10.11 Creating Collapsible XML Menus
NN 6, IE 5(Win)
10.11.1 Problem
You want to present a navigation menu
that looks and operates like the collapsible hierarchy shown in the
lefthand frame of many popular products (Windows Explorer, Outlook
Express, Adobe Acrobat PDF bookmarks, and so on), but the data needs
to come from an XML data source.
10.11.2 Solution
Use the XMLoutline.js library shown in Example 10-7 in the Discussion to convert a specially
formatted XML outline document to an interactive collapsible menu
like the one shown in Figure 10-4 of Recipe 10.10.
Include a simple, empty div element in the HTML
portion of your page where the outline is to appear:
<div id="content"></div>
In the body, assign the menu initialization function,
), to the onload
event handler, specifying the filename of the XML file:
Also include at the bottom of the page an
<object> tag that tries to load the relevant
ActiveX control in Internet Explorer for Windows before
it's needed in the script code:
<!-- Try to load Msxml.DOMDocument ActiveX to assist support verification -->
<object id="msxml" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"
classid="CLSID:2933BF90-7B36-11d2-B20E-00C04F983E60" ></object>
Other pieces that you need to provide or customize, as described in
the Discussion, are the following:
The OPML source for the data
Images for the outline graphics
Script global variable values for precached images and outline item
link target
Style sheet rule dimensions to match your image designs and font
This recipe works with Internet Explorer 5 or later for Windows and
Netscape 6 or later.
10.11.3 Discussion
The recipe shown here is similar to the JavaScript data-based
solution shown in Recipe 10.10. The difference is that the data is
formatted in outline-flavored XML: OPML
(Outline Processing Markup Language) designed by
Userland's outline (and other things) guru Dave
Winer (http://www.opml.org).
Thus, while all of the toggling and state-switching code is identical
to Recipe 10.10, the loading of the external OPML file and creation
of the outline is different. For the sake of completeness and
context, however, we treat this recipe separately.
Participating in this recipe are a few style sheet rules that control
the appearance and layout of elements that scripts create on the fly.
You may include them in the HTML page or import them:
<style type="text/css">
.row {vertical-align:middle; font-size:12px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif}
.OLBlock {display:none}
img.widgetArt {vertical-align:text-top}
The XMLoutline.js library is shown in Example 10-7. Because all of the data for the outline comes
from a separate file, this library consists entirely of interactive
Example 10-7. The XMLoutline.js library
Global Variables
// precache art files and sizes for widget styles and spacers
// (all images must have same height/width)
var collapsedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var collapsedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
var collapsedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var nodeWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var nodeWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var emptySpace = new Image(20, 16);
var chainSpace = new Image(20, 16);
// miscellaneous globals
var widgetWidth = "20";
var widgetHeight = "16";
var currState = "";
var displayTarget = "contentFrame";
// XML document object
var xDoc;
Toggle Display and Icons
// invert item state (expanded to/from collapsed)
function swapState(currState, currVal, n) {
var newState = currState.substring(0,n);
newState += currVal ^ 1 // Bitwise XOR item n;
newState += currState.substring(n+1,currState.length);
return newState;
// retrieve matching version of 'minus' images
function getExpandedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetEnd.src;
return expandedWidget.src;
// retrieve matching version of 'plus' images
function getCollapsedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetEnd.src;
return collapsedWidget.src;
// toggle an outline mother entry, storing new state value;
// invoked by onclick event handlers of widget image elements
function toggle(img, blockNum) {
var newString = "";
var expanded, n;
// modify state string based on parameters from IMG
expanded = currState.charAt(blockNum);
currState = swapState(currState, expanded, blockNum);
// dynamically change display style
if (expanded = = "0") {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "block";
img.src = getExpandedWidgetState(img.src);
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "none";
img.src = getCollapsedWidgetState(img.src);
function expandAll( ) {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "1";
currState = newState;
initExpand( );
function collapseAll( ) {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "0";
currState = newState;
initExpand( );
Outline HTML Generation
// apply default expansion state from outline's header
// info to the expanded state for one element to help
// initialize currState variable
function calcBlockState(n) {
var ol = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var outlineLen = ol.getElementsByTagName("outline").length;
// get OPML expansionState data
var expandElem = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("expansionState")[0];
var expandedData = (expandElem.childNodes.length) ?
expandElem.firstChild.nodeValue.split(",") : null;
if (expandedData) {
for (var j = 0; j < expandedData.length; j++) {
if (n = = expandedData[j] - 1) {
return "1";
return "0";
// counters for reflexive calls to drawOutline( )
var currID = 0;
var blockID = 0;
// generate HTML for outline
function drawOutline(ol, prefix) {
var output = "";
var nestCount, link, nestPrefix, lastInnerNode;
ol = (ol) ? ol : xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
prefix = (prefix) ? prefix : "";
if (ol.childNodes[ol.childNodes.length - 1].nodeType = = 3) {
ol.removeChild(ol.childNodes[ol.childNodes.length - 1]);
for (var i = 0; i < ol.childNodes.length ; i++) {
if (ol.childNodes[i].nodeType = = 3) {
if (ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length > 0 &&
ol.childNodes[i].childNodes[ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length - 1].nodeType
childNodes[i].childNodes.length - 1].nodeType = = 3) {
ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length - 1]);
nestCount = ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length;
output += "<div class='OLRow' id='line" + currID++ + "'>\n";
if (nestCount > 0) {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" +
((i= = ol.childNodes.length-1) ? collapsedWidgetEnd.src : (blockID= =0) ?
collapsedWidgetStart.src : collapsedWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth;
output += " title='Click to expand/collapse nested items.' onClick= " +
"'toggle(this," + blockID + ")'>";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri")) ?
ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri") : "";
if (link) {
output += " <a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>" ;
} else {
output += " <a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output += "<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'> " +
ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("text") + "</span></a>";
currState += calcBlockState(currID-1);
output += "<span class='OLBlock' blocknum='" + blockID + "' id='OLBlock" +
blockID++ + "'>";
nestPrefix = prefix;
nestPrefix += (i = = ol.childNodes.length - 1) ?
"<img src='" + emptySpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight +
" width=" + widgetWidth + ">" :
"<img src='" + chainSpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight +
" width=" + widgetWidth + ">"
output += drawOutline(ol.childNodes[i], nestPrefix);
output += "</span></div>\n";
} else {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" +
((i = = ol.childNodes.length - 1) ? nodeWidgetEnd.src : nodeWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth + ">";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri")) ?
ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri") : "";
if (link) {
output += " <a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>";
} else {
output += " <a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output +="<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'>" +
ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("text") + "</span></a>";
output += "</div>\n";
return output;
Outline Initializations
// expand items set in expansionState OPML tag, if any
function initExpand( ) {
for (var i = 0; i < currState.length; i++) {
if (currState.charAt(i) = = 1) {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "none";
function finishInit( ) {
// get outline body elements for iteration and conversion to HTML
var ol = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
// wrap whole outline HTML in a span
var olHTML = "<span id='renderedOL'>" + drawOutline(ol) + "</span>";
// throw HTML into 'content' div for display
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = olHTML;
initExpand( );
function continueLoad(xFile) {
// IE needs this delay to let loading complete before reading its content
setTimeout("finishInit( )", 300);
// verify that browser supports XML features and load external .xml file
function loadXMLDoc(xFile) {
if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
// this is the W3C DOM way, supported so far only in NN6
xDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "theXdoc", null);
} else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined") {
// make sure real object is supported (sorry, IE5/Mac)
if (document.getElementById("msxml").async) {
xDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml.DOMDocument");
if (xDoc && typeof xDoc.load != "undefined") {
// Netscape 6+ needs this delay for loading; start two-stage sequence
setTimeout("continueLoad('" + xFile + "')", 50);
} else {
var reply = confirm("This example requires a browser with XML support, such as " +
"IE5+/Windows or Netscape 6+.\n \nGo back to previous page?");
if (reply) {
history.back( );
// initialize first time -- invoked onload
function initXMLOutline(xFile) {
The script begins by defining and precaching the small images that
become components of the finished outline display (called
widgets in this example). Images created for
this solution are shown in Figure 10-5 with Recipe 10.10. All images are the same size. Each image object is assigned to
a global variable, as are some other default values, including
which holds a reference to the hidden XML document.
The section marked "Toggle Display and
Icons" includes functions that control the change of
state between expanded and collapsed. A pair of functions named
) and getCollapsedWidgetState(
) (both invoked by the toggle(
) function) retrieve one of three expanded or collapsed
images depending on the name (specifically, a portion of the name) of
the current widget image. The swapState(
) helper function (also invoked from
toggle( )) performs binary arithmetic on the value
of the currState variable to change a specific
character from zero to one or vice versa (these characters represent
the state of each branch node).
At the center of user interaction is the toggle(
) function, which is activated by
onclick event handlers assigned to the each
clickable widget. Because the event handlers are assigned while a
script builds the outline, they can include parameters that indicate
which item is being clicked. Thus, toggle( )
receives the widget's current image URL (used to
determine which image should take its place) and a numeric ID
associated with the span containing nested items.
Although the function is small, it uses some helper functions —
notably swapState( ), getExpandedWidget(
), and getCollapsedWidget( ) — to
do the job. The two basic tasks of this function are to change the
clicked widget image and display style sheet
setting of the element containing nested items below it.
Two more functions, expandAll(
) and collapseAll( ),
stand ready to fully expand and collapse the entire outline, if your
user interface design provides user control of that feature.
The next-to-last block of code devotes itself to the creation of the
HTML for the outline menu content. One helper function,
), is invoked repeatedly during the HTML
construction, and looks to see if the particular line number of the
outline is supposed to be expanded by default. The data for these
settings consists of a comma-delimited list of line numbers for
expanded items (read from the expansionState tag
of the OPML data).
Assembly of the outline's HTML in the
drawOutline( ) function iterates through the node
tree of the xDoc object (described later). But a
major part of that iteration entails recursive calls to the same
drawOutline( ) function to build the nested items.
Therefore, a pair of counting variables (used to compose unique IDs
for elements) are declared in the global space as
currID and blockID.
Now we reach the drawOutline( ) function, which
accumulates the HTML for the rendered outline. The content is
assembled just once, while all subsequent adjustments to the expanded
or collapsed states get controlled by style sheet settings. Layout of
the various widget images is governed by the structure of the
xDoc element hierarchy. Among the more complex
tasks that the drawOutline( ) recursive code needs
to keep track of is whether an image column position requires a
vertical line to signify a later connection with an earlier item or
just a blank space. The regularity of all widget image sizes lets the
script build the widget image parts of each line as if the images
were mosaic tiles.
The final code block performs all initializations. First is a
function (initExpand( )) that iterates through the
currState variable to establish the
expand/collapse state of each nested block. This function is invoked
not only by the following finishInit( ) function,
but also by the expandAll( ) and
collapseAll( ) function.
A three-stage sequence of functions (cascaded through
setTimeout( ) to accommodate different timing
issues in IE and NN) loads the external XML document and triggers the
drawOutline( ) function. The sequence consists of
three functions: loadXMLDoc(
), continueLoad( ),
and finishInit( ). In the source code, the
functions are defined in reverse order in which they execute. The
execution sequence begins with validating that the browser supports
reading external XML documents (via the IE/Windows and
Mozilla/Netscape techniques). If validation succeeds, the document is
loaded into the variable xDoc. Finally, the body
portion of the OPML document is read from the hidden XML document,
and passed to drawOutline( ) to generate the
outline's HTML.
The main initXMLOutline(
) function, which is invoked by the
onload event handler, simply gets the ball
rolling, and is provided in the code to create a space for any other
initializations that the page may include. Importantly, the URL of
the OPML file is passed as a parameter to the
initXMLOutline( ) function, although it could be
applied at any point convenient to your code.
is an extensible format for outline data. An OPML document is divided
into two blocks, head and body.
The body element contains all of the items that
belong to the outline. Each item is called an
outline element. Hierarchy (nesting) of outline
items is determined entirely by the nesting of outline elements. You
may add whatever attributes you like to an outline
element and still conform to the format (provided the attribute/value
syntax is well-formed XML). An excerpt of the OPML document that
produces an outline like the one shown in Figure 10-4 (but with truncated URLs for space reasons)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<opml version="1.0">
<title>HTML Sections Outline</title>
<dateCreated>Mon, 10 Sep 2002 03:40:00 GMT</dateCreated>
<dateModified>Fri, 22 Sep 2002 19:35:00 GMT</dateModified>
<ownerName>Danny Goodman</ownerName>
<outline text="Forms">
<outline text="Introduction" uri="http://w3.org/.../forms.html#h-17.1"/>
<outline text="Controls" uri="http://w3.org/.../forms.html#h-17.2">
<outline text="Control Types"
<outline text="FORM Element" uri="http://w3.org/.../forms.html#h-17.3"/>
<outline text="INPUT Element" uri="http://w3.org/.../forms.html#h-17.4">
<outline text="INPUT Control Types"
<outline text="Examples"
<outline text="Scripts">
<outline text="Introduction"
<outline text="Designing Documents for Scripts"
<outline text="SCRIPT Element"
<outline text="Specifying the Scripting Language"
<outline text="Default Language"
<outline text="Local Language Declaration"
<outline text="References to HTML Elements"
Notice in the OPML document's structure that branch
nodes contain other outline elements between their
start and end tags, while leaf nodes contain no other
outline elements.
If you issue the OPML content from a document on the server with an
.opml extension, be sure that your server
configuration maps that extension to the content type of
text/xml. Similarly, any server-published content
in this format should also be sent with a content type header of
You cannot simply load an XML document into an Internet Explorer
browser window or frame and expect to access the
document's element hierarchy. IE has built-in
processing that converts the raw XML into pretty-printed (displayed)
HTML. In the process, the document's object model
becomes an HTML document, cluttered with all kinds of formatting
To facilitate the loading and reading of raw XML data, IE- and
Mozilla-based browsers provide separate virtual documents, which are
not rendered for viewing and, more importantly, maintain the document
hierarchy of the raw XML. The IE mechanism is an ActiveX control
(Msxml.DOMDocument) that resides in Windows
desktop systems starting with IE 5 (but is not available in IE
5.x for the Mac). On the Mozilla side, the W3C
DOM standard provides an object and method for creating this kind of
virtual document (via
document.implementation.createDocument( )). For a
symmetrical cross-browser approach to loading external XML content in
the loadXMLDoc( ) function, an
<object> tag in the HTML loads an instance
of the IE ActiveX control. If the loading is successful, the IE
branch of loadXMLDoc( ) is able to proceed with
its creation of the document container used by the rest of the
Once the DOM-specific virtual XML documents (empty at this stage) are
created, the script invokes the load( ) method,
which, fortunately, exists for both objects (although not specified
for the W3C DOM Level 2), takes the same parameters, and does the
same job on both platforms. To prevent IE from pre-processing
subsequent script statements ahead of the loading, a
setTimeout( ) forces a delay prior to the scripts
diving into the content of the virtual XML document.
Parsing the XML document hierarchy (in the drawOutline(
) function) takes advantage of the regularity of the
body element of an OPML document. One nuisance
arises, however, in Mozilla-based browsers. If the OPML document is
transmitted with carriage returns between lines, these are treated as
text nodes in the hierarchy. Thus, in the drawOutline(
) code, you see a couple of instances where
for loop execution is modified slightly when a
node of type 3 is encountered. We're interested only
in element nodes (nodeType of 1) because they
contain attributes with the text and link URIs. The rest of the
function operates with the same recursive calls to build nested lines
of the outline as in Recipe 10.10.
Because attributes for OPML outline elements are extensible, you can
add whatever information your outline needs for your version. This
includes information about images (URIs, alternate text, and so on)
if you prefer to use images rather than text as entries. Also,
don't forget to look into the OPML elements in the
head as sources of data that may be useful to render for the user,
such as dates, title, and initial expansion state other than fully
expanded or collapsed.
10.11.4 See Also
Recipe 1.1 for building large strings from smaller segments; Recipe
4.5 for other uses of setTimeout( ); Recipe 10.10
for a comparable navigation outliner using a JavaScript data source;
Recipe 12.1 for precaching images; Recipe 12.7 for hiding and showing