifiers are not case sensitive (for example, macsrc is equivalent to macSrc).

The field identifiers for bridge filters are as follows:

macSrc MAC source address (in canonical form)
macDst MAC destination address (in canonical form)
macProto MAC protocol type
llcSSAP LLC source SAP
llcDSAP LLC destination SAP
snapProto SNAP protocol

MAC addresses must be specified in canonical form (least significant bit first) for FDDI ports as well as for Ethernet ports.

The field identifiers for IP filters are as follows:

ipSrc IP source address
ipDst IP destination address
ipTOS IP type of service
portSrc TCP/UDP source port
portDst TCP/UDP destination port
ipProto IP Protocol type

The field identifiers for IPX filters are as follows:

ipxDstNw Destination net
ipxSrcNw Source net
ipxDstNd Destination node
ipxSrcNd Source node
ipxDstSt Destination socket
ipxSrcSt Source socket
ipxType Packet type

The operator parameter is a comparison operator. The comparison operators are as follows:

== Equal
!= Not equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
< Less
<= Less than or equal

The constant specified on the right side of a simple comparison expression must be of the appropriate form for the built-in packet header field named on the left side of the comparison expression. The field identifiers are not case sensitive (for example, macsrc is equivalent to macSrc). Table 3-1 lists constants for bridge filters, Table 3-2 lists constants for IP filters, and Table 3-3 lists constants for IPX filters. You can also use RFC 1340, Assigned Numbers, to determine the appropriate constant for your filter.

Table  3-1: Constants Used for Bridge Filters
Field Format Description
macSrc xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MAC source address (in canonical form: least significant bit first)
macDst xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MAC destination address (in canonical form: least significant bit first)
macProto 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) MAC protocol type
llcSSAP 0 - 255 (0 - 0xff) LLC source SAP
llcDSAP 0 - 255 (0 - 0xff) LLC destination SAP
snapOUI 0 - 16777215 (0 - 0xffffff) SNAP OUI
snapProto 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) SNAP Ethernet protocol

Colon-separated values in MAC addresses for the macSrc and macDst fields are hex digits without the leading 0x, but with leading zeros if necessary. The other constants can be entered either as sequences of decimal digits (the default) or as hex digits (with leading 0x).

At the CLI prompt, determine the MAC address with the following command:

getsnmp dot1dBaseBridgeAddress.0

At the NP O/S prompt, determine the MAC address with the following command:

sysver -fc -s NP

In this command, NP is the slot number of the NP. The MAC address is labelled "Ethernet address" in the command output.

Table  3-2:
Constants Used for IP Filters
Field Format Description
ipSrc nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn IP source address
ipDst nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn IP destination address
ipTOS 0 - 255 (0 - 0xff) IP type of service
ipProto 0 - 255 (0 - 0xff) IP protocol type
portSrc 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) TCP/UDP source port
portDst 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) TCP/UDP destination port

Dot-separated values in IP addresses are decimal digits without leading zeros. Other constants can be entered as sequences of decimal digits (the default) or hex digits (with leading 0x), with leading zeroes if necessary.

Table  3-3:
Constants Used for IPX Filters
Field Format Description
ipxDstNw 0 - 4294967295 (0 - 0xffffffff) IPX destination network
ipxSrcNw 0 - 4294967295 (0 - 0xffffffff) IPX source network
ipxDstNd xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx IPX destination node
ipxSrcNd xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx IPX source node
ipxDstSt 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) IPX destination socket
ipxSrcSt 0 - 65535 (0 - 0xffff) IPX source socket
ipxType 0 - 255 (0 - 0xff) IPX packet type

In Table 3-3, x denotes a hex digit (with no leading 0x). Colon-separated values in IPX addresses ipxDstNd and ipsSrcNd are hex digits without the leading 0x, but with leading zeros if necessary. Other constants can be entered as sequences of decimal digits (the default) or hex digits (with leading 0x).

The mask Parameter and the & Operator

You can use the mask parameter in a comparison expression to mask the field value in the incoming header field. This parameter is used in a C-style bitwise AND expression of the form (field & mask). For each bit in the field that you want to check, there should be a 1 in the mask, and for each "don't care" bit there should be a 0 in the mask. Under the == operator, described below, a 0 ("don't care") in the masked field value can be matched in the constant value only by a corresponding 0 ("don't care").

For example, with the mask 0xfff0 in the following expression, the operator == ignores the least significant digit of the macProto field, and matches a zero as the least significant digit of the constant 0x8130:

(macProto & 0xfff0) == 0x8130

Table 3-4 shows the different results of applying mask 0xfff0 or mask 0xfffe to field value 0x8137 (the IPX value in the MAC or SNAP protocol field).

Table  3-4: Effects of Mask fff0 and Mask fffe on a Value




















































Boolean Expressions

In a boolean expression, boolean operators are used to combine two or more expressions of any type. The syntax is as follows:

(expression) boolean-operator (expression) [º]

Here, boolean-operator is && (logical AND) or || (logical OR), and expression can be either a comparison expression or another boolean expression. Expressions are evaluated left to right, but because parenthesized expressions are resolved first you can sometimes force a different evaluation sequence.

Field Values

The following tables list the most commonly used values for various fields.

TCP/UDP Ports and IPX Sockets

Certain port numbers are established by Internet convention as well-known ports. The most commonly used well-known ports for the TCP/UDP source or destination port, and for the IPX source or destination socket, are as follows:

5 RJE 23 TELNET 75 Private dial
7 ECHO 25 SMTP 77 Private RJE
21 FTP 69 TFTP

IP Protocol Type

The expected values for the IP protocol type are as follows:

1 ICMP 13 ARGUS 25 LEAF1-1
2 IGMP 14 EMCON 26 LEAF1-2
3 GGP 15 XNET 27 RDP
4 -- 16 CHAOS 28 IRTP
5 ST 17 UDP 29 ISO-TP4
9 IGP 21 PRM 33 SEP
11 NVP-II 23 TRUNK-1 61 Host internal
12 PUP 24 TRUNK-2 62 CFTP

Bridge MAC and SNAP Protocol Type

Typical values for the MAC and SNAP protocol type fields for bridge filters are as follows:

0800 IP 80f3 Appletalk ARP
809B Appletalk 8137 IPX

IP TOS and IPX Packet Type

The most common values for the IP type of service and the IPX packet type are as follows:

0x00 Unknown 0x03 Error packet
0x01 RIP 0x04 PEP
0x02 Echo packet 0x05 SPP


The following command defines bridge filter 20, which matches a value greater than or equal to 1 in the LLC source SAP field:

cli> define bflt 20 llcSSAP >= 1

The following command defines bridge filter 30, which matches any frame from the specified source MAC address, so long as the frame is not going to the specified MAC destination address:

cli> define bflt 30 (macSrc == 00:dd:00:00:00:12) && (macDst != \ 00:dd:00::00:76)

The following command defines bridge filter 40, which matches a MAC source address whose first two fields are 00:dd, regardless of the values of the remaining four fields:

cli> define bflt 40 (macSrc & ff:ff:00:00:00:00) == 00:dd:00:00:00:00

The following command defines bridge filter 50, which matches a header whose MAC source address begins with the two fields 00:dd, and whose MAC destination address does not.

cli> define bflt 50 ((macSrc & ff:ff:00:00:00:00) == 00:dd:00:00:00:00) \ && ((macDst & ff:ff:00:00:00:00) != 00:dd:00:00:00:00)

The following command defines IP filter 60, which matches any packet from IP network 186:

cli> define ipflt 60 (ipSrc & ==

The following command defines IPX filter 70 in the same way that bridge filter 50 was defined in the previous example; it matches a header whose MAC source address begins with the two fields 00:dd, and whose MAC destination address does not:

cli> define ipxflt 70 ((ipxDstNd & ff:ff:00:00:00:00) == 00:dd:00:00:00:00)\ && ((ipxDstNd & ff:ff:00:00:00:00) != 00:dd:00:00:00:00)

Define Traffic Profiles

Use the define tprof command to create or modify a traffic profile. A traffic profile is a set of type-of-service attributes that can be associated with a traffic flow when the flow is created. A flow is created by assigning a filter to an input port, optionally with an associated traffic profile and/or multicast group (see the commands set port c.p bflt, set port c.p ipflt, and set port c.p ipxflt in the chapter entitled "The Set Command").

Note The define tprof command requires CLI protected mode for all of its arguments except max-rate and insured-rate. (See the protected command in the chapter entitled "CLI Control Commands.")

A traffic profile is a network-wide construct, that is, each profile should be unique across the network. For consistency and for clarity in network management, if you define a traffic profile on one node, you should define it identically on all nodes in the network; it does not matter whether it is currently used on a given node.

define tprof ID max-rate

Use the define tprof ID max-rate {bits/sec |default} command to define or modify a traffic profile whose identification number is ID.

All arguments of this command except for the max-rate argument are optional.

Note Because of the length and number of command arguments, this command can exceed the 80-column width assumed for the screen. See the LightStream 2020 Network Operations Guide for a description of how the CLI displays command lines that are too long for the screen.


The max-rate bits/sec argument is required; it does not require protected mode. The maximum rate (in bits per second) is the upper bound on the rate of all traffic (insured and non-insured) allowed to enter the LightStream 2020 network, congestion permitting. The range is 64,000 - 100,000,000 bits per second. The max rate must be greater than the insured rate

With the string default as the value, the software determines the maximum rate at the time that the profile is assigned to a port. If no profile is specified, the system begins this calculation with the maximum rate allowed by the network.

Note Use a value appropriate for the slowest link in the connection. For example, for an Ethernet-to-FDDI flow, set the maximum rate to 10,000. If an incorrect value is set, the software blocks the flow and issues a trap.


Use the insured-burst bytes parameter to set the upper bound on the nonsharable bandwidth that the LAN flow is permitted to use in bursts, that is, the amount by which traffic on the LAN flow is permitted to exceed the insured rate (see insured-rate). The range is 0 - 64,000 bytes. The default value is 0 bytes. This value cannot exceed the value of the max-burst parameter.


Use the insured-rate bits/sec parameter to set the upper bound on the nonsharable bandwidth that the LAN flow is permitted to use in a sustained way. The range is 0 - 100,000,000 bps. The default value is 0 bps. The insured-rate value must be less than the max-rate value. This parameter does not require protected mode.


Use the max-burst bytes parameter to set the upper bound on bursts of traffic allowed to enter the network from the LAN interface. This bound determines the amount by which this traffic is permitted to exceed the maximum rate (see max-rate). The range is 0 - 64,000 bytes. The default value is 32,000 bytes. This value must be at least as great as the value of the insured-burst parameter.


Use the principal-service-type {guaranteed | insured} parameter to set the relative importance of the LAN flow in the face of local congestion (cell-drop eligibility). This value indicates priority order for selective cell discard of best-effort traffic. By default, this parameter is set to insured.


Use the secondary-scale value parameter to set the scaling factor for secondary bandwidth. This value is a fraction of the secondary portion of a VC's bandwidth, also known as the excess rate. LS2020 software uses this fraction to apportion traffic on trunk lines according to available bandwidth. The fraction is multiplied by the excess rate, and the resultant number of bits per second is deducted from the available bandwidth on the trunk line. The result is a new value for available bandwidth on that trunk line.

The range is 0 - 109. A value in the range 0 - 100 is interpreted as a percent (x/100). A value in the range 101 - 109 yields tenths of a percent according to the formula (x - 100)/1000. For example, 2 means 2%, and 102 means 0.2%. By default this parameter is set to 1, yielding a 1% scaling factor.


Use the transmit-priority {0 | 1} parameter to set a value indicating the relative priority that this traffic has across the VC, end to end. This value is a factor in determining how cells are queued at each node along the VC. It also contributes to cell loss calculations. A value of 0 is lower priority, and 1 is higher. The default is 0.

Related Commands

Use the following commands with the define command to manage traffic filters:


In the following example, the define tprof command is used to define traffic profile 7:

*cli> define tprof 7 max-rate 77000 principal-service-type insured *cli>

Traffic profile 7 is defined here with 77,000 bps as the maximum rate and insured as the principal service type. It uses the defaults for insured rate, maximum burst, insured burst, secondary scale, and transmit priority.

In the following example, the define tprof command is used to define traffic profile 16. (The command is shown wrapped to two lines. For more information about how the CLI displays lines that are too long for the screen, see the LightStream 2020 Network Operations Guide.)

The first attempt to use the command fails:

*cli> define tprof 16 max-rate 64000 insured-rate 32000 insured-burst 40000 principal-service-type guaranteed Insured burst cannot be greater than 32,000 when no max-burst is entered (because max-burst DEFAULT value is 32,000, when none is entered, and insured-burst value can never be greater than max-burst value) *cli>

The error message indicates that we must either reduce the insured burst value or increase the max-burst value. We choose to reduce the insured burst value to the default maximum burst value of 32000:

*cli> define tprof 16 max-rate 64000 insured-rate 32000 insured-burst 32000 principal-service-type guaranteed *cli>

The following example illustrates use of the show tprof command to verify that traffic profiles 7 and 16 have been created:

*cli> show tprof Traffic Profile ID Service-Type Mx R Mx B In R In B S Scl Xmt Pri ----- ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------- 1 Insured 77000 32000 66000 0 1 0 2 Insured 122000 32000 0 0 1 0 7 Insured 77000 32000 0 0 1 0 16   Guaranteed 64000 32000 32000 30000 1 0 *cli>

We may also use the show tprof command to verify that the traffic profile parameters have been set as we intended. The display in the example shows non-default values for 4 parameters: insured rate for traffic profiles 1 and 16, and insured burst and principal service type for traffic profile 16. It shows the configured maximum rate, whose default value is calculated by software for unicast connections.

Define Multicast Groups

Use the define command to create or modify a multicast group.

Note A multicast group is a network-wide construct, that is, each multicast group must be unique across the network. To minimize confusion in network management, if a multicast group is defined on one node, it should be defined consistently on all nodes in the network, whether (immediately) used there or not.

define mcast

Use the define mcast ID [node:]c.p[[node:]c.p º] command to define a multicast group. A multicast group is a list of LAN ports on nodes in the network. Traffic that matches an associated filter condition is sent to each member of the group. Only one multicast group can be associated with any given filter on a given port, and the action of the filter must be forward.

The arguments are as follows:

Note To configure a large multicast group, you must understand its topology. Currently, the sum of endpoint ports plus trunks traversed must be less than 100. If you exceed this limit, a message tells you that the connection cannot be established because of failure to get a path.

It is possible to include non-LAN ports in a multicast group, but of course multicast traffic cannot be delivered to such ports.

Because of the length and number of command arguments, this command may exceed the 80-column width assumed for the screen. See the LightStream 2020 Network Operations Guide for a description of how the CLI displays long command lines.

Related Commands

You can use the following commands together with the define mcast command to manage multicast groups:

set port c.p {bflt|ipfilt|ipxflt} ID delete
To retain the filter on that port but delete the multicast group, you need not delete the filter first. Just repeat the same set port c.p filter-type command that made the association of the filter to the port, omitting the multicast group arguments, as follows:
set port c.p {bflt|ipfilt|ipxflt} ID action priority

Delete Network-Wide Constructs

Use the delete command to delete a filter condition, traffic profile, or multicast group that was previously created with a define command. If the filter, multicast group, or traffic profile has been assigned to a port with a set port c.p {bflt | ipflt | ipxflt} ID command, it cannot be deleted until the association is broken with the set port c.p {bflt | ipflt | ipxflt} ID delete command.

delete bflt

Use the delete bflt ID command to delete a bridge filter. ID is the identifier of a bridge filter that was previously created with the define command.

delete ipflt

Use the delete ipflt ID command to delete an IP filter. ID is the identifier of an IP filter that was previously created with the define command.

delete ipxflt

Use the delete ipxflt ID command to delete an IPX filter. ID is the identifier of an IPX filter that was previously created with the define command.

delete mcast

Use the delete mcast ID command to delete a multicast group. ID is the identifier of a multicast group that was previously created with the define command.

delete tprof

Use the delete tprof ID command to delete a traffic profile. ID is the identifier of a traffic profile that was previously created with the define command.

delete mcast-member

Use the delete mcast-member ID [node:]c.p[[node:]c.p º] command to delete a member or a list of members from a multicast group without deleting the group itself. ID is the identifier of a multicast group previously created with the define command. The port list is specified as [node:]c.p[[node:]c.p º]. If node is specified, the port is on a node in the network, identified by its node name (alias) node or its chassis ID node. Each port c.p is port p on card c on that node. If node: is not specified, the port is on the current node.

Related Commands

You can use the following commands together with the delete command:


The following examples illustrate the effect of deleting a traffic profile. The first display includes traffic profile number 1:

cli> show tprof Traffic Profile ID Service-Type Max R Max B Ins R Ins B S Scl Xmt Pri ----- ------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 1 Insured 77000 32000 66000 0 1 0 2 Insured 122000 32000 0 0 1 0 3 Insured Default 32000 0 0 1 0 7 Insured 77000 32000 0 0 1 0 16      Guaranteed 64000 32000 32000 30000 1 0 cli>

The following example illustrates use of the delete tprof command to delete traffic profile number 1:

cli> delete tprof 1 cli>

In the following example, traffic profile number 1 is not included in the output of the show tprof command:

cli> show tprof Traffic Profile ID Service-Type Max R Max B Ins R Ins B S Scl Xmt Pri ----- ------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 2 Insured 122000 32000 0 0 1 0 3 Insured Default 32000 0 0 1 0 7 Insured 77000 32000 0 0 1 0 16      Guaranteed 64000 32000 32000 30000 1 0 cli>

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