
Table of Contents

Software Reinstallation

Software Reinstallation

This appendix explains how to reinstall the LightStream 2020 software onto the hard disk(s) of a LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switch (LS2020 switch). Reinstalling the LS2020 switch software involves the following three steps described in this appendix:

  1. Connecting One or More NP Modules --using connect and reset commands

  2. Reformatting the Hard Disk and Loading the Boot Diskette--using freshdisk and reboot command

  3. Loading the Software --using swinstall and swchgver commands

Installing software from floppiy diskettes is not part of a routine system installation; necessary only when a problem occurs or the installation of new or replacement hardware is necessary. For example, you must install software when

Note If you are upgrading the software on an operational system, do not use these instructions. See the release notes you received with the installation upgrade.


Each LS2020 switch is shipped with all system and application software installed on its hard disk(s). Copies of all system software, applications, and utilities are shipped with the hardware. The following is a list of the floppy diskette sets shipped with the hardware.

You may also receive the following:

Note You should have already connected a terminal or established a modem connection to the LS2020 switch. A Telnet connection does not work for this purpose.

Reinstalling Software

Follow the procedures in this section to transfer the LS2020 software from floppy diskettes to the hard disk(s). If your system has two NPmodules, you must install the software on each of the NP modules hard disk. (It is important for both NP modules in the same node to have the same software.)The installation takes about 25 minutes per NP module.

Caution If you are upgrading an operating LS2020 system to a new software release, follow the instructions in the release notes you received with the software. Those instructions will preserve site-specific information on your system, such as configuration files. The procedures in this appendix tell you how to clear the hard disk and perform a full software installation; they are not designed for upgrades.

Connecting One or More NP Modules

To establish a connection to one or more NP modules, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Enter '. to get to the TCS hub if your prompt displays LSnode:2# (logged in as root) or LSnode:2$ (logged in as field support). Go to Step 2, if your prompt says TCS hub<<A>> or TCS hub<<B>>, or if the system is powered down.

Step 2 Reset the NP in a running node by powering up the system or using the reset <slot#> command at the TCS hub prompt. (The NPs reside in slots 1 and 2.) The following example shows that you are resetting the NP in slot 1:

Step 3 Enter the connect <slot#> command to connect to the NP where you want to install the software. This example shows that you are connecting to the NP in slot 1:

Step 4 Enter Return immediately if the following countdown appears on your screen. The NP may still be running POST.

Note  If the system is already booting, type '. to get to the TCS hub again, and then use the reset <slot#> command as described in
Step 2. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4.

Step 5 Insert the boot diskette into the disk drive of the active NP. (Hold the disk with the label facing up and insert the edge with the metal slider first.)

Step 6 Enter 2 and press Return at the Option> prompt to begin a full installaiton.

The system takes about 4 minutes to boot, and then displays the single-user$ prompt.

Caution Do not remove the boot diskette from the drive until instructed to do so. The NP is now using the boot diskette as its root file system and will not function properly if the diskette is removed before rebooting.

Reformatting the Hard Disk and Loading the Boot Diskette

Perform the following steps to reformat the hard disk, run the date and time script, and load the boot diskette:

Caution This procedure destroys the contents of the hard disk.

Step 1 Enter the freshdisk command to erase the hard disk and start a script that prompts you for the date and time.

Step 2 Enter time and date information at the system prompt.

Note  Indicate the daylight savings method that is followed at your site, regardless of whether daylight savings is actually in effect at the time of installation.

(The second "Enter date" prompt is for confirmation.)

Step 3 Reformat the hard disk. The system prompts you for confirmation.

The system proceeds to reformat the hard disk, divide it into four partitions, build file systems, and copy files from the floppy diskette to the hard disk. The whole process takes about 4 minutes. The system displays the following:

Step 4 Reboot the NP at the single-user$ prompt by entering the following command:

single-user$ reboot -n

Step 5 Enter 5 and press [Return] at the Option> prompt.

The system boots from the hard disk in about 10 seconds, and then displays the single-user$ prompt.

Step 6 Eject the floppy diskette and continue to the next section.

Loading the Software

This procedure loads the software onto the NP's hard disk from the floppy diskettes, starting with the set of system diskettes. The NP where you load the software must be in the proper state.

Note If you are upgrading the software in an operating node, use the installation procedure provided in the release notes. Do not use this software reinstallation procedure.

NP States

The NP where you load the software must be in the inert state. If you have followed the previous procedures in this appendix, the NP will be in the single-user mode and in the inert state. (If there is a second NP in the chassis, it can be in any state.)

There are three possible states for an NP whose power is on:

Note The software diskettes must be installed in the correct order. Always insert diskette number 1 first (system disk 1), followed by applications, firmware, and diagnostics. The diskettes in each series are numbered.

Step 1 Insert System Disk 1 into the floppy disk drive and enter

The system responds:

When you press Return, the swinstall script copies the system distribution files onto the hard disk and prompts you for the next diskette. When the single-user$ prompt reappears, you can remove the last system diskette from the drive.

Step 2 Enter the swinstall command to install the software from the remaining diskette sets. You must re-enter the command for each set. The diskettes in each series are numbered; always insert diskette number 1 first. Install the remaining software in the following order:

Note Check for additional installation instructions or release notes if update diskettes are provided.

Step 3 Create the symbolic links using the ln command:

ln -s /usr/app/dist/base-2.1.1/config/mma.communities /usr/app/base-2.1.1/config/mma.communities

ln -s /usr/app/dist/base-2.1.1/config/mma.trap-communities /usr/app/base-2.1.1/config/mma.trap_communities

Step 4 Enter the swchgver command at the prompt. This activates the newly installed software, copies new images to the flash EEPROMs on the function cards if needed, resets the line cards, and reboots the NP. If there is another NP in this chassis, and it is active (so that the chassis is operational), use the switches -nolinecardreset and -noflashupdate. The switches prevent the execution of swchgver on this inert NP from disrupting the rest of your system.

The commands and corresponding output are as follows:

For the case of a second NP in a system that is operating:

For the first of two inert NPs being installed or for a system with a single NP:

Note swchgver usually takes about a minute to run, but may take up to 75 minutes if flash images need to be loaded into all 10 function cards in a fully loaded system. (Flash loading takes about
7.5 minutes per card.) While a flash image is being loaded into a card, the card's yellow FLT LED is lit.

Step 5 See the "Hardware Installation" chapter for information about the bootstrap sequence and basic configuration procedure. When you complete basic configuration, return to step 6.

Step 6 Select the appropriate configuration scenario from Table B-1 and proceed as indicated.

Table  B-1: Basic Configuration Scenarios
Number of NPs What You Have Already Done
What to Do Now
One Installed software and performed basic configuration Use the LS2020 configurator to download a full configuration to this node. Refer to the LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide for instructions on using the configurator.
both need
Installed software and performed basic configuration on the first NP Return to the procedure "Connecting One or More NP Modules " earlier in this appendix. For the second NP, repeat all steps from "Connecting One or More NP Modules " to the end of the appendix.
both need
Installed software and performed basic configuration on both NPs Use the LS2020 configurator to load a full configuration into this node. Refer to the LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide for instructions on using the configurator.
only one needs software
Installed software and performed basic configuration Stop here--your installation is complete.
to two
Installed software on the second (new) NP and performed basic configuration Use the LS2020 configurator to add the new NP to the configuration, and then load the updated configuration into this node. Refer to the LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide for instructions on using the configurator.

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