
Table of Contents

UCP Utilities

UCP Utilities

ActiveWeb Utilities

This section describes the ActiveWeb utilities that are required to manage and monitor the ActiveWeb Information Broker and its clients. To learn more about ActiveWeb utilities, visit their web site at the following URL:

ActiveWeb Monitor

The ActiveWeb Monitor provides dynamic tracking of all events that pass through the Information Bus. Administrators can use the ActiveWeb Monitor to discover publishers that have stalled, to learn which subscribers are running, and to view other events. Before starting the monitor, ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly.

To start the ActiveWeb Monitor, change to the directory where ActiveWeb is installed (normally /opt/active/bin) and enter the following command:

% monitor &

ActiveWeb Manager

The ActiveWeb Manager is used to administer Information Brokers, especially their client groups. Provided you have the appropriate permissions, you can use the ActiveWeb manager can administer any Information Broker on any accessible host. For UCP, the ActiveWeb Manager is used to load the events definitions file (/opt/ucp/events/eventdefs.evt) and to delete any unconnected persistent clients.

Note If you delete an existing client, the application will attempt to reconnect and it will immediately re-appear in the window.

To start the ActiveWeb Manager, change to the directory where ActiveWeb is installed (normally /opt/active/bin) and enter the following command:

% manager &
Note The events definition file can also be loaded using the ActiveWeb evtype_editor utility. However, this is only recommended for maintenance and support purposes.

dbAdapter Configuration Utility

The ActiveWeb dbAdapter Configuration utility is primarily used during UCP installation to configure the DSdbAdapter and the SMSdbAdapter. The DSdbAdapter connects to the UCP Data Store, an Oracle database. The SMSdbAdapter connects to the SMS, which may be a database of your choice (provided that it is supported by ActiveWeb). Although you can select any ActiveWeb-supported database, the provided SMS scripts and events can only be used with Oracle.

You can also use this tool to verify if the dbAdapters are running.

To start the ActiveWeb dbAdapter Configuration utility, ensure the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, change to the directory where ActiveWeb is installed (normally /opt/active/bin), and enter the following command:

% adapter_config &

dbAdapter Error Monitoring Utility

The ActiveWeb dbAdapter Error Monitoring Utility is useful for debugging errors encountered during communication between the dbAdapter and database. All errors encountered by the dbAdapter while communicating with the database are displayed in the session where the tool was started.

You might encounter dbAdapter errors in the following scenarios:

To start the ActiveWeb dbAdapter error monitoring utility, change to the directory where ActiveWeb is installed (normally /opt/active/bin) and enter the following command:

% adapter_errors hostname

Starting and Stopping the Broker

To start or stop the ActiveWeb Information Broker, enter the following command from the ActiveWeb directory (normally /opt/active/bin):

% S45broker <start | stop>

Starting and Stopping the dbAdapter

To start or stop the ActiveWeb dbAdapter, enter the following command from the ActiveWeb directory (normally /opt/active/bin):

% S50adapter <start | stop>

Miscellaneous Utilities

This section describes UCP utilities used for diagnostics, testing, and support.


Use the dbtool utility to browse and manage the Oracle-based Data Store. The dbtool utility is located in the /opt/ucp/utils directory and can be started on any machine that can connect to the Oracle database.

To start the dbtool utility, enter:

dbtool username/password@TNS_name

where username and password are the username and password used for Data Store in the Oracle database and TNS_name is the TNS name defined in the tnsnames.ora file.

The dbtool utility can do the following:

For more information, enter the help command from the dbtool utility.


Use the cdump utility to browse the contents of a cache. The cdump utility is located in the /opt/ucp/utils directory.

Note Before using the cdump utility, modify the UserTableFile parameter of the /opt/ucp/utils/config/cdump.cfg file to look at the cache file (default: /opt/ucp/config/usertable.db).

Change to the /opt/ucp/utils directory and enter the following:

./cdump [username|-l|-c]


Displays the profile of the specified user.


Lists all user and group profiles.


Displays the total number of profiles.

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