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Network Working Group Barbara B. Noble Request for Comments #423 UCLA-CCN NIC #13008 December 12, 1972 Category: BBN:hzt Updates: RFC #389 _____________________________________________________________________________ To: ARPA NETWORK USERS TOPIC: UCLA CAMPUS COMPUTING NETWORK LIAISON STAFF FOR ARPA NETWORK The ARPA Network contacts at CCN are: ------------------------------------

1. Initial Contact - User Relations Bob Bell (213) 825-7548

2. ARPA Liaison - User Services Barbara Noble (213) 825-7438


3. Network Technical Liaison Robert Braden (213) 825-7518

4. Operations Manager William Tippit (213) 825-7546

5. Operations (213) 825-7554

6. Consulting (213) 825-7452

Please make initial contact with CCN through these representatives: A. Administrative Matters and General Facility Orientation: ------------------------------------------------------- Bob Bell, Head - User Relations (213) 825-7548 Bob or Doug Cummings handles administrative matters, such as: charge number applications and funding, and will discuss your application and the facilities and services available at CCN. B. Network Technical Matters: ------------------------- Robert Braden, Manager of Programming (213) 825-7518 Bob handles problems with Network protocol and Network hardware. [Page 1]
When you are using CCN facilities: A. _Programming_problems_ (JCL, compilers, documentation) and any other problems you may have related to any aspect of using CCN; Barbara Noble (213) 825-7438 or 825-7548, or call a consultant: Consulting (213) 825-7452 Jim Adams, Head, User Services (213) 825-7529 Barbara is the focal point for all of your problems as soon as you begin using our system. She will attempt to solve your programming problems and to expedite any other matters involving your use of CCN. B. _Operations_: Schedules, special handling, etc. Operations (213) 825-7554 William Tippit, Operations Manager (213) 825-7546 [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the ] [ direction of Alex McKenzie. 1/97 ] [Page 2]

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