
Table of Contents

Special Files

Special Files

This appendix describes some files that are used by LightStream 2020 (LS2020) software. It also lists some standard UNIX operating system files.

LS2020 Log files

LS2020 software maintains a number of log files in the directories /usr/tmp and /usr/tmp/mma, including the following:

These files may be read with the show file command in the CLI, or with the cbufpr command at the bash prompt. They are primarily for use by LS2020 engineering and support personnel. They are not documented and are not associated with any customer procedures.

LS2020 Collection Files

The CLI set collection command may be used to manage the collection of statistical counts. The program accumulates statistical counts in files named collect.n, where n is the collection number. These files are kept in the following directory:


Each line of a collection file includes a timestamp (no date), the name of a MIB object whose values are being collected, and the value that the object had at the indicated time.

These files may be read with the cbufpr command at the bash prompt, as described in the "NP O/S Command Reference" chapter. They may also be read with the show collection command in the CLI; refer to the LightStream 2020 CLI Reference Manual.

LS2020 Configuration Database Files

LS2020 software maintains the local configuration database in the following two files:

/usr/app/base/config/mma.db.dir /usr/app/base/config/mma.db.pag

These files are created and modified when you use the configuration tool to do an update from the global database on the NMS host. They may also be modified with CLI commands if writes to the database are first enabled with the set configuration lock command; refer to the LightStream 2020 CLI Reference Manual.

There is no facility at present for reading these files on the LS2020 node. Changes made in the CLI, especially those made with the configuration lock set, should be carefully logged so that the configuration database on the NMS host can be compared, if necessary, with the manually kept log. Refer to the LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide.

Standard UNIX Files

This section lists standard UNIX (LynxOS) files in the /etc directory without much description. For more information about these files, consult one of the many publicly available books on UNIX software and on UNIX system administration.

UNIX Configuration and Information Files

The following files in the /etc directory contain information used in the operation and administration of the NP operating system (LynxOS), such as configuration information for various utilities.


The values in these fields are the group name, a null field, the ID number of the group (GID), and a space-separated list of the login names that belong to the group.
IP_Address Official_host_name aliases

The entries in colon-separated fields are the login name, the password, the user ID number (UID), the ID number of the group to which the user belongs (GID), any arbitrary text string, the user's home directory, and the shell to be invoked on login. Appropriate accounts for a LS2020 node are described in the LightStream 2020 Installation Guide.
group.dist motd.dist

Other UNIX Files

The following files in the /etc directory are used by various UNIX utilities.

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