9.1. The Tree Structure of an XML Document
An XML document is a tree made up of nodes. Some
nodes contain one or more other nodes. There is exactly one root
node, which ultimately contains all other nodes. XPath is a language
for picking nodes and sets of nodes out of this tree. From the
perspective of XPath, there are seven kinds of nodes:
One thing to note are the constructs not included in this list: CDATA
sections, entity references, and document type declarations. XPath
operates on an XML document after all these items have been merged
into the document. For instance, XPath cannot identify the first
CDATA section in a document or tell whether a particular attribute
value was directly included in the source element start-tag or merely
defaulted from the declaration of the element in a DTD.
Consider the document in Example 9-1. This exhibits
all seven kinds of nodes. Figure 9-1 is a
of the tree
structure of this document.
Example 9-1. The example XML document used in this chapter
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="application/xml" href="people.xsl"?>
<!DOCTYPE people [
<!ATTLIST homepage xlink:type CDATA #FIXED "simple"
xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!ATTLIST person id ID #IMPLIED>
<person born="1912" died="1954" id="p342">
<!-- Did the word computer scientist exist in Turing's day? -->
<profession>computer scientist</profession>
<homepage xlink:href="http://www.turing.org.uk/"/>
<person born="1918" died="1988" id="p4567">
<hobby>Playing the bongoes</hobby>
The XPath data model has several nonobvious
features. First of all, the root
node of the tree is not the same as
the root element. The root node of the
tree contains the entire document including the root element, as well
as any comments and processing instructions that occur before the
root element start-tag or after the root element end-tag. In Example 9-1, this means the root node contains the
xml-stylesheet processing instruction, as well as
the root element people.
However, the XPath data model does not include everything in the
document. In particular, the XML declaration, the DOCTYPE
declaration, and the various parts of the DTD are
not addressable via XPath, though if the DTD
provides default values for any attributes, then those attributes are
noted by XPath. The homepage element has an
xlink:type attribute that was supplied by the DTD.
Similarly, any references to parsed entities are resolved. Entity
references, character references, and CDATA sections are not
individually identifiable, though any data they contain is
addressable. For example, XSLT cannot make all the text in CDATA
sections bold because XPath doesn't know which text
is and isn't part of a CDATA section.
Finally, xmlns and
xmlns:prefix attributes
are not considered attribute nodes, even though
that's how a non-namespace-aware parser will see
them. However, namespace nodes are attached to every element and
attribute node for which a declaration has scope. They are not only
attached to the single element where the namespace is declared.