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Table of Contents

About This Manual
Document Objectives
Document Organization
Document Conventions

About This Manual

This section discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of the Cisco Systems
M and C Chassis Hardware Installation and Maintenance publication.

Document Objectives

This publication contains the installation and maintenance procedures for the Cisco Systems
MGS and C chassis, which includes the CGS router and the CPT protocol translator. (For convenience, the CGS and CPT chassis will be referred to as the C chassis.) This publication will guide you through the initial site preparation, installation, and startup of your new chassis. After your hardware is installed, you will use the appropriate companion publications to configure your system. Descriptions of software-driven configuration commands and the procedures for implementing them are contained in the optional companion configuration guide, command summary, and getting started publications.

As you use your chassis, the maintenance chapters in this publication will help you with the general care and upkeep, as well as provide some general information on maintenance requirements. In the future, when you order additional hardware, software, and microcode upgrades, individualized documents called configuration notes will ship with each part.


Setting up and maintaining a network requires the knowledge and expertise of people with a variety of skills. In many environments, the people responsible for installing and maintaining hardware and wiring are not those who configure the software and administer the network. This publication provides information specific to installing and maintaining the MGS or C chassis. To use this publication, you should be familiar with electronic circuitry, wiring practices, and networks, and preferably have experience as an electronic or electromechanical technician.

Document Organization

The organization of this publication follows a recommended linear installation sequence; starting with Chapter 1, "Product Overview," and continuing through Chapter 3, "Installing the Chassis." Within each chapter, the differences between the MGS and C chassis will be clearly noted. The length of time it takes you to cover each chapter depends on the configuration you are installing.

This publication also includes some information that you may not need at initial installation, but that is useful when upgrading or adding components to the system. Additional reference information is included in Chapter 5 and the appendixes.

Following is a brief description of each chapter:

Document Conventions

Software and hardware documentation uses the following convention:

For example, the key combination ^D means hold down the Control key while you press the
D key.

Command descriptions use these conventions:

Examples use these conventions:

Means reader be careful. You are capable of doing something that might result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Note      Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.


Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the paragraph.


Means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and standard practices for preventing accidents.

Posted: Thu Nov 6 15:55:09 PST 2003
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