
Table of Contents

Upgrading Cisco AS5300 Voice-over-IP Feature Card VCWare
Before Upgrading VCWare
Upgrade VCWare
Related Documentation
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco Connection Online

Upgrading Cisco AS5300 Voice-over-IP Feature Card VCWare

Product Numbers: AS53-CC-VOX=, AS53-6VOX=, AS53-CC-VOX, AS53-6VOX

When Cisco upgrades the Voice-over-IP (VoIP) feature card (VFC) firmware, called VCWare, you can download the upgrade from Cisco. Use the procedures documented in this section to upgrade your Voice feature card VCWare.

Before downloading a new version of VCWare, be sure to verify that the version of VCWare is compatible with the specific release of Cisco IOS software already running on the access server. A compatibility matrix is posted on Cisco Connection Online's Software Center (see Step 2 of the "Install TFTP Application on PC" section for the URL).

Note      In certain countries, use of these products or provisions of voice telephony over the Internet may be prohibited and/or subject to laws, regulations or licenses, including requirements applicable to the use of the products under telecommunications and other laws and regulations; customer must comply with all such applicable laws in the country(ies) where customer intends to use the product.

This document includes the following sections:

Before Upgrading VCWare

This section provides example instructions for how to upgrade Voice feature card (VFC) VCWare using a PC. If you are not in a PC environment, use the procedures as general guidelines; the steps are similar.

The upgrade procedure consists of the following tasks:

Install TFTP Application on PC

This section provides instructions for installing a TFTP application on your PC to transfer the latest VCWare file. Ignore this section if:

Note      You can also use an rcp application available from independent software vendors. A number of TFTP programs are also available as shareware from public sources on the World Wide Web.

Step 1   Use the Microsoft Windows 95 Explorer, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 to create a directory labeled tftpboot on the root drive (usually C) on your hard disk.

Step 2   Open your Internet browser and go to this site:

Note The TFTP program currently at the URL noted above is provided as a courtesy of Cisco Systems and is not an officially supported product. This URL can change at any time and without notice.

Step 3   Click TFTP Server for Windows 95/Windows 98/NT 4.0.

Step 4   Follow the instructions to the Software Download page to download the software to your PC hard drive.

Step 5   Double click on the executable file and follow the screen directions.

Step 6   Go to your c:\tftpboot directory and double-click tftpsrv.exe in the Microsoft Windows 95 Explorer, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 to launch the TFTP server application.

Step 7   Set your TFTP server application root directory:

    (a). Choose Server Root Directory from the Options menu.

    (b). Double-click tftpboot in [] list box. If necessary, choose drive c from the Drives list box.

    (c). Click OK. The status bar below the menu bar displays c:\tftpboot as the TFTP server application root directory.

You must select the c:\tftpboot directory as your TFTP server application directory to perform the copy procedure. This also applies if you are using RCP on your system.

Step 8   Continue with the following section "Connect PC and Access Server."

Note      This procedure refers to the HyperTerminal application, which is included with all Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT systems. However, you can use any terminal program.

Connect PC and Access Server

Use the steps in this section to connect your PC to the access server. If you are not using a PC, skip this section, or use the procedure as a guideline.

Step 1   Use network cables to connect the PC and access server to the network, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1   Connecting PC and Access Server

Step 2   Connect your PC's COM port to the access server console port using the standard Cisco console cable, as shown in Figure 1.

Step 3   Make sure the PC, access server, and hub are all powered ON.

Step 4   Continue with the following section "Establish Console Session ."

Establish Console Session

Use the steps in this section to establish a console session from your local PC to the Cisco AS5300. You will use this session to talk to the access server. If you are not using a PC, skip this section, or use the procedure as a guideline.

Note      This procedure refers to the HyperTerminal application, which is included with all Windows 95 and Windows NT systems. However, you can use any terminal program.

Step 1   Choose Start/Programs/Accessories/HyperTerminal.

Step 2   Double-click Hypertrm.exe to display the Connection Description dialog box.

Step 3   Enter a name for your connection, for example, AS5300 and then click OK. HyperTerminal displays the Phone Number dialog box.

Step 4   Choose the COM port connecting the PC and the access server in the Connect Using list box. You have options to connect directly to one of four COM ports.

Step 5   Click OK. HyperTerminal displays the COM Properties dialog box.

Step 6   Choose the following options in the COM Properties dialog box, then click OK:

Step 7   Press Enter until the access server displays the prompt. You might be prompted to enter a login password if login is configured.

Note If the access server prompt does not appear, you might have selected the wrong COM port, the cable connections could be incorrect or bad, or the access server might not be powered on.

Step 8   Enter enable mode by entering the following command and the appropriate password:

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Enable mode provides access to privileged commands.

Step 9   Keep the HyperTerminal window open and continue with the following section, "Ping PC and Access Server."

Ping PC and Access Server

Use the steps in this section to ping the access server and the PC to verify that they are talking to each other and that there are no configuration problems on your access server. If you are not using a PC, skip this section, or use the procedure as a guideline.

Note      The PC used for the upgrade and the access server you are upgrading must have the same subnet mask.

Step 1   Choose the correct adapter connecting to the router or access server and note the PC's IP address:

    (a). On your desktop, choose Start/Run to display the Run dialog.

    (b). Enter winipcfg and then click OK to display the IP Configuration dialog box.

    (c). Choose the appropriate PC adapter connector (Ethernet or Token Ring) used for the connection to the router or access server if you have more than one adapter connector installed on your PC.

    (d). Make a note of the PC IP address, and then click OK.

Note Enter the show running-configuration command at the access server 5300# prompt to verify the router or access server has an IP address assigned. If the router or access server does not have an IP address, assign an IP address before continuing. See your router or access server documentation for details on assigning IP addresses.

Step 2   In the HyperTerminal dialog box (see the section "Establish Console Session" for details), make sure you are at the 5300# prompt.

Step 3   Enter the ping command with your PC's IP address.

5300# ping XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

The access server displays five exclamation points (!) if everything is working and it displays five dots (.) if there is a problem. If there is a problem, check the cabling between the router and the PC and check the access server configuration.

Step 4   Keep the HyperTerminal window open and continue with the following section.

Upgrade VCWare

To upgrade VCWare, you need to:

1. Identify Voice Cards

2. Replace Firmware with VCWare in VCWare Mode


Replace Firmware with VCWare in ROM Monitor Mode

See the following sections for details.

Identify Voice Cards

Use the following steps to determine which slots have voice cards installed and in what mode each voice card is running:

Step 1   Make the HyperTerminal window active.

You should see the enable mode prompt (5300#). If not, enter enable mode now (see "Establish Console Session" for details).

Step 1   Enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 2   Enter the show vfc <0-2> board command to determine which slots have voice cards.

The voice cards run in either VCWare mode or ROM Monitor mode.

5300# show vfc <0-2> board
No voice board in slot 0.
VFC board state is UP, vfc status VCWARE running(0x4)
VFC board in slot 1 with 18 dsps
No voice board in slot 2.

In the example above, only slot 1 has a voice card installed and it is running in VCWare mode.

Step 3   Note the location and the mode type for each voice card. You will need this information when you upgrade the VCWare.

Step 4   Continue with one of the following sections, "Replace Firmware with VCWare in VCWare Mode," or "Replace Firmware with VCWare in ROM Monitor Mode ."

Replace Firmware with VCWare in VCWare Mode

Use the steps that follow to download new voice software if your voice card is running in VCWare mode. When downloading from a diskette, first copy the software from the diskette to a TFTP server. After the software is on the TFTP server, begin the steps in the Configure section.

Erasing the VFC files can result in system outage or the corruption of your VFC board. Check to ensure that the correct version of software resides on your TFTP server before continuing.


Step 1   From the HyperTerminal prompt, erase the contents of VFC Flash memory in the selected voice card using the erase command.

5300# erase vfc 1

Step 2   Press y when the following prompt appears to delete the contents.

This will erase the contents of VFC Flash. Continue ?[y/n]: y
This will take some time. Please, wait...vfc

Step 3   Verify that the VFC Flash memory is empty.

5300# show vfc 1 directory
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)

The Flash memory is empty if no filename or size is listed.

Step 4   Use TFTP to download the new file to VFC Flash memory.

5300# copy tftp: vfc:

Step 5   The software displays a slot number. If the number on the screen is not the correct slot number, enter the correct number now, otherwise, press Enter.

Voice card slot number <slot ? 1>

Step 6   Enter the IP address of the machine on which the TFTP application resides.

Address or name of remote host [UNKNOWN]?

Step 7   When prompted, enter the source filename.

Source file name? vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin

Note The image name must begin with "vcw-" (all lowercase) and no other character can be in front of vcw-, so no directory path should be included at the beginning of the image name. Be absolutely certain to get the name right. If one character or space is wrong, the file will not be recognized and will not be copied over.

Step 8   At the prompt, enter the destination filename:

Destination file name [vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin]? vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin

After entering this filename you will see the following output:

Accessing file 'vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin' on
Loading vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin from (via Ethernet0):
[OK - 292972/349696 bytes]

Step 9   Reboot the voice feature card so you can add the new VCWare image into the voice card.

5300# clear vfc 1

Step 10   Press y when the following prompt appears to verify the reset function.

Do you really want to reset this card ? [y/n] y
Please, wait...
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is down.
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is reset.
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is up.

Step 11   Re-enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 12   Check to see if the VFC is back up in VCWare mode.

Note If the VFC is not in VCWare mode, repeat step 4. If this continues to fail, use the procedure in the section "Replace Firmware with VCWare in ROM Monitor Mode ."

5300# show vfc 1 board
VFC board state is UP, vfc status VCWARE running(0x4)
VFC board in slot 1 with 18 dsps

Step 13   Verify that VCWare is in the VFC Flash memory.

5300# show vfc 1 directory
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin 292972

Step 14   Unbundle the DSPWare from the VCWare and configure the default file list and the capability list.

5300# unbundle vfc 1
this will unbundle the current RUNNING image of VFC Software
and NOT the image on VFC Flash.
After unbundling, you may need to reload the Router.

Step 15   Continue by pressing y when the following prompt appears:

Do you want to continue ? [y/n]: y
Please, wait...
Slot 1. Unbundling done. You may need to reload the Router.

Step 16   Verify that the DSPWare is unbundled. The DSPWare is unbundled when files are listed.

5300# show vfc 1 directory
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz_1._0.bin 292972
2. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin 4174
3. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin 54880
4. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin 16760
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin 64418
6. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin 54756
7. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin 190
8. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin 21002

Step 17   Verify that the default file is populated.

5300# show vfc 1 default-file
Default File List for VFC in slot 1:
1. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
6. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin

Step 18   Verify that the capability list is populated.

5300# show vfc 1 cap-list
Capability List for VFC in slot 1:
1. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin

Step 19   Repeat steps 1 to 17 for each board running VCWare.

Step 20   Reboot the Cisco AS5300 access server so these changes take effect.

5300# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]


To check that you have successfully downloaded the software:

  • Run the show vfc slot_number directory command to verify that the VCWare is in the Flash memory. Only one filename should appear. If this command times out, start over with "Identify Voice Cards ."
5300# show vfc 1 dir
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin 291292
  • Run the show vfc slot_number default-file and show vfc slot_number cap-list commands to verify that the DSPWare is unbundled and the default file list and cap-list are initialized.
5300# show vfc 1 default-file
Default File List for VFC in slot 1:
1. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
6. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin
5300# show vfc 1 cap-list
Capability List for VFC in slot 1:
1. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin


If you are having trouble downloading the voice feature card software in VCWare mode, try the following:

  • Run the show vfc slot_number board command to verify that the voice feature card is back up in VCWare mode.
5300# show vfc 1 board
VFC board state is UP, vfc status VCWARE running(0x4)
VFC board in slot 1 with 18 dsps
  • Determine if the VFC ROM Monitor version you are running is 1.1 or 1.2.
5300# sh vfc 1 ver vcw
Voice Feature Card in Slot 1:
VCware Version : 1.0
ROM Monitor Version: 1.2
DSPware Version : 1.0
  • Enter the reload command to reboot the Cisco AS5300 so these changes take effect.

Replace Firmware with VCWare in ROM Monitor Mode

Use the steps that follow to download new voice software if your voice card is running in ROM Monitor mode. When downloading from a diskette, first copy the software from the diskette to a TFTP server. After the software is on the TFTP server, begin the steps in the following "Configure" section.

Erasing the VFC files can result in system outage or the corruption of your VFC board. Check to ensure that the correct version of software resides on your TFTP server before continuing.


Step 1   From the HyperTerminal prompt, erase the contents of VFC Flash memory in the selected voice card using the purge command.

5300# clear vfc 1 purge
debug vfc <slot#> start
debug vfc <slot#> cons flash erase

Step 2   Press y when the following prompt appears to continue.

This will erase the contents of VFC Flash. Continue ?[y/n]: y
This will take some time. Please, wait...vfc

Step 3   Use TFTP to download the new file to VFC Flash memory.

5300# copy tftp: vfc:

Step 4   The software displays a slot number. If the number on the screen is not the correct slot number, enter the correct number now, otherwise, press Enter.

Voice card slot number <slot ? 1>

Step 5   Enter the IP address of the machine on which the TFTP application resides.

Address or name of remote host [UNKNOWN]?

Step 6   When prompted, enter the source filename.

Source file name? vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin

Note The image name must begin with "vcw-" (all lowercase) and no other character can be in front of the "vcw-," so no directory path should be included at the beginning of the image name. Be absolutely certain to get the name right. If one character or space is wrong, the file will not be recognized and will not be copied over.

Step 7   At the prompt, enter the destination filename

Destination file name [vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin]? vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin

When this filename is entered, you will see:

Accessing file 'vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin' on
Loading vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin from (via Ethernet0):
[OK - 292972/349696 bytes]

Step 8   Reboot the voice feature card so you can add the new VCWare image onto the voice card.

5300# clear vfc 1

Step 9   Press y when the following prompt appears to verify the reset function.

Do you really want to reset this card ? [y/n] y
Please, wait...
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is down.
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is reset.
Voice Feature Card in slot 1 is up.

Step 10   Re-enter the access server enable mode (the prompt is displayed as 5300#):

5300> enable
Password: <password>

Step 11   Check to see if the VFC is back up in VCWare mode.

5300# show vfc 1 board
VFC board state is UP, vfc status VCWARE running(0x4)
VFC board in slot 1 with 18 dsps

Step 12   Verify that VCWare is in the VFC Flash memory.

5300# show vfc 1 directory
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin 292972

Step 13   Unbundle the DSPWare from the VCWare and configure the default file list and the capability list.

5300# unbundle vfc 1
this will unbundle the current RUNNING image of VFC Software
and NOT the image on VFC Flash.
After unbundling, you may need to reload the Router.

Step 14   Continue by pressing y when the following prompt appears:

Do you want to continue ? [y/n]: y
Please, wait...
Slot 1. Unbundling done. You may need to reload the Router.

Step 15   Verify that the DSPWare is unbundled. The DSPWare is unbundled when files are listed.

5300# show vfc 1 directory
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz_1._0.bin 292972
2. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin 4174
3. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin 54880
4. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin 16760
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin 64418
6. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin 54756
7. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin 190
8. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin 21002

Step 16   Verify that the default file list is populated.

5300# show vfc 1 default-file
Default File List for VFC in slot 1:
1. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
6. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin

Step 17   Verify that the capability list is populated.

5300# show vfc 1 cap-list
Capability List for VFC in slot 1:
1. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin

Step 18   Repeat steps 1 to 17 for each board running in ROM Monitor mode.

Step 19   Reboot the Cisco AS5300 access server so these changes take effect.

5300# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]


To check that you have successfully downloaded the software:

  • Run the show vfc slot_number directory command to verify that the VCWare is in the Flash memory. Only one filename should appear. If this command times out, start over with "Identify Voice Cards ."
5300# show vfc 1 dir
Files in slot 1 VFC flash:
File Name Size (Bytes)
1. vcw-vfc-mz.1.0.bin 291292
  • Run the show vfc slot_number default-file and show vfc slot_number cap-list commands to verify that the DSPWare is unbundled and the default file list and cap-list are initialized.
5300# show vfc 1 default-file
Default File List for VFC in slot 1:
1. bt1-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. cor-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
5. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
6. jbc-vfc-l.1.0.bin
5300# show vfc 1 cap-list
Capability List for VFC in slot 1:
1. fax-vfc-l.1.0.bin
2. bas-vfc-l.1.0.bin
3. cdc-g729-l.1.0.bin
4. cdc-g711-l.1.0.bin


If you are having trouble downloading the voice feature card software in ROM Monitor mode, try the following:

  • Run the show vfc slot_number board command to verify that the voice feature card is back up in VCWare mode.
5300# show vfc 1 board
VFC board state is UP, vfc status VCWARE running(0x4)
VFC board in slot 1 with 18 dsps
  • Determine if the VFC ROM version you are running is 1.1 or version 1.2.
5300# sh vfc 1 ver vcw
Voice Feature Card in Slot 1:
VCware Version : 1.0
ROM Monitor Version: 1.2
DSPware Version : 1.0

This completes the Cisco Voice over IP VCWare upgrading procedure. For more information about related documents and services, and for customer support, see the "Related Documentation" section and the "Cisco Connection Online" section.

Related Documentation

For more information, refer to the following documents:

  • Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server Hardware Configuration Guide
  • Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server Software Configuration Guide
  • Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
  • Voice Over IP for Cisco AS5300 Software Configuration Guide

New Hardware Features

Hardware features available after the release of this document are found at the following URL:

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

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Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

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Note      If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or

Posted: Sun Jan 19 11:04:38 PST 2003
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