
Table Of Contents

Example of an HSI Configuration File

Example of an HSI Configuration File

This appendix presents an example of an HSI configuration file.

Note The configuration file does not contain a complete list of all configurable items.



# $Id: GWmain.base.conf,v 1.6 2002/09/09 15:27:10 syousaf Exp $


# This is the base configuration file that is concatenated to

# a file derived from questions at install time, to generate the GWmain.conf

# file, which is used by the Application GWmain.




# The Logging package determines the logging level for all defined packages.

# This is a bit mask which controls the 16 debug levels


Package = Logging


OTLogging           = "ON"                         #Choice {ON, OFF}. Default: "OFF"

Application                = 0x0000

#CallControl             = 0xFF00

CallControl               = 0x0000

Connection               = 0x0000

#Connection             = 0xFF00

DataManager            = 0x0000

#Eisup                       = 0xFF00

Eisup                           = 0x0000

FaultManager             = 0x0000

Gapping                      = 0x0000

H323                            = 0x0000

Infrastructure              = 0x0000

Overload                     = 0x0000

ProcessManager         = 0x0000

Provisioning              = 0x0000

Signal                         = 0x0000

Snmp                          = 0x0000

SnmpSubagent          = 0x0000

Statistics                    = 0x0000

Trace                          = 0x0000

UserInterface             = 0x0000


# H323 Service Package


# Not modifiable at runtime (Static Provisionable Data)


Package = H323


maxTimers = 20

tickPeriod = 1000

defaultSDPt = "v=0\r\no=\r\ns=\r\nt=0 0\r\nc=IN IP4\r\nm=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 8\r\n"

overrideConfig = 0 # Set to 1 to use the override_config.val file instead of RVConfig

defaultRadLog = 0 # Set to 3(or any rad log level) to start radvision logging at startup.


# H323 RADVision SYSTEM Package


# Not modifiable at runtime (Static Provisionable Data)


Package = H323_SYS


maxCalls = 2500

maxChannels = 2




Package = Q931


responseTimeOut = 60

connectTimeOut = 180

callSignalingPort = 1720

maxCalls = 2500

#notEstablishControl =

overlappedSending =

earlyH245 =

h245Tunneling =


# H323 RADVision RAS Package


# Modifiable at runtime (Dynamic Provisionable Data) except for manualRAS


Package = RAS


responseTimeOut = 30

#manualRAS =

maxFail = 3

#allowCallsWhenNonReg =

#manualRegistration =

endpointVendor.productID = "GoldWing"

endpointVendor.t35CountryCode = 11

endpointVendor.t35Extension = 11

endpointVendor.manufacturerCode = 9

timeToLive = 600

rasPort = 0

#compare15bitRasCrv =

maxRetries = 3

maxMulticastTTL = 3

preGrantedArqUse = direct


# H245 RADVision PACKAGE


# Dynamically Provisionable except for manualOperation(s)

Package = H245


channelsTimeout = 30

#roundTripTimeout = 5

#requestCloseTimeout = 5

#requestModeTimeout = 5

#mediaLoopTimeout = 5

## MasterSlave Determination

masterSlave.terminalType = 60

masterSlave.manualOperation =

masterSlave.manualResponse =

masterSlave.timeout = 30

caps.manualOperation =

caps.timeout = 30

caps.maxAudioDelay = 60

caps.table[1].entryNo = 7111

caps.table[1].audio.g711Ulaw64k = 20

caps.table[2].entryNo = 7110

caps.table[2].audio.g711Alaw64k = 20

caps.table[3].entryNo = 728

caps.table[3].audio.g728 = 20

chan[1].name = g711Alaw64k

chan[1].audio.g711Alaw64k = 20

chan[2].name = g711Ulaw64k

chan[2].audio.g711Ulaw64k = 20

chan[3].name = g728

chan[3].audio.g728 = 20

modes[1].name = g711Alaw64k

modes[1].audio.g711Alaw64k =

modes[2].name = g711Ulaw64k

modes[2].audio.g711Ulaw64k =

#modes[3].name = g728

#modes[3].audio.g728 =





Package = CCPackage


Hash = A

Pound = A

Star = B

StopDigit = "#"

A_CC_ChargeInd = # BCI

A_CC_tEndToEndMethod =

A_CC_tLineUser =

A_CC_tLineStatus =

A_CC_MLC_Action =

A_CC_tSCCPMethod =

A_CC_Interworking =

A_CC_tEndToEndInfAvail =

A_CC_tIsdnAllTheWay =

A_CC_tEchoCancIr =

A_CC_tLineAccess =

A_CC_BNumDataNOA = # CalledPN

A_CC_BNumDataNPI =

A_CC_BNumDataINN =

A_CC_ANumDataNOA = # CallingPN

A_CC_Clir =

A_CC_ANumDataSI =

A_CC_ANumDataNPI =

A_CC_A_Cli =

A_CC_oLinecall = # CallingPC

A_CC_Location = # CauseInd

A_CC_CodeStandard =

A_CC_ProgressRestrict = # Event Info

A_CC_oIsdnPref = # FCI

A_CC_oIsdnAllTheWay =

A_CC_oEndToEndInfAvail =

A_CC_oNatInd =


A_CC_oNBit =


A_CC_oPBit =

A_CC_oEndToEndMethod =

A_CC_CollectCallInd =

A_CC_oSCCPMethod =

A_CC_GDES = # GenericDigits


A_CC_NOCI_VC = # NatureOfConnection




A_CC_TMR = # TransmissionMediumRequired

A_CC_INFO_CFN = # confusion code on INFO receipt

A_CC_GAPPEDCALLCAUSE = 60 # congestion cause for releasing on gapping

A_CC_WAIT_CONFIRM = 30 #20..30 seconds (default is 30), from q764

A_CC_WAIT_ANSWER = 180 #90..180 seconds (default is 180), from q118, refd in

# ----- Cause Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# CC: Call Control, EC: Eisup Cause, HC: H323 Cause

# For the Eisup cause code values see CISCO: EISUP Protocol Specification ENG-46168 version 19

# For the H323 cause code values see ITU-T: Q.850

# The mappings below are considered constant and not provisionable.

# They can be made provisionable by moving them from the CCPackage

# to the SYS_CONFIG_STATIC package.

# The following is the Eisup to H323 cause code map.

# When the Eisup cause on the left is received from Eisup,

# the H323 cause on right is sent to H323.

# Note: the reverse is not true, this is a one way mapping.

# The H323 to Eisup cause map is defined in further down.

CC_EC_UnallocatedNumber                     = CC_HC_UnallocatedNumber

CC_EC_NoRouteToTns                             = CC_HC_NoRouteToSpecifiedTransitNetwork

CC_EC_NoRouteToDest                            = CC_HC_NoRouteToDestination

CC_EC_SpecialInformationTone              = CC_HC_SendSpecialInformationTone

CC_EC_MisdialledTkPrefix                      = CC_HC_MisdialedTrunkPrefix

CC_EC_ChUnacceptable                           = CC_HC_ChannelUnacceptable

CC_EC_CallAwardedDeliveredEstCh      = CC_HC_CallAwardedEstablishedChannel

CC_EC_Preemption                                    = CC_HC_Preemption

CC_EC_PreemptionCctRes                        = CC_HC_PreemptionCircuitReservedForReuse

CC_EC_NormalClearing                            = CC_HC_NormalCallClearing

CC_EC_UserBusy                                       = CC_HC_UserBusy

CC_EC_NoUserResponding                      = CC_HC_NoUserresponding

CC_EC_NoAnswerAlertedUser                 = CC_HC_NoAnswerFromAlertedUser

CC_EC_SubAbscent                                  = CC_HC_SubscriberAbsent

CC_EC_CallRejected                                = CC_HC_CallRejected

CC_EC_NumberChanged                         = CC_HC_NumberChanged

CC_EC_RedirectionToNewDest              = CC_HC_RedirectionToNewDestination

CC_EC_RoutingError                               = CC_HC_ExchangeRouteError

CC_EC_NonSelectedUserClearing         = CC_HC_NonSelectedUserClearing

CC_EC_DestOutOfOrder                          = CC_HC_DestinationOutOfOrder

CC_EC_InvalidNumberFormat               = CC_HC_InvalidNumberFormat

CC_EC_FacilityRejected                        = CC_HC_FacilityRejected

CC_EC_ResponseToStatusEnquiry       = CC_HC_ResponceToStatusEnquiry

CC_EC_NormalUnspecified                    = CC_HC_NormalUnspecified

CC_EC_NoCircuitAvailable                   = CC_HC_NoCircuitChannelAvailable

CC_EC_NetworkOutOfOrder                   = CC_HC_NetworkOutOfOrder

CC_EC_PermanentFrameModeOos = CC_HC_PermanentFrameModeConnectionOutOfService

CC_EC_PermanentFrameModeOperational = CC_HC_PermanentFrameModeConnectionOperational

CC_EC_TemporaryFailure                             = CC_HC_TemporaryFailure

CC_EC_SwitchingEquipCongestion            = CC_HC_SwitchingEquipmentCongestion

CC_EC_AccessInfoDiscarded                        = CC_HC_AccessInformationDiscarded

CC_EC_ReqCircuitUnavail                           = CC_HC_RequestedCircuitChannelNotAvailable

CC_EC_PrecedenceBlocked                          = CC_HC_PrecedenceCallBlocked

CC_EC_ResourcesUnavailUnspec                = CC_HC_ResourceUnavailable

CC_EC_QualityUnavail                                 = CC_HC_QualityOfServiceNotAvailable

CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotSubscr                      = CC_HC_RequestedFacilityNotSubscribed

CC_EC_OutgoingCallsBarredInCug             = CC_HC_OutgoingCallsBaredWithinCUG

CC_EC_IncomingCallsBarredInCug             = CC_HC_IncomingCallsBaredWithinCUG

CC_EC_BearcapNotAuthorized                     = CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotAuthorized

CC_EC_BaercapNotAvail                               = CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotPresentlyAvailable

CC_EC_InconOutgoingAccAndSubClass     = CC_HC_InconsistencyAcessInfoSubscriberClass

CC_EC_ServiceOrOptionNotAvail                = CC_HC_ServiceOrOptionUnavailable

CC_EC_BearcapNotImp                                  = CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotImplemented

CC_EC_ChTypeNotImp                                  = CC_HC_ChannelTypeNotImplemented

CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotImp                            = CC_HC_RequestedFacilityNotImplemented

CC_EC_OnlyRestrictDigInfoBearer               = CC_HC_OnlyRestrictedDigitalBearerInfoCapability

CC_EC_ServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec       = CC_HC_ServiceOrOptionNotImplemented

CC_EC_InvalidCallReferenceValue              = CC_HC_InvalidCallreferenceValue

CC_EC_ChIdNotExist                                      = CC_HC_IdentifiedChannelDoesnotExist

CC_EC_SuspendExistButNotThisId              = CC_HC_ASuspendedCallExistsThisCallIdDoesNot

CC_EC_CallIdInUse                                         = CC_HC_CallIdentityInUse

CC_EC_NoCallSuspended                              = CC_HC_NoCallSuspended

CC_EC_CallIdHasBeenCleared                  = CC_HC_CallHavingTheRequestedCallIdHasBeenCleared

CC_EC_UserNotMemberOfCug                     = CC_HC_UserNotMemberOfCUG

CC_EC_IncompatibleDest                              = CC_HC_IncompatibleDestination

CC_EC_NonExistentCug                                = CC_HC_NonExistantCUG

CC_EC_InvalidTns                                          = CC_HC_InvalidTransitNetworkSelection

CC_EC_InvalidMsgUnspec                            = CC_HC_InvalidMessage

CC_EC_MandatoryElementMissing             = CC_HC_MandatoryInformationElementIsMissing

CC_EC_MsgTypeNotImp                               = CC_HC_MessageTypeNonExistantOrNotImplemented

CC_EC_MsgTypeNotImpOrWrongState = CC_HC_MessageTypeNotCompatibleWithStateOrNonExistantOrNotImplemented

CC_EC_ElemTypeNotImp = CC_HC_InformationElementParameterNonExistantOrNotImplemented

CC_EC_InvalidElemContents                       = CC_HC_InvalidInformationElementContents

CC_EC_MsgInWrongState                    = CC_HC_MessageNotCompatibleWithCallState

CC_EC_RecoveryOnTimerExpiry        = CC_HC_RecoveryOnTimerExpiry

CC_EC_ParamUnrecPassed                   = CC_HC_ParameterNonExistantOrNotImplementedPassedOn

# When the H323 cause on the left is received from H323,

# the Eisup cause on the right is sent to Eisup.

# Note: the reverse is not true, this is a one way mapping.

# The Eisup to H323 cause map is defined in above.

CC_HC_UnallocatedNumber                                             = CC_EC_UnallocatedNumber

CC_HC_NoRouteToSpecifiedTransitNetwork                = CC_EC_NoRouteToTns

CC_HC_NoRouteToDestination                                       = CC_EC_NoRouteToDest

CC_HC_SendSpecialInformationTone                             = CC_EC_SpecialInformationTone

CC_HC_MisdialedTrunkPrefix                                         = CC_EC_MisdialledTkPrefix

CC_HC_ChannelUnacceptable                                         = CC_EC_ChUnacceptable

CC_HC_CallAwardedEstablishedChannel                      = CC_EC_CallAwardedDeliveredEstCh

CC_HC_Preemption                                                           = CC_EC_Preemption

CC_HC_PreemptionCircuitReservedForReuse              = CC_EC_PreemptionCctRes

CC_HC_NormalCallClearing                                           = CC_EC_NormalClearing

CC_HC_UserBusy                                                              = CC_EC_UserBusy

CC_HC_NoUserresponding                                              = CC_EC_NoUserResponding

CC_HC_NoAnswerFromAlertedUser                               = CC_EC_NoAnswerAlertedUser

CC_HC_SubscriberAbsent                                                = CC_EC_SubAbscent

CC_HC_CallRejected                                                        = CC_EC_CallRejected

CC_HC_NumberChanged                                                 = CC_EC_NumberChanged

CC_HC_RedirectionToNewDestination                         = CC_EC_RedirectionToNewDest

CC_HC_ExchangeRouteError                                         = CC_EC_RoutingError

CC_HC_NonSelectedUserClearing                                 = CC_EC_NonSelectedUserClearing

CC_HC_DestinationOutOfOrder                                     = CC_EC_DestOutOfOrder

CC_HC_InvalidNumberFormat                                       = CC_EC_InvalidNumberFormat

CC_HC_FacilityRejected                                                = CC_EC_FacilityRejected

CC_HC_ResponceToStatusEnquiry                              = CC_EC_ResponseToStatusEnquiry

CC_HC_NormalUnspecified                                           = CC_EC_NormalUnspecified

CC_HC_NoCircuitChannelAvailable                            = CC_EC_NoCircuitAvailable

CC_HC_NetworkOutOfOrder                                          = CC_EC_NetworkOutOfOrder

CC_HC_PermanentFrameModeConnectionOutOfService = CC_EC_PermanentFrameModeOos

CC_HC_PermanentFrameModeConnectionOperational = CC_EC_PermanentFrameModeOperational

CC_HC_TemporaryFailure = CC_EC_TemporaryFailure

CC_HC_SwitchingEquipmentCongestion                        = CC_EC_SwitchingEquipCongestion

CC_HC_AccessInformationDiscarded                               = CC_EC_AccessInfoDiscarded

CC_HC_RequestedCircuitChannelNotAvailable            = CC_EC_ReqCircuitUnavail

CC_HC_PrecedenceCallBlocked                                       = CC_EC_PrecedenceBlocked

CC_HC_ResourceUnavailable                                            = CC_EC_ResourcesUnavailUnspec

CC_HC_QualityOfServiceNotAvailable                            = CC_EC_QualityUnavail

CC_HC_RequestedFacilityNotSubscribed                        = CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotSubscr

CC_HC_OutgoingCallsBaredWithinCUG                         = CC_EC_OutgoingCallsBarredInCug

CC_HC_IncomingCallsBaredWithinCUG                         = CC_EC_IncomingCallsBarredInCug

CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotAuthorized                          = CC_EC_BearcapNotAuthorized

CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotPresentlyAvailable            = CC_EC_BaercapNotAvail

CC_HC_InconsistencyAcessInfoSubscriberClass             = CC_EC_InconOutgoingAccAndSubClass

CC_HC_ServiceOrOptionUnavailable                                = CC_EC_ServiceOrOptionNotAvail

CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotImplemented                       = CC_EC_BearcapNotImp

CC_HC_ChannelTypeNotImplemented                             = CC_EC_ChTypeNotImp

CC_HC_RequestedFacilityNotImplemented                     = CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotImp

CC_HC_OnlyRestrictedDigitalBearerInfoCapability      = CC_EC_OnlyRestrictDigInfoBearer

CC_HC_ServiceOrOptionNotImplemented                       = CC_EC_ServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec

CC_HC_InvalidCallreferenceValue                                   = CC_EC_InvalidCallReferenceValue

CC_HC_IdentifiedChannelDoesnotExist                          = CC_EC_ChIdNotExist

CC_HC_ASuspendedCallExistsThisCallIdDoesNot        = CC_EC_SuspendExistButNotThisId

CC_HC_CallIdentityInUse                                                  = CC_EC_CallIdInUse

CC_HC_NoCallSuspended                                                  = CC_EC_NoCallSuspended

CC_HC_CallHavingTheRequestedCallIdHasBeenCleared = CC_EC_CallIdHasBeenCleared

CC_HC_UserNotMemberOfCUG                                        = CC_EC_UserNotMemberOfCug

CC_HC_IncompatibleDestination                                      = CC_EC_IncompatibleDest

CC_HC_NonExistantCUG                                                   = CC_EC_NonExistentCug

CC_HC_InvalidTransitNetworkSelection                          = CC_EC_InvalidTns

CC_HC_InvalidMessage                                                      = CC_EC_InvalidMsgUnspec

CC_HC_MandatoryInformationElementIsMissing           = CC_EC_MandatoryElementMissing

CC_HC_MessageTypeNonExistantOrNotImplemented   = CC_EC_MsgTypeNotImp

CC_HC_MessageTypeNotCompatibleWithStateOrNonExistantOrNotImplemented = CC_EC_MsgTypeNotImpOrWrongState

CC_HC_InformationElementParameterNonExistantOrNotImplemented = CC_EC_ElemTypeNotImp

CC_HC_InvalidInformationElementContents                  = CC_EC_InvalidElemContents

CC_HC_MessageNotCompatibleWithCallState               = CC_EC_MsgInWrongState

CC_HC_RecoveryOnTimerExpiry                                      = CC_EC_RecoveryOnTimerExpiry

CC_HC_ParameterNonExistantOrNotImplementedPassedOn = CC_EC_ParamUnrecPassed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Package = FaultManagement


FMRaiseRecoveryAction = "ON"

FMClearRecoveryAction = "ON"




# Set the gapping percentage level for each side. A level of 0 indicates no gapping

# A level of 100 indicates gap all calls (except priority calls - see treatment below)


Package = Gapping


H323level = 0

EISUPlevel = 0


# Priority treatment determines the treatment of priority calls during gapping.

# GapAlways indicates priority calls are treated as normal calls

# GapNever indicate priority calls are never to be gapped

# GapOn100PercentGapping indicates priority calls are only gapped when 100 percent

# gapping is applied.


#PriorityCallTreatment = GapOn100PercentGapping

#PriorityCallTreatment = GapNever

PriorityCallTreatment = GapAlways




# There are five trace trigger locations. Each location can hold one type of

# six trigger types as follows:


# EISUP CallingPartyNumber (E.164 address)

# EISUP CalledPartyNumber (E.164 address)

# H323 CallingPartyNumber (E.164 address)

# H323 CalledPartyNumber (E.164 address)

# H323 OriginatingIPAddress and H323 OriginatingIPMask (dotted notation)

# H323 TerminatingIPAddress and TerminatingIPMask (dotted notation)


Package = Trace


TraceOutputFilename = GWtrace.txt










































# TraceTriggerSwitch(for CLI/SNMP application)

# This gates the output of the trigger data for each location











Package = EISUP


#The period for CISCO's RUDP timer manage, in milli seconds


#The time to wait before failing over to another VSC.






Package = Application


DefaultCallProcessingStatus = "UP" #Choice {"UP", "DOWN"}

WaitBeforeCallReleaseTimer = 20 #Default is 60

RestartPendingTimer                = 20 #Default is 60

HaltPendingTimer                     = 20 #Default is 60

RebootPendingTimer               = 20 #Default is 60







# Alternate Gatekeeper

ALTERNATEGATEKEEPERIP = "" #Leave blank if you don't want to provision an alternate gatekeeper, otherwise insert IP address e.g.



# Logging


LOGDIRECTORY                      = "var/log/" #Default: "var/log/"

LOGFILENAMEPREFIX           = "platform" #Default: "platform.log"

LOGPRIO                                    = "TRACE " #Choice {DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERR, CRIT}. Default: "WARN"

LOGFILEROTATESIZE            = 10240 #Default: 10240 bytes (10Mb)

LOGFILEROTATEINTERVAL = 1440 #Default: 1440 min (24hrs)

# Overload


DISKUSAGELIMIT                                       = 98 #Default: 95% Disk Usage

OVLDSAMPLERATE                                   = 3000 #Default: 3000 msec polling rate

OVLDLEVEL1PERCENT                            = 20 #Default: 0

OVLDLEVEL1FILTER                                = "NORMAL" #Choice {"NORMAL", "ALL"}. Default: "NORMAL"

OVLDLEVEL1THRESHUPPERCPU          = 65 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL1THRESHLOWERCPU        = 60 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL1THRESHUPPERCALLS     = 1900 #Default: 1000


OVLDLEVEL2PERCENT                            = 75 #Default: 0

OVLDLEVEL2FILTER                                = "NORMAL" #Choice {"NORMAL", "ALL"}. Default: "NORMAL"

OVLDLEVEL2THRESHUPPERCPU          = 80 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL2THRESHLOWERCPU        = 70 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL2THRESHUPPERCALLS        = 2200 #Default: 1000

OVLDLEVEL2THRESHLOWERCALLS      = 2000 #Default: 1000

OVLDLEVEL3PERCENT                               = 90 #Default: 0

OVLDLEVEL3FILTER                                   = "NORMAL" #Choice {"NORMAL", "ALL"}. Default: "NORMAL"

OVLDLEVEL3THRESHUPPERCPU            = 95 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL3THRESHLOWERCPU          = 85 #Default: 100

OVLDLEVEL3THRESHUPPERCALLS       = 2400 #Default: 1000

OVLDLEVEL3THRESHLOWERCALLS     = 2300 #Default: 1000





# Call Control

# For the Eisup cause code values see CISCO: EISUP Protocol Specification ENG-46168 version 19

# For the H323 cause code values see ITU-T: Q.850

# The default cause codes, used when there is no map entry for a received cause

CC_EC_DEFAULT                                                    = CC_EC_NormalUnspecified

CC_HC_DEFAULT                                                    = CC_HC_NormalUnspecified


# Unassigned Eisup cause codes


CC_EC_AccessBarred                                              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Acknowledgement                                     = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_AddressIncomplete                                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_AnonymousCallRejection                        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistBNumberMatched                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistCliLengthInvalid                       = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistCliMatched                                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistCpcRestricted                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistNoCli                                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_BlacklistNoaRestricted                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Busy                                                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CallRejectCallGapping                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CallTerminated                                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CallTypeIncompatible                     = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CallingDroppedWhileOnHold        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CallingPartyOffHold                        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ChannelOutOfService                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Congestion                                        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CotFailure                                          = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_CugAccessBarred                              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_DteControlledNotReady                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_DteUncontrolledNotReady              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ExcessiveDigCallProceeding          = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_FacilityNotRegistered                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_FlowControlledCongestion             = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_GroupRestrictions                            = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_IncomingCallsBarred                       = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_InterceptedSubscriber                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_InterworkUnspec                              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_InvalidCallRef                                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_MesgWithUnrecElemDiscarded     = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_MessageNotUnderstood                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_MisroutedCallPortedNumber         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_NetworkAddressExtensionError     = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_NetworkTermination                       = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_NewDestination                               = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_NumberUnobtainable                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_OperatorPriorityAccess                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_OutOfCatchmentArea                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_OutgoingCallsBarred                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_PermanentIcb                                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_PortedNumber                                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_PreemptionCctUnavailable             = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Prefix0DialledInError                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Prefix1DialledInError                      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Prefix1NotDialled                                = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_PriorityForcedRelease                         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Proprietary                                            = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ProtErrThresholdExceeded                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ProtocolErrorUnspec                           = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Reject                                                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_RejectedDivertedCall                         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_RemoteProcError                                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_RepeatAttempt                                    = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_RouteOutOfService                            = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SelectiveCallBarring                         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ServiceIncompatible                          = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable      = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_ServiceUnavailable                            = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SignalNotUnderstood                        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SignalNotValid                                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SignallingSystemIncompatible = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubControlledIcb                             = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubNotFoundDle                              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubscriberCallTerminate                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubscriberIncompatible                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubscriberMoved                              = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_SubscriberOutOfService                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_TemporaryOos                                   = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_TerminalCongestion                         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Transferred                                         = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_TranslationOos                                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_UnallocatedDestNumber                  = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_UndefinedBg                                     = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_Unknown                                           = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_UnrecElemPassedOn                        = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_VacentCode                                       = CC_HC_DEFAULT

CC_EC_WhitelistCliNotMatched                 = CC_HC_DEFAULT


# T38 Fax default configuration


T38MaxVal = "MaxBit 0x90, FxMaxBuf 0xc8, FxMaxData 0x48"

T38Options = "FxFillBit 0, FxTransMMR 0, FxTransJBIG 0, FxRate Trans, FxUdpEC Red"



# EISUP Settings for GoldWing to look at EISUP Test Tool

# Point GWmain to look at the test tool HOST_PORT instead of the VSC's






Posted: Wed Feb 7 11:12:50 PST 2007
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