A.2a. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (a-e)
int abs(int number)
float abs(float number)
| |
Returns the absolute value of number in
the same type (float or integer) as the argument.
double acos(double value)
| |
Returns the arc cosine of value in radians.
string addcslashes(string string, string characters)
| |
Escapes instances of characters in
string by adding a backslash before them.
You can specify ranges of characters by separating them by two
periods; for example, to escape characters between
a and q, use
"a..q". Multiple characters and ranges can be
specified in characters. The
addcslashes( ) function is the inverse of
stripcslashes( ).
string addslashes(string string)
| |
Escapes characters in string that have
special meaning in SQL database queries. Single quotes
(''), double quotes (""),
backslashes (\), and the NUL-byte
("\0") are escaped. The stripslashes(
) function is the inverse for this function.
Creates an array using the parameters as elements in the array. By
using the => operator, you can specify specific
indexes for any elements; if no indexes are given, the elements are
assigned indexes starting from 0 and incrementing by one. The
internal pointer (see current,
reset, and next) is set to the
first element.
$array = array("first", 3 => "second", "third", "fourth" => 4);
Note: array is actually a language construct, used
to denote literal arrays, but its usage is similar to that of a
function, so it's included here.
array array_count_values(array array)
| |
Returns an array whose elements' keys are the input
array's values. The value of each key is the number
of times that key appears in the input array as a value.
array array_diff(array array1, array array2[, ... array arrayN])
| |
Returns an array containing all of the values from the first array
that are not present in any of the other arrays. The keys of the
values are preserved.
array array_filter(array array, mixed callback)
| |
Creates an array containing all values from the original array for
which the given callback function returns true. If
the input array is an associative array, the keys are preserved. For
function isBig($inValue) {
return($inValue > 10);
$array = array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14);
$new_array = array_filter($array, "isBig"); // contains (11, 12, 13, 14)
array array_flip(array array)
| |
Returns an array in which the elements' keys are the
original array's values, and vice versa. If multiple
values are found, the last one encountered is retained. If any of the
values in the original array are any type except strings and
integers, array_flip( ) returns
array array_intersect(array array1, array array2[, ... array arrayN])
| |
Returns an array whose elements are those from the first array that
also exist in every other array.
array array_keys(array array[, mixed value])
| |
Returns an array containing all of the keys in the given array. If
the second parameter is provided, only keys whose values match
value are returned in the array.
array array_map(mixed callback, array array1[, ... array arrayN])
| |
Creates an array by applying the callback function referenced in the
first parameter to the remaining parameters; the callback function
should take as parameters a number of values equal to the number of
arrays passed into array_map( ). For example:
function multiply($inOne, $inTwo) {
return $inOne * $inTwo;
$first = (1, 2, 3, 4);
$second = (10, 9, 8, 7);
$array = array_map("multiply", $first, $second); // contains (10, 18, 24, 28)
array array_merge(array array1, array array2[, ... array arrayN])
| |
Returns an array created by appending the elements of every array to
the previous. If any array has a value with the same string key, the
last value encountered for the key is returned in the array; any
elements with identical numeric keys are inserted into the resulting
array array_merge_recursive(array array1, array array2[, ... array arrayN])
| |
Like array_merge( ), creates and returns an array
by appending each input array to the previous. Unlike that function,
when multiple elements have the same string key, an array containing
each value is inserted into the resulting array.
bool array_multisort(array array1[, SORT_ASC|SORT_DESC
[, array array2[, SORT_ASC|SORT_DESC
| |
Used to sort several arrays simultaneously, or to sort a
multidimensional array in one or more dimensions. The input arrays
are treated as columns in a table to be sorted by rows—the
first array is the primary sort. Any values that compare the same
according to that sort are sorted by the next input array, and so on.
The first argument is an array; following that, each argument may be
an array or one of the following order flags (the order flags are
used to change the default order of the sort):
SORT_ASC (default)
Sort in ascending order
Sort in descending order
After that, a sorting type from the following list can be specified:
SORT_REGULAR (default)
Compare items normally
Compare items numerically
Compare items as strings
The sorting flags apply only to the immediately preceding array, and
they revert to SORT_ASC and
SORT_REGULAR before each new array argument.
This function returns true if the operation was
successful and false if not.
array array_pad(array input, int size[, mixed padding])
| |
Returns a copy of the input array padded to the length specified by
size. Any new elements added to the array
have the value of the optional third value. You can add elements to
the beginning of the array by specifying a negative size—in
this case, the new size of the array is the absolute value of the
If the array already has the specified number of elements or more, no
padding takes place and an exact copy of the original array is
mixed array_pop(array stack)
| |
Removes the last value from the given array and returns it. If the
array is empty (or the argument is not an array), returns
int array_push(array array, mixed value1[, ... mixed valueN])
| |
Adds the given values to the end of the array specified in the first
argument and returns the new size of the array. Performs the same
function as calling $array[] =
$value for each of the values in the list.
mixed array_rand(array array[, int count])
| |
Picks a random element from the given array. The second, optional,
parameter can be given to specify a number of elements to pick and
return. If more than one element is returned, an array of keys is
returned, rather than the element's value.
Before you call array_rand( ), be sure to seed the
random-number generator using srand( ).
mixed array_reduce(array array, mixed callback[, int initial])
| |
Returns a value derived by iteratively calling the given callback
function with pairs of values from the array. If the third parameter
is supplied, it, along with the first element in the array, is passed
to the callback function for the initial call.
array array_reverse(array array[, bool preserve_keys])
| |
Returns an array containing the same elements as the input array, but
whose order is reversed. If the second parameter is given and is
true, the keys for the elements are preserved; if
not, the keys are lost.
mixed array_search(mixed value, array array[, bool strict])
| |
Performs a search for a value in an array, as with in_array(
). If the value is found, the key of the matching element
is returned; NULL is returned if the value is not
found. If strict is specified and is
true, a matched element is returned only when it
is of the same type and value as value.
mixed array_shift(array stack)
| |
Similar to array_pop( ), but instead of removing
and returning the last element in the array, it removes and returns
the first element in the array. If the array is empty, or if the
argument is not an array, returns NULL.
array array_slice(array array, int offset[, int length])
| |
Returns an array containing a set of elements pulled from the given
array. If offset is a positive number,
elements starting from that index onward are used; if
offset is a negative number, elements
starting that many elements from the end of the array are used. If
the third argument is provided and is a positive number, that many
elements are returned; if negative, the sequence stops that many
elements from the end of the array. If the third argument is omitted,
the sequence returned contains all elements from the offset to the
end of the array.
array array_splice(array array, int offset[, int length[, array replacement]])
| |
Selects a sequence of elements using the same rules as
array_slice( ), but instead of being returned,
those elements are either removed or, if the fourth argument is
provided, replaced with that array. An array containing the removed
(or replaced) elements is returned.
mixed array_sum(array array)
| |
Returns the sum of every element in the array. If all of the values
are integers, an integer is returned. If any of the values are
doubles, a double is returned.
array array_unique(array array)
| |
Creates and returns an array containing each element in the given
array. If any values are duplicated, the later values are ignored.
Keys from the original array are preserved.
int array_unshift(array stack, mixed value1[, ... mixed valueN])
| |
Returns a copy of the given array, with the additional arguments
added to the front of the array; the added elements are added as a
whole, so the elements as they appear in the array are in the same
order as they appear in the argument list. Returns the number of
elements in the new array.
array array_values(array array)
| |
Returns an array containing all of the values from the input array.
The keys for those values are not retained.
int array_walk(array input, string callback[, mixed user_data])
| |
Calls the named function for each element in the array. The function
is called with the element's value, key, and
optional user data as arguments. To ensure that the function works
directly on the values of the array, define the first parameter of
the function by reference.
void arsort(array array[, int flags])
| |
Sorts an array in reverse order, maintaining the keys for the array
values. The optional second parameter contains additional sorting
flags. See Chapter 5 and sort
for more information on using this function.
double asin(double value)
| |
Returns the arc sine of value in radians.
void asort(array array[, int flags])
| |
Sorts an array, maintaining the keys for the array values. The
optional second parameter contains additional sorting flags. See
Chapter 5 and sort for more
information on using this function.
int assert(string|bool assertion)
| |
If assertion is true,
generates a warning in executing the code. If
assertion is a string, assert(
) evaluates that string as PHP code.
mixed assert_options(int option[, mixed value])
| |
If value is specified, sets the assert
control option option to
value and returns the previous setting. If
value is not specified, returns the
current value of option. The following
values for option are allowed:
Enable assertions.
Have assertions generate warnings.
Have execution of the script halt on an assertion.
Disable error reporting while evaluating assertion code given to the
assert( ) function.
Call the specified user function to handle an assertion. Assertion
callbacks are called with three arguments: the file, the line, and
the expression where the assertion failed.
double atan(double value)
| |
Returns the arc tangent of value in
double atan2(double y, double x)
| |
Using the signs of both parameters to determine the quadrant the
value is in, returns the arc tangent of x
and y in radians.
string base64_decode(string data)
| |
Decodes data, which is base 64-encoded
data, into a string (which may contain binary data). For more
information on base-64 encoding, see RFC 2045.
string base64_encode(string data)
| |
Returns a base 64-encoded version of data.
MIME base-64 encoding is designed to allow binary or other 8-bit data
to survive transition through protocols that may not be 8-bit safe,
such as email messages.
string base_convert(string number, int from, int to)
| |
Converts number from one base to another.
The base the number is currently in is
from, and the base to convert to is
to. The bases to convert from and to must
be between 2 and 36. Digits in a base higher than 10 are represented
with the letters a (10) through
z (35). Up to a 32-bit number, or 2,147,483,647
decimal, can be converted.
string basename(string path[, string suffix])
| |
Returns the filename component from the full path
path. If the file's name
ends in suffix, that string is removed
from the name. For example:
$path = "/usr/local/httpd/index.html";
echo(basename($path)); // index.html
echo(basename($path, '.html')); // index
string bin2hex(string binary)
| |
Converts binary to a hexadecimal (base-16)
value. Up to a 32-bit number, or 2,147,483,647 decimal, can be
int bindec(string binary)
| |
Converts binary to a decimal value. Up to
a 32-bit number, or 2,147,483,647 decimal, can be converted.
mixed call_user_func(string function[, mixed parameter1[, ... mixed parameterN]])
| |
Calls the function given in the first parameter. Additional
parameters are used as parameters when calling the function. The
comparison to check for a matching function is case-insensitive.
Returns the value returned by the function.
mixed call_user_func_array(string function, array parameters)
| |
Similar to call_user_func( ), this function calls
the function named function with the
parameters in the array parameters. The comparison to check for a
matching function is case-insensitive. Returns the value returned by
the function.
mixed call_user_method(string function, mixed object[, mixed parameter1
[, ... mixed parameterN]])
| |
Calls the method given in the first parameter on the object in the
second parameter. Additional parameters are used as parameters when
calling the method. The comparison to check for a matching method
name is case-insensitive. Returns the value returned by the function.
mixed call_user_method_array(string function, mixed object[, array parameters])
| |
Similar to call_user_method( ), this function
calls the method named by the first parameter on the object in the
second parameter. If given, the third parameter is an array of values
used as parameters for the call to the object method. The comparison
to check for a matching method name is case-insensitive. Returns the
value returned by the function.
double ceil(double number)
| |
Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to
Sets the current working directory to
path; returns true if
the operation was successful and false if not.
bool checkdate(int month, int day, int year)
| |
Returns true if the month, date, and year as given
in the parameters are valid, and false if not. A
date is considered valid if the year falls between 1 and 32767
inclusive, the month is between 1 and 12 inclusive, and the day is
within the number of days the specified month has.
int checkdnsrr(string host[, string type])
| |
Searches DNS records for a host having the given type. Returns
true if any records are found, and
false if none are found. The host type can take
any of the following values (if no value is specified,
MX is the default):
IP address
MX (default)
Mail exchanger
Name server
Start of authority
Pointer to information
Canonical name
Any of the above
bool chgrp(string path, mixed group)
| |
Changes the group for the file path to
group; PHP must have appropriate
privileges for this function to work. Returns true
if the change was successful and false if not.
bool chmod(string path, int mode)
| |
Attempts to change the permissions of path
to mode. mode
is expected to be an octal number, such as 0755. An integer value
such as 755 or a string value such as
"u+x" will not work as expected.
Returns true if the operation was successful and
false if not.
string chop(string string[, string characters])
| |
This is an alias for ltrim( ).
bool chown(string path, mixed user)
| |
Changes ownership for the file path to the
user named user. PHP must have appropriate
privileges (generally, root for this function) for the function to
operate. Returns true if the change was successful
and false if not.
Returns a string consisting of the single ASCII character
Changes the root directory of the current process to
path. You cannot use chroot(
) to restore the root directory to /
when running PHP in a web server environment. Returns
true if the change was successful and
false if not.
string chunk_split(string string[, int size[, string postfix]])
| |
Inserts postfix into
string every
size characters and at the end of the
string; returns the resulting string. If not specified,
postfix defaults to
\r\n and size defaults
to 76. This function is most useful for encoding
data to the RPF 2045 standard. For example:
$data = "...some long data...";
$converted = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
bool class_exists(string name)
| |
Returns true if a class with the same name as the
string has been defined; if not, it returns false.
The comparison for class names is case-insensitive.
Clears the file status functions cache. The next call to any of the
file status functions will retrieve the information from the disk.
void closedir([int handle])
| |
Closes the directory stream referenced by
handle. See opendir for
more information on directory streams. If
handle is not specified, the most recently
opened directory stream is closed.
Closes the file descriptor used to write to the system logger after
an openlog( ) call; returns
array compact(mixed variable1[, ... mixed variableN])
| |
Creates an array by retrieving the values of the variables named in
the parameters. If any of the parameters are arrays, the values of
variables named in the arrays are also retrieved. The array returned
is an associative array, with the keys being the arguments provided
to the function and the values being the values of the named
variables. This function is the opposite of extract(
string convert_cyr_string(string value, string from, string to)
| |
Converts value from one Cyrillic set to
another. The from and
to parameters are single-character strings
representing the set and have the following valid values:
ISO 8859-5
a or d
int copy(string path, string destination)
| |
Copies the file at path to
destination. If the operation succeeds,
the function returns true; otherwise, it returns
Returns the cosine of value in radians.
Returns the number of elements in the value; for arrays, this is the
number of elements in the array; for any other value, this is
1. If the parameter is a variable and the variable
is not set, 0 is returned.
mixed count_chars(string string[, int mode])
| |
Returns the number of occurrences of each byte value from 0-255 in
string; mode
determines the form of the result. The possible values of
mode are:
0 (default)
Returns an associative array with each byte-value as a key and the
frequency of that byte-value as the value
Same as above, except that only byte-values with a nonzero frequency
are listed
Same as above, except that only byte-values with a frequency of zero
are listed
Returns a string containing all byte-values with a nonzero frequency
Returns a string containing all byte-values with a frequency of zero
Calculates and returns the cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC) for
string create_function(string arguments, string code)
| |
Creates an anonymous function with the given
arguments and
code; returns a generated name for the
function. Such anonymous functions (also called lambda
functions) are useful for short-term callback functions,
such as when using usort( ).
string crypt(string string[, string salt])
| |
Encrypts string using the DES encryption
algorithm seeded with the two-character salt value
salt. If salt
is not supplied, a random salt value is generated the first time
crypt( ) is called in a script; this value is used
on subsequent calls to crypt( ). Returns the
encrypted string.
mixed current(array array)
| |
Returns the value of the element to which the internal pointer is
set. The first time current( ) is called, or when
current( ) is called after
reset, the pointer is set to the first element in
the array.
string date(string format[, int timestamp])
| |
Formats a time and date according to the
format string provided in the first
parameter. If the second parameter is not specified, the current time
and date is used. The following characters are recognized in the
format string:
"am" or
"AM" or
Swatch Internet time
Day of the month as two digits, including a leading zero if
necessary; e.g., "01" through
Name of the day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation; e.g.,
Name of the month; e.g., "August"
Hour in 12-hour format; e.g., "1"
through "12"
Hour in 24-hour format; e.g., "0"
through "23"
Hour in 12-hour format, including a leading zero if necessary; e.g.,
"01" through
Hour in 24-hour format, including a leading zero if necessary; e.g.,
"00" through
Minutes, including a leading zero if necessary; e.g.,
"00" through
"1" if Daylight Savings Time;
"0" otherwise
Day of the month; e.g., "1" through
Name of the day of the week; e.g.,
"0" if the year is not a leap year;
"1" if it is
Month, including a leading zero if necessary; e.g.,
"01" through
Name of the month as a three-letter abbreviation; e.g.,
Month without leading zeros;
e.g.,"1" to
Date formatted according to RFC 822; e.g., "Thu, 21
Jun 2001 21:27:19 +0600"
Seconds, including a leading zero if necessary; e.g.,
"00" through
English ordinal suffix for the day of the month; either
"nd", or
Number of days in the month, from
"28" to
Timezone setting of the machine running PHP; e.g.,
Seconds since the Unix epoch
Numeric day of the week, starting with
"0" for Sunday
Numeric week of the year according to ISO 8601
Year with four digits; e.g., "1998"
Year with two digits; e.g., "98"
Day of the year, from "1" through
Time zone offset in seconds, from
"-43200" (far west of UTC) to
"43200" (far east of UTC)
Any characters in the format string not
matching one of the above will be kept in the resulting string as-is.
string decbin(int decimal)
| |
Converts decimal to a binary
representation of it. Up to a 32-bit number, or 2,147,483,647
decimal, can be converted.
string dechex(int decimal)
| |
Converts decimal to a hexadecimal
(base-16) representation of it. Up to a 32-bit number, or
2,147,483,647 decimal (0x7FFFFFFF hexadecimal), can be converted.
string decoct(int decimal)
| |
Converts decimal to an octal (base-8)
representation of it. Up to a 32-bit number, or 2,147,483,647 decimal
(017777777777 octal), can be converted.
void define_syslog_variables( )
| |
Initializes all variables and constants used by the syslog functions
openlog( ), syslog( ), and
closelog( ). This function should be called before
using any of the syslog functions.
double deg2rad(double number)
| |
Converts number from degrees to radians
and returns the result.
string dirname(string path)
| |
Returns the directory component of path.
This includes everything up to the filename portion (see
basename) and doesn't include the
trailing path separator.
double disk_free_space(string path)
| |
Returns the number of bytes of free space available on the disk
partition or filesystem at path.
double disk_total_space(string path)
| |
Returns the number of bytes of total space available (including both
used and free) on the disk partition or filesystem at
Dynamically loads the PHP extension given in
double doubleval(mixed value)
| |
Returns the floating-point value for
value. If value
is a nonscalar value (object or array), the function returns
Creates an array containing the keys and values of the element
currently pointed at by the array's internal
pointer. The array contains four elements: elements with the keys
0 and key from the
element contain the key of the element, and elements with the keys
1 and value contain the
value of the element.
If the internal pointer of the array points beyond the end of the
array, each( ) returns false.
void echo string string[, string string2[, string stringN ...]]
| |
Outputs the given strings. echo is a language
construct, and enclosing the parameters in parentheses is optional,
unless multiple parameters are given—in this case, you cannot
use parentheses.
Returns true if value
is either 0 or not set, and
false otherwise.
Advances the array's internal pointer to the last
element and returns the element's value.
int ereg(string pattern,string string[, array matches])
| |
Searches string for the regular expression
pattern. If given, the array
matches is filled with the subpattern
matches. Returns true if the pattern matched in
string and false if
not. See Chapter 4 for more information on using
regular expressions.
string ereg_replace(string pattern,string replace, string string)
| |
Searches for all occurrences of the regular expression
pattern in
string, replaces them with
replace, and returns the result.
int eregi(string pattern,string string[, array matches])
| |
Searches string for the regular expression
pattern (the pattern matching is
case-insensitive). If given, the array
matches is filled with the subpattern
matches. Returns true if the pattern matched in
string and false if
not. See Chapter 4 for more information on using
regular expressions. This is a case-insensitive version of
ereg( ).
string ereg_replace(string pattern, string replace, string string)
| |
Searches for all occurrences of the regular expression
pattern in
string, replaces them with
replace, and returns the result. The
pattern matching is case-insensitive. This is a case-insensitive
version of ereg_replace( ).
int error_log(string message, int type[, string destination[, string headers]])
| |
Records an error message to the web server's error
log, to an email address, or to a file. The first parameter is the
message to log. The type is one of the following:
message is sent to the PHP system log; the
message is put into the file pointed at by the
error_log configuration directive.
message is sent to the email address
destination. If specified,
headers provides optional headers to use
when creating the message (see mail for more
information on the optional headers).
Appends message to the file
int error_reporting([int level])
| |
Sets the level of errors reported by PHP to
level and returns the current level; if
level is omitted, the current level of
error reporting is returned. The following values are available for
the function:
Runtime warnings
Runtime warnings
Compile-time parse errors
Runtime notices
Errors generated internally by PHP
Warnings generated internally by PHP
Errors generated internally by the Zend scripting engine
Warnings generated internally by the Zend scripting engine
Runtime errors generated by a call to trigger_error(
Runtime warnings generated by a call to trigger_error(
All of the above options
Any number of these options can be ORed together, so that errors in
each of the levels are reported. For example, the following code
turns off user errors and warnings, performs some actions, then
restores the original level:
$level = error_reporting();
error_reporting($level & ~(E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING));
// do some stuff
string escapeshellarg(string argument)
| |
Properly escapes argument so it can be
used as a safe argument to a shell function. When directly passing
user input (such as from forms) to a shell command, you should use
this function to escape the data to ensure that the argument
isn't a security risk.
string escapeshellcmd(string command)
| |
Escapes any characters in command that
could cause a shell command to run additional commands. When directly
passing user input (such as from forms) to the exec(
) or system( ) functions, you should use
this function to escape the data to ensure that the argument
isn't a security risk.
string exec(string command[, array output[, int return]])
| |
Executes command via the shell and returns
the last line of output from the command's result.
If output is specified, it is filled with
the lines returned by the command. If
return is specified, it is set to the
return status of the command.
If you want to have the results of the command output into the PHP
page, use passthru( ).
double exp(double number)
| |
Returns e raised to the
number power.
array explode(string separator, string string[, int limit])
| |
Returns an array of substrings created by splitting
string wherever
separator is found. If supplied, a maximum
of limit substrings will be returned, with
the last substring returned containing the remainder of the string.
If separator is not found, returns the
original string.
bool extension_loaded(string name)
| |
Returns true if the named extension is loaded or
false if it is not.
int extract(array array[, int type[, string prefix]])
| |
Sets the value of variables to the values of elements from an array.
For each element in the array, the key is used to determine the
variable name to set, and that variable is set to the value of the
The second argument, if given, takes one of the following values to
determine behavior if the values in the array have the same name as
variables already existing in the local scope:
Overwrite the existing variable
Don't overwrite the existing variable (ignore the
value provided in the array)
Prefix the variable name with the string given as the third argument
Prefix all variable names with the string given as the third argument
Prefix any invalid or numeric variable names with the string given as
the third argument
The function returns the number of successfully set variables.
 |  |  | A. Function Reference |  | A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions |
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