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The LightStream 100 is configured and maintained using commands entered at a command line interface.This appendix provides detailed descriptions of the LightStream 100 ATM switch commands.
Commands that you enter at the console terminal provide instructions to the LightStream 100 switch, which is connected to a console terminal via the EIA/TIA-232 interface.
Commands for the LightStream 100 switch are made up of two groups of commands: user commands and privileged commands. Both types of commands help to prevent system data and network-related data from being changed by unauthorized individuals. User commands display configuration data for reference. Privileged commands display and configure system data. Privileged commands, intended for use by operation and maintenance personnel, can execute only after password verification.
Two modes of operation correspond to the two groups of commands. The user mode makes only user commands available; the privileged mode makes privileged commands available in addition to user commands.
The LightStream 100 switch is in the user mode when power is turned ON. The enable command, which requires a registered password entry, transfers the system from user mode to the privileged mode. The exit command returns the system to user mode.
A prompt character that is displayed on the console terminal screen indicates either normal or privileged mode. If a host name is registered for the system, it is displayed before the prompt. The system uses the following user mode prompts and privileged mode prompts:
The user mode prompt is host name>.
For example:
The privileged mode prompt is host name#.
For example:
Enter each command after the prompt. Some commands are used alone, and some commands are used with a subcommand and parameters (if applicable). Enter a space character between the command and subcommand and between each subcommand and parameter. The system does not distinguish between uppercase characters and lowercase characters. Only a password is case-sensitive.
The following examples show normal command mode formats:
LS100> command
LS100> command subcommand
LS100> command subcommand P1 P2 ...
The following examples show privileged command mode formats:
LS100# command
LS100# command subcommand
LS100# command subcommand P1 P2 ...
Enter a question mark (?) or help after a command or subcommand to display helpful information. The following example shows formats to get help on all available commands:
LS100> ?
LS100> help
Entering the question mark (?) or help in user mode displays user commands; entering the same commands (the question mark [?] or help) in privileged mode displays privileged commands.
To display a list of subcommands, enter the command followed by a question mark (?), as shown in the following example:
LS100> show ?
Table A-1 provides a list of the user commands. The rest of this section lists each normal command, subcommand, parameters, and output response formats.
Command | Subcommand | Function |
Enable | (None) | Transfers from user mode to privileged mode |
?/help | (None) | Displays help information |
Show/Display | alarm | Displays alarm messages |
atmsig | Displays Q.2931 parameters | |
boot | Displays the boot parameter | |
clock | Displays the clock mode | |
count | Displays Flash memory history | |
ether | Displays the IP address of the Ethernet interface | |
Show/Display | interface | Displays line interface data |
line | Displays line interface alarm status | |
looptime | Displays the looptime mode | |
mac | Displays the MAC address | |
pvc | Displays PVC data | |
route | Displays the SVC routing table | |
scroll | Displays the number of lines displayed for one command on the console terminal | |
server | Displays the boot server IP address | |
signaling | Displays the signaling channel on all lines | |
sscop | Displays SSCOP parameters | |
status | Displays device status | |
svc | Displays SVC data | |
svcline | Displays SVC status on lines | |
time | Displays system time | |
tparam | Displays traffic control parameters | |
traffic | Displays traffic data | |
traffic type | Displays traffic data for different traffic types | |
version | Displays software and ROM version |
The enable command transfers the system from user command mode to privileged command mod, which is intended for use by operation and maintenance personnel only. The enable command requires a registered password. If the enable command is entered without a previously registered password, the system prompts you to register a new password.
The > prompt indicates operation in user mode, and the # prompt indicates operation in privileged mode.
After completing command operation in privileged mode, operations and maintenance personnel must enter the exit command to return the system to user mode to prevent system data alterations by unauthorized individuals.
LS100> enable
LS100> Input password: ********
LS100> enable
LS100> Input password: ********
The show command functions the same as the display command. These commands are interchangeable. For simplicity, this publication references the show command.
The show alarm command displays all the LightStream 100 switch alarms on the console terminal. The LightStream 100 switch saves alarm information in a database each time it detects an alarm. The system deletes alarm information from the database after the alarm is recovered.
LS100> show alarm
See the chapter "Troubleshooting" for the action to take to clear alarms.
The show atmsig command shows the Broadband signalling standard Q.2931 (formerly Q.93B) parameters.
LS100> show atmsig
Information continues to display with parameters set for lines in online status.
T398 and T399 are currently not supported. Placeholder data is displayed.
LS100#sh atmsig
Line U/N T303 T308 T309 T310 T313 T316 T317 T322 T398 T399 UNIver VPI
0 Network 4 30 90 10 4 120 60 4 4 14 3.1 0
1 Network 4 30 90 10 4 120 60 4 4 14 3.0 0
2 Network 4 30 90 10 4 120 60 4 4 14 3.0 0
3 Network 4 30 90 10 4 120 60 4 4 14 3.0 0
15 Network 4 30 90 10 4 120 60 4 4 14 3.0 0
Output Explanation:
The show boot command is displayed the boot parameter.
LS100> show boot
Output explanation:
One of the following boot modes display:
LS100> show boot
Online program stored in the Flash Memory will be loaded after reset.
The show clock command displays the clock mode.
LS100> show clock
The console terminal displays the clock mode: master or slave.
LS100> show clock
Clocking Mode: Master
The show count command displays Flash memory history.
LS100> show count
LS100> show count
Group0: 2
Group1: 101
The show ether command displays the IP address of the Ethernet interface on the LightStream 100 switch.
LS100> show ether
LS100> show ether
IP Address/Mask of Ethernet Interface:,
The show interface command displays line interface data. The user network interface (UNI)/network node interface (NNI), valid virtual path identifier (VPI), and valid virtual channel identifier (VCI) fields indicate the values set by the set interface command. Initial data is displayed for the line not yet entered by the set interface command. The physical layer field indicates the hardware attribute information on the card. The command does not display data for a line if a LINF card is not installed for the line or information cannot be read because of failure.
LS100> show interface
Line Inf_type Physical Layer Forum/ITU Vd VPI Vd VCI LBO PLCP Scramble
0 pri_UNI OC-3C(MMF) ATM Forum 4 8 Lo Direct ON
1 pri_UNI OC-3C(MMF) ATM Forum 4 8 Lo Direct ON
2 pri_UNI OC-3C(MMF) ATM Forum 4 8 Lo Direct ON
3 pri_NNI OC-3C(MMF) ITU 4 8 Lo Direct ON
15 pri_UNI UTP5 ATM Forum 4 8 Lo Direct ON
Output explanation:
LS100> show interface
Line UNI/NNI Physical Layer Forum/ITU Valid VPI Valid VCI LBO PLCP Scramble
0 0 4 0 4 8 1 1 1
1 0 4 0 4 8 1 1 1
2 0 4 0 4 8 1 1 1
3 0 4 0 4 8 1 1 1
15 0 7 0 4 8 1 1 1
The show line command displays the line interface alarm status. The command does not display data for the line if a LINF card is not installed for the line or interface data is not set by the set interface command. When the show line command is entered, the system tests the LINF card hardware to check for failures.
LS100> show line
Line 0 : (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Line 15 : (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Output explanation:
LS100> show line
Line 0 : (NA)
Line 1 : (GOOD)
Line 2 : (Loss of Signal)
Line 3 : (GOOD)
Line 4 : (NA)
Line 5 : (Blue Alarm)
Line 6 : (Loss of Cell Delineation)
Line 7 : (GOOD)
Line 8 : (GOOD)
Line 9 : (NA)
Line 10 : (Red Alarm)
Line 11 : (NA)
Line 12 : (Yellow Alarm)
Line 13 : (NA)
Line 14 : (GOOD)
Line 15 : (GOOD)
The show looptime command displays the looptime mode for all STS-3c/STM-1 line interfaces.
LS100> show looptime
LS100> show looptime
0: -
1: -
2: -
3: off
15: off
The show mac command displays the Ethernet MAC address.
LS100> show mac
LS100> show mac
The show pvc command displays PVC data. You can specify a line number, line number and VPI, or a line number and VPI and VCI. If only a line number is specified, all the connections on the specified line interface are displayed. If a line number and VPI are specified, all the connections with the specified VPI on the specified line interface are displayed.
LS100> show pvc p1 (p2 (p3))
Format explanation:
LS100> show pvc 1
Bandwidth Available (Forward/Backward/Line Rate): 155.0 / 155.0 / 155.0 Mbps
Existing connections : 0 (Uni), 0 (Bi), 0 (Multipoint), 2 (Gateway)
1 0 5 16 0 1 UBR-BE Gateway
1 0 16 16 0 2 UBR-BE Gateway
LS100#show pvc 1 0
Bandwidth Available (Forward/Backward/Line Rate): 155.0 / 155.0 / 155.0 Mbps
Existing connections : 0 (Uni), 0 (Bi), 0 (Multipoint), 2 (Gateway)
1 0 5 16 0 1 UBR-BE Gateway
1 0 16 16 0 2 UBR-BE Gateway
LS100#show pvc 1 0 16
Connection Type : Gateway
1 0 16 7 Pass 16 0 2 0 Pass
ATM Traffic : LowIncoming LowOutgoing HighIncoming HighOutgoing
0 0 0 0
UPC Violation: LowIncoming LowOutgoing HighIncoming HighOutgoing
0 0 0 0
The show route command displays the contents of the SVC routing table.
LS100> show route p1
Format explanation:
LS100#show route 1
Destination Type Primary VPI Secondary VPI
4700001408 5267858F00 00000002XX XXXXXXXXXX NSAP 1 - - -
Output explanation:
The show scroll command indicates the number of lines that are displayed for one command. The command and command responses are displayed on the same screen. When the number of displayed lines reaches 24, the screen scroll stops. Pressing the Return key restarts scrolling. The set number of display lines is in a range of 1 through 49; the default is 24. Use the scroll subcommand to change the number of display lines.
LS100> show scroll
Scroll Filter : ON
Number of line : 36
Output explanation:
The show server command displays the IP address of the boot server.
LS100> show server
LS100> show server
IP Address :
Default Router IP Address :
Rboot File Name :/dirt/LS100/LM2504/LS100.bootfiles
The show signaling command displays the default signaling channels on all line interface cards.
LS100> show signaling
LS100> show signaling
Line Number VPI VCI
0 0 5
1 0 5
2 0 5
3 0 5
15 0 5
The show sscop command displays Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol (SSCOP) parameters.
LS100> show sscop
LS100> show sscop
0 4 1 30 10 1 10 4 Yes 0
1 4 1 30 10 1 10 4 Yes 0
2 4 1 30 10 1 10 4 Yes 0
3 4 1 30 10 1 10 4 Yes 0
15 4 1 30 10 1 10 4 Yes 0
The show status command displays the device operation status. This command does not display data for a line if a LINF card is not installed or interface data has not been set by the set interface command. When the show status command is entered, the system tests the line interface card hardware to check for failures.
LS100> show status
LS100> show status
CPU :(Normal)
SwitchCore :(Normal)
Bus Interface :(Normal)
FAN :(Normal)
GWPAD :(Normal)
Line0 :(Normal)
Line1 :(Normal)
Line2 :(Normal)
Line3 :(Normal)
Line4 :(NA)
Line5 :(NA)
Line6 :(NA)
Line7 :(NA)
Line8 :(NA)
Line9 :(NA)
Line10 :(NA)
Line11 :(NA)
Line12 :(NA)
Line13 :(NA)
Line14 :(NA)
Line15 :(Normal)
Output explanation:
The show svc command displays SVC data set on the specified line.
To set and delete an SVC, see the route add privileged command, the route delete privileged command, and route flush privileged command.
LS100> show svc p1 p2 p3
Format explanation:
LS100> show svc 0 0 34
Connection Type : P-to-P
Traffic Type : UBR-BE
Throughput : -
LowLine LowVPI LowVCI HiLine HiVPI HiVCI
0 0 34 0 0 35
ATM Traffic: LowIncoming Low Outgoing HighIncoming HighOutgoing
39341 0 0 39341
UPC Violation: LowIncoming Low Outgoing HighIncoming HighOutgoing
0 0 0 210
The show svcline command displays SVC status on lines.
To change SVC status, see the set svcline privileged command.
LS100> show svcline
Output explanation:
LS100> show svcline
Line 1 : Normal
Line 2 : Suspended
Line 3 : Normal
Line 6 : Normal
Line 8 : Normal
Line 10 : Suspended
Line 12 : Normal
The show time command displays the system clock time in year-month-date and hour:minute:second format. Use the set time privileged command to change the system time.
LS100> show time
LS100> show time
94-06-07 08:47:50
The show tparam command displays traffic control parameters in the following order: best effort buffer size, guaranteed buffer size, best effort threshold, guaranteed threshold, Usage Parameter Control (UPC) window.
In best effort service, the transmission bandwidth is adjusted to the occurrence of transmission data, which allows efficient use of network resources. In guaranteed service, the transmission bandwidth is set per-virtual-path or per-virtual-channel for each device.
LS100> show tparam
LS100> show tparam
Buffer Size (x 128 Cells) Threshold (x 128 Cells) (x 512 Cell Time)
Guaranteed Best EffortGuaranteed Best Effort UPC Window Size
11 5 8 4 100
The show traffic command displays the line number and numbers of received (input) cells, transmitted (output) cells, misdelivered cells, Header Error Check (HEC) errored cells, and buffer overflow cells for each line. The contents of software-controlled, 32-bit counters are read out. (The counters can be reset with the clear tcounter command.)
LS100> show traffic p1
Format explanation:
LS100> show traffic 1
Line Number : 1
Number of Received Cells : 0
Number of Transmitted Cells : 3868
Number of Misdelivered Cells : 0
Number of HEC Errored Cells : 0
The show traffic type command displays the number of received and transmitted cells by traffic type (GS, BE).
LS100> show traffic p1 type
Format explanation:
LS100> show traffic 8 type
Line Number : 8
Received Cell Count Transmitted Cell Count
CBR-GS Traffic 0 0
VBR-GS Traffic 0 0
UBR-BE Traffic 59917 59920
The show version command displays software, boot ROM, and signaling software (SVC) version data.
LS100> show version
LS100> show version
Cisco Systems, Inc. LightStream 100
LS100 Software Version x.x(x)
Boot ROM Version xxx 22 Mar 95
ATMSIG Version x.x(x) 20 Mar 95
The LightStream 100 switch generally operates in user command mode; however, when the system and network-related data require changes, the system must change to privileged command mode. The enable command transfers the system from user command mode to privileged command mode; the exit command returns the system to user command mode. Because privileged commands are intended for use by operations personnel, the enable command requires a registered password.
Table A-2 provides a list of privileged commands. This section lists each privileged command, subcommand, parameter, and output response formats.
Command | Subcommand | Function |
Clear | tcounter | Clears all traffic counters on all line interface cards |
Delete | atmsig | Deletes Q.2931 signaling parameters |
configserver | Deletes the ATM address of the LAN Emulation server. | |
ilmi | Deletes an ILMI channel on each interface. | |
lbpoint | Deletes the termination point of the virtual path for end-to-end loopback tests. | |
pnni | Disables dynamic routing (PNNI signalling). | |
signaling | Deletes a virtual path on a particular port/line | |
sscop | Deletes SSCOP parameters for ATM signaling | |
Diagnosis | (None) | Displays diagnostic information |
Display | configserver | Displays the ATM address of the LAN emulation server. |
dynamicroute | Displays the dynamic routing table. | |
ilmi | Displays ilmi channel and timer values on each line. | |
lbpoint | Displays the termination point of the virtual path. | |
pnni | Shows the virtual channel connection that is currently set up between the gateway PAD (SAR) and the line interface for P-NNI signalling. | |
Exit | (None) | Transfers from privileged mode to user mode |
Generate | The generate command activates OAM loopback cell flow. | |
?/Help | (None) | Displays help information |
Passwd | (None) | Changes the password |
PVC | add | Adds a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) endpoint |
delete | Deletes a PVC | |
establish | Sets a PVC | |
flush | Deletes all PVP and PVC connections associated with a specified line interface | |
remove | Removes a PVC endpoint | |
Reset | (None) | Performs a soft reset from a console terminal or NMS station |
Route | add | Sets Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) routing table |
delete | Deletes an SVC routing table | |
flush | Deletes an SVC routing table | |
Save | (None) | Saves data |
Set | atmsig | Sets Q.2931 parameters for ATM signaling |
boot | Sets the boot mode | |
clock | Sets the clock mode | |
configserver | Registers the ATM address of the LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS). | |
ether | Sets the IP address of the Ethernet interface | |
ilmi | Sets up an ILMI channel on each line interface. | |
interface | Changes line parameters | |
line | Changes line interface status | |
lbpoint | Specifies the termination point of the virtual path for an end-to-end loopback test. | |
local | Sets the IP address, mask, and host name of the LightStream 100 ATM switch | |
looptime | Enables or disables looptime mode on the STS-3c/STM-1 interface | |
mib | Sets Management Information Base (MIB) II administrator and installation site names | |
Set | nms | Sets the IP address, mask, and access privilege for the Network Management System (NMS) |
nmsdelete | Deletes up to four NMS connections at once | |
nmsroute | Permits multiple NMSs to share the same VPI/VCI across a line interface | |
pnni | Enables Private-Network Node Interface (P-NNI) signalling by setting up the P-NNI virtual channel (VC) | |
scroll | Changes the number of display lines on the console terminal | |
server | Sets boot server IP address | |
Set | sigflag | Enables the signaling software flag for debugging |
signaling | Configures a virtual path on a particular port/line | |
sscop | Sets SSCOP parameters for ATM signaling | |
sscopflag | Enables or disables the SSCOP flag for debugging | |
svcline | Sets the SVC status on the line interface (suspend/resume) | |
time | Sets the system clock | |
tparam | Sets traffic control parameters | |
Show/Display | network | Displays network-related data |
softPVP | Displays soft PVC/PVP information | |
Soft | delete | Releases a PVC/PVP connection |
establish | Sets up a soft PVC connection | |
Write | erase | Erases all configuration data in Flash memory |
The clear tcounter command clears all traffic counters on all line interface cards.
LS100# clear tcounter
LS100# clear tcounter
LS100# show tr 8 type
Line Number : 8
Received Cell Count Transmitted Cell Count
CBR-GS Traffic 0 0
VBR-GS Traffic 0 0
UBR-BE Traffic 0 0
The delete atmsig command deletes the ATM signaling tunnel configured on a specified line/port.
LS100# delete atmsig p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# delete atmsig 1 0
Line = 1 :
VPI = 0 : in use
0 SVC configuration data has been deleted.
The delete configserver command deletes the ATM address of the LAN emulation server.
LS-100# delete configserver P1 P2
Format Explanation:
Model5# delete configserver 0 abcdef
Configuration server has been deleted.
Error Messages:
The delete ilmi command deletes an ILMI channel on each line interface.
LS100# delete ilmi P1 P2
Format Explanation:
LS100# delete ilmi 1 12
Ilmi path has been deleted.
Error Messages:
The delete lbpoint command deletes the termination point of the virtual path for end-to-end loopback tests. This command relates to the set lbpoint and generate commands. Refer to these commands for more details about end-to-end loopback testing.
LS100# delete lbpoint P1 P2
Format Explanation:
LS100# delete lbpoint 1 12
Loopback point has been deleted.
Error Messages:
The delete signaling command deletes a Q.2931 signaling channel within a virtual path tunnel on a specified line.
LS100# delete signaling p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# delete signaling 1 0
Signaling path has been deleted.
The delete sscop command deletes SSCOP on a configured virtual path tunnel on a specified line.
LS100# delete sscop p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# delete sscop 15
Line = 15 :
Line = 15 :
0 SVC configuration data has been deleted.
***Specified Signaling path is non-existing.
The diagnosis command displays diagnostic information, as follows.
LS100# diagnosis p1 p2
Format explanation:
The result of any diagnostics process is displayed on a console terminal or can be retrieved by entering show alarm command.
The display compareroute command shows which routing table (dynamic or static) is used to choose the next hop route for each traffic type.
LS100> display compareroute
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
LS100> display compareroute
Static Dynamic Static
Error Message:
The dispaly configserver command displays the ATM address of the LAN emulation server (LECS). The parameter P1 is optional. When ommitted, the command displays all the LECS addresses in the table.
LS-100# display configserver (P1)
Format Explanation:
P1: Index to the LECS address table (0-3)
Command Example:
LS-100# display configserver 0
Index Configuration server
Error Messages:
The display ilmi command displays ilmi channel and timer values on each line.
LS100# display ilmi (P1)
Format Explanation:
LS100# dispay ilmi
Line Number VPI VCI Timer(s)
1 12 22 120
1 13 23 10
2 1 11 200
4 12 20 300
LS100# display ilmi 1
Line Number VPI VCI Timer(s)
1 12 22 120
1 13 23 10
Error Messages:
The display lbpoint command displays the termination point of the virtual path. End-to-end loopback cells (specified using the F4 parameter in the generate command) are sent back to source.
LS100# display lbpoint (P1)
Format Explanation:
Output Explanation:
1: Line number
2: VPI
3: VCI
LS100# display lbpoint
line Number VPI VCI
1 12 40
1 12 42
2 14 44
5 12 47
LS100# display lbpoint 1
Line Number VPI VCI
1 12 40
1 12 42
Output Example:
LS100>display lbpoint
L LS100>display lbpoint 1
Line Number VPI VCI
1 12 40
1 12 42
Error Messages:
Command name is illegal.
Subcommand name is illegal.
Number of parameter is illegal.
Specified line is invalid.
The exit command transfers the system from privileged mode to user mode. To prevent the LightStream 100 system data from being altered by unauthorized individuals, be sure to return the system to user mode after completing command operation in privileged mode.
The # prompt indicates operation in the privileged mode, and the > prompt indicates operation in the user mode.
LS100# exit
LS100# exit
The generate command activates Operation and Maintenenace (OAM) loopback cell flow. Upon accepting this command, OAM cells are generated every 10 seconds.
LS100# generate P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Format explanation:
LS100# GENERATE f4 seg 1 12 8
1 F5 Line = xx VPI = xxxx VCI = xxxx ...OK
2 F5 Line = xx VPI = xxxx VCI = xxxx ...NG
3 F5 Line = xx VPI = xxxx VCI = xxxx ...OK
LS100# GENERATE f5 1 12 2 8
1 F4 seg Line = xx VPI = xxxx ...OK
2 F4 seg Line = xx VPI = xxxx ...NG
F4 seg Line = xx VPI = xxxx ...OK
If unexpected OAM cell is received, following message is displayed:
Unexpected cell has been received
Error Messages:
The passwd command changes the registered password.
LS100# passwd
Input old password: ********
Input new password: ********
Retype new password: ********
Password entry guidelines follow:
LS100# passwd
Input New Password:
Retype New Password:
Please do NOT push reset button until the "save" is complete
Error messages:
The pvc add command adds a PVC endpoint. When using this command, confirm that a broadcast connection is already set by the pvc establish command. Enter the same source parameters (line number, VPI, VCI) as those specified by the pvc establish command. Note that the traffic type (bit rate type) on the endpoint becomes the same as that specified by the pvc establish command.
LS100# pvc add p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
Format explanation:
LS100# pvc add 1 3 3 12 5 5
Connection endpoint has been added.
Modified Connection:
Low: 1, 3, 3, 1, 1
High: 1, 5, 5
High: 12, 5, 5
Error messages:
If an endpoint is added incorrectly, first remove the endpoint using the pvc remove command; then reenter the pvc add command.
The pvc delete command deletes a PVC setting.
LS100# pvc delete p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
Format explanation:
LS100# pvc delete 1 1 1 2 7 1 3 8
Bi direction Best Effort Connection has been deleted.
Low: 1, 2, 7, 1, 1
High: 1, 3, 8, 1, 1
Error message:
The pvc establish command allows the user to specify the throughput (data rate) parameters for both forward and backward directions.
LS100# pvc establish p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14
Format explanation:
Command examples:
LS100# pvc est 1 0 2 0 50 512 1 100 8 0 50 500 1 80
***Connection has been established.
Connection Type : Bi
Traffic Type : VBR-GS
Low Throughput : 100Mbps
High Throughput : 80Mbps
2 0 50 512 Discard 8 0 50 500 Discard
LS100-5# pvc est 1 2 2 3 60 66 0 0 8 3 60 66 0 0
***Connection has been established.
Connection Type : Bi
Traffic Type : UBR-BE
Low Throughput : 0Mbps
High Throughput : 0Mbps
2 3 60 66 Through 8 3 60 66 Through
The pvc flush command deletes all PVP and PVC connections associated with a specified line interface. However, the configuration data stored in flash memory is not affected by executing this command. To change the contents of flash memory, use the save command. This CLI command is executed in an interactive manner.
LS100# pvc flush p1
Format explanation:
LS100# pvc flush 15
Are you sure [Y or N] ?
delete this line
All connections on this LINF have been deleted.
The pvc remove command deletes a PVC endpoint from a point-to-multipoint connection.
LS100# pvc remove p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
Format explanation:
Connection endpoint has been removed.
Modified Connection:
Low : xx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxx, x
1 2 3 4 5
High : xx, xxxx, xxxxx
1 2 3
Output explanation:
LS100# pvc remove 1 3 3 12 5 5
Connection endpoint has been removed.
Modified Connection:
Low: 1, 3, 3, 1, 1
High: 1, 5, 5
High: 7, 5, 5
Error messages:
System soft reset from a console terminal and/or NMS station is supported. The reset command is executed in an interactive manner.
LS100# reset
LS100# reset
[OK; Y or N] ?
(If Y is entered, system reset is executed.)
The route add command is used by IISP to route signaling messages across multiple switches and even among multiple ports on a single switch.
LS100# route add p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
Format explanation:
LS100# route add xxx123456789 e.164 2 3 10 200
SVC route has been added.
Error messages:
The route add command has been extended to now include a virtual path tied to a particular port because there could be multiple virtual paths associated with a single port.
The route delete command deletes an SVC route.
LS100# route delete p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# route delete 1234567890 nsap
SVC route has been deleted.
Error messages:
The route flush command deletes the entire SVC routing table.
LS100# route flush
LS100# route flush
SVC routing table has been flushed.
The save command saves the system data set by the set commands or the nms snmp-set commands in Flash Read-Only Memory (ROM) inside the main unit. The Flash ROM can have 9000 writes. If the LightStream 100 switch is powered off or reset without executing the save command, the system deletes the set data.
LS100# save
LS100# save
Please do NOT push reset button until the "save" is complete
![]() | Caution To avoid the loss of your entered configuration data, after entering the save command and before pushing the Reset button, wait for the save process to finish. The save process can take over five minutes. |
Error messages:
The set atmsig command sets the Broadband Signaling standard Q.2931 (formerly Q.93B) parameters for ATM signaling on the specified line.
LS100# set atmsig p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13
Format explanation:
LS100# set atmsig 0 master 4 30 90 10 4 120 15 4 4 14 8
Error messages:
Note that parameters P1 and P13 should match the port number and virtual path configured by the set signaling command. Parameters P1 and P13 should also match parameters P1 and P10 specified by the set sscop command.
Parameters P2 through P12 are standard Q.2931 parameters with built-in default parameters. The default parameters are well suited for most networks. Do not change these parameters unless you have excellent working knowledge of the Q.2931 protocol and the network configuration.
Display the default values by entering the show atmsig command, which displays parameters P2 through P12. Then refer to them when configuring SVC tunnels.
The LightStream 100 switch currently supports only UNI 3.0 signaling.
The delete atmsig command deletes the configured tunnel.
The set boot command sets the boot mode.
LS100# set boot p1
Format explanation:
LS100# set boot initialize
Error messages:
The set clock command sets the clock mode to either master or slave.
LS100# set clock p1
Format explanation:
LS100# set clock 0
Operational Mode: Master
Error messages:
The set configserver command registers the ATM address of the LAN emulation configuration server (LECS). The LightStream 100 can store a maximun of four LECS addresses. The first parameter specifies the index to the LECS address table. If the specified index already has a NSAP address, this command will be rejected.
LS-100# set configserver P1 P2
Format explanation:
LS-100# set configserver 0 abcdef
Configuration server has been set.
Error Messages:
The set ether command sets the IP address of the Ethernet interface.
LS100# set ether p1 p2 p3
Format explanation:
LS100# set ether
Ethernet ip address has been set.
This command sets up an ILMI channel on each line interface.
Format :
LS100# SET ilmi P1 P2 P3 (P4)
Format explanation :
LS100# SET ilmi 1 12 20 128
LS100# SET ilmi 1 12 20
Ilmi path has been set.
Error Messages:
The set interface command changes the line interface data for the specified line interface card. Use the set interface command after the LINF card is installed.
LS100# set interface p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 (p6 p7 p8)
Format explanation:
The set lbpoint command specifies the termination point of the virtual path for an end-to-end loopback test. This command relates the generate command. Refer to the generate command for information about performing an end-to end loopback test.
LS100# set lbpoint P1 P2
Format Explanation:
LS100# set lbpoint 2 1[CR]
Loopback point has been set.
Error Messages:
The set line command changes the line interface status.
LS100# set line p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# set line 8 local
Line Interface 8 is set.
Error message:
The set local command sets the IP address, mask, and host name of the LightStream 100 switch.
LS100# set local p1 p2 p3 p4
Format explanation:
The first 13 bytes of the 20-byte ATM NSAP addressare used for the address prefix.
LS100# set local m5core cc010203040506070809101112
Local configuration data has been set.
Error messages:
Enter the show local command on the console to display the ATM address.
The set looptime command enables or disables looptime mode on the STS-3c/STM-1 interface.
LS100# set looptime p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# set looptime 3 1
Line Interface 3 has been set.
The set mib command sets Management Information Base (MIB) II sysContact (administrator) and sysLocation (installation site) names.
LS100# set mib p1 p2
Format explanation:
Spaces are permitted in the sysContact and sysLocation parameters. To include a space in the parameter, enclose the name within double quotation marks.
LS100# set mib "Someone Special" Technical_Support
MIB information has been set.
Error messages:
The set nms command sets the IP address, mask, and access privilege for the NMS.
LS100# set nms p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
Format explanation:
LS100# set nms 1 atm-public 1
NMS information has been set.
Error messages:
The set nmsdelete command deletes up to four NMS connections at once.
LS100# set nmsdelete p1
Format explanation:
LS100# set nmsdelete 1
NMS information and NMS route information has been deleted.
The set nmsroute command permits multiple network management systems (NMS) to share the same VPI/VCI across a line interface.
LS100# set nmsroute p1 p2 p3 p4
Format explanation:
LS100# set nmsroute 0 3 8 89
NMS ROUTE information has been set.
Error messages:
The set scroll command changes the number of display lines on the console terminal.
LS100# set scroll p1
Format explanation:
LS100# set scroll 24
Scroll Filter :ON
The set server command sets the boot server IP address.
LS100# set server p1 p2 p3
Format explanation:
LS100# set server
The set sigflag command enables the signaling software flag for debugging.
LS100# set sigflag p1 p2
LS100# set sigflag 00 1
The set signaling command configures a virtual path on a particular port/line. Configure multiple VPs per port by entering the set signaling command multiple times.
set signaling p1 p2
Format explanation:
The delete signaling command deletes the configured tunnel.
LS100# set signaling 1 12
Error message:
The set sscop command sets the SSCOP parameters for ATM signaling per line.
LS100# set sscop p1 p2 p3 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
Format explanation:
LS100# set sscop 0 4 1 1 10 100 25 4 yes 70
Error messages:
Note that P1 and P10 should match the port number and virtual path configured by the set signaling command.
Parameters P2 through P9 are standard SSCOP parameters with built-in default values. The default parameters are well suited for most networks. Do not change the parameters unless you have excellent knowledge of the SSCOP protocol and the network configuration.
Display the defaults by entering the show sscop command to display parameters P2 through P9. Then refer to the parameters when configuring tunnels.
The delete sscop command deletes the configured tunnel.
Format explanation:
The set sscopflag command sets SSCOP parameters for ATM signaling.
LS100# set sscopflag p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# set sscopflag 00 1
The set svcline command sets the SVC status per line.
LS100# set svcline p1 p2
Format explanation:
LS100# set svcline 10 suspend
SVC status of the Line Interface 10: Suspended
Error message:
The set time command sets the LightStream 100 system date and time in year, month, day and hour, minute, second format.
LS100# set time p1 p2
Format explanation:
Connect the year, month, and day with a hyphen (-); connect the hour, minute, and second with a colon (:).
LS100# set time 94-04-01 18:30:00
System Timer is set.
94-04-01 18:30:00
Error messages:
The set tparam command sets the following traffic control parameters:
The GS buffer depth (Nc) is 16-Nv, where 0<Nv<16, Nv>Nvt, and Nc>Nct. The default values are Nv=8, Nvt=4, and Nc=4. The UPC window size (Nw) is 0<Nw<120 (1.4 milliseconds through 168 milliseconds). The default is 120 milliseconds.
LS100# set tparam p1 p2 p3 p4
Format explanation:
LS100# set tparam 11 8 4 100
Traffic parameters are set.
Error message:
After setting traffic control parameters using the set tparam command, save the configuration using the save command. Press the Reset button to initialize the traffic parameters.
The show network command displays network-related data.
LS100# show network
LS100# show network
Local Information:
Host Name :a100
IP Address :
NetMask :
sysContact :
ATM Address:1
NMS Information:
NMS Number 0 1 2 3
IP Address :
NetMask :
Line Number: 0 0 0 0
VPI/VCI : 0/ 0 0/ 0 0/ 0 0/ 0
Output explanation:
The show softPVP command displays soft PVC/PVP information. Enter this command on either the source-border or the target-border switch, but not on an intermediate switch. Intermediate switches cannot differentiate a normal SVC from soft PVC/PVPs.
LS100# show softPVP p1
Format explanation:
LS100# show softPVP 0
Line Number : 0
Endpoint TrfType FwdMbps BkwdMbps LN VPI VCI VPI VCI Retry Calling UBR-BE - - 0 0 50 0 50 2 Calling UBR-BE - - 0 2 70 3 80 2
CallingPartyAddress AA AA
CalledPartyAddress CC01020304050607080910111204 CC01020304050607080910111204
If the calling party address is not fully specified, the system will left justify the address and fill in the remaining bytes with zeros.
Also, the fourteenth byte of the called party address is the port number (in this case, port number 4), which is the port to which the target ATM host is directly connected.
Use the show svc command to display all the SVCs associated with a particular port. The show svc command does not differentiate between regular end-to-end signaling and soft PVC/PVP connections.
The soft delete command releases a soft PVC/PVP connection.
soft delete p1 p2 p3
Format explanation:
Upon entering the soft delete command, the source-border switch sends a release message to the target-border switch to remove the soft PVC/PVP connection. Both the source-border and target-border switches tear down the VP/VC created between them and the ATM hosts.
The soft establish command sets up a soft PVC connection.
LS100# soft establish p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
Format explanation:
Output example:
Soft PVPC/PVCC has been issued.
Error message:
The write erase command completely erases the entire configuration in Flash memory.
LS100# write erase
LS100# write erase
[OK; Y or N] ?
(If Y is entered, the configuration data stored in the Flash memory
will be completely erased !)
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