10.10 Creating Expandable Menus
NN 6, IE 5
10.10.1 Problem
You want to present a navigation menu
that looks and operates like the expandable/collapsible hierarchy
shown in the lefthand frame of many popular products (Windows
Explorer, Outlook Express, Adobe Acrobat PDF bookmarks, and so on).
10.10.2 Solution
Use the expandableMenu.js library shown in Example 10-6 in the Discussion to populate an HTML
container on your page with a collapsible menu like the one shown in
Figure 10-4. A simple, empty div
element is all you need in the HTML portion of the solution:
<div id="content"></div>
In the body, assign the menu initialization function,
initExpMenu( ), to the onload
event handler:
onload="initExpMenu( )"
Other pieces that you need to provide or customize, as described in
the Discussion, are the following:
Images for the outline graphics
Script global variable values for precached images and outline item
link target
Outline data assigned to the olData object
A pre-expansion state (optional)
Style sheet rule dimensions to match your image designs and font
This recipe works with Internet Explorer 5 or later and Netscape 6 or
later. It does not operate as-is in Opera, but see the Discussion
section for more information.
10.10.3 Discussion
Participating in this recipe are a few style sheet rules that control
the appearance and layout of elements that scripts create on the fly.
You may include them in the HTML page or import them:
<style type="text/css">
.row {vertical-align:middle; font-size:12px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif}
.OLBlock {display:none}
img.widgetArt {vertical-align:text-top}
The expandableMenu.js library is shown in Example 10-6. It is a fairly large library divided into
several labeled sections. The version shown here contains an
abbreviated set of sample data for a menu that displays portions of
the W3C HTML 4.01 specification.
Example 10-6. The expandableMenu.js library
Global Variables
// precache art files and sizes for widget styles and spacers
// (all images must have same height/width)
var collapsedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var collapsedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
var collapsedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
var expandedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var nodeWidget = new Image(20, 16);
var nodeWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
var emptySpace = new Image(20, 16);
var chainSpace = new Image(20, 16);
// miscellaneous globals
var widgetWidth = "20";
var widgetHeight = "16";
var currState = "";
var displayTarget = "contentFrame";
Data Collections
var expansionState = "";
// constructor for outline item objects
function outlineItem(text, uri) {
this.text = text;
this.uri = uri;
var olData = {childNodes:
[{item:new outlineItem("Forms"),
[{item:new outlineItem("Introduction",
{item:new outlineItem("INPUT Element",
[{item:new outlineItem("INPUT Control Types",
{item:new outlineItem("Examples",
{item:new outlineItem("Scripts"),
[{item:new outlineItem("Introduction",
{item:new outlineItem("Designing Documents for Scripts",
[{item:new outlineItem("SCRIPT Element",
{item:new outlineItem("Specifying the Scripting Language",
[{item:new outlineItem("Default Language",
{item:new outlineItem("Local Language Declaration",
{item:new outlineItem("References to HTML Elements",
Toggle Display and Icons
// invert item state (expanded to/from collapsed)
function swapState(currState, currVal, n) {
var newState = currState.substring(0,n);
newState += currVal ^ 1 // Bitwise XOR item n;
newState += currState.substring(n+1,currState.length);
return newState;
// retrieve matching version of 'minus' images
function getExpandedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetEnd.src;
return expandedWidget.src;
// retrieve matching version of 'plus' images
function getCollapsedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetEnd.src;
return collapsedWidget.src;
// toggle an outline mother entry, storing new state value;
// invoked by onclick event handlers of widget image elements
function toggle(img, blockNum) {
var newString = "";
var expanded, n;
// modify state string based on parameters from IMG
expanded = currState.charAt(blockNum);
currState = swapState(currState, expanded, blockNum);
// dynamically change display style
if (expanded = = "0") {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "block";
img.src = getExpandedWidgetState(img.src);
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "none";
img.src = getCollapsedWidgetState(img.src);
function expandAll( ) {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "1";
currState = newState;
initExpand( );
function collapseAll( ) {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "0";
currState = newState;
initExpand( );
Outline HTML Generation
// apply default expansion state from outline's header
// info to the expanded state for one element to help
// initialize currState variable
function calcBlockState(n) {
// get default expansionState data
var expandedData = (expansionState.length > 0) ? expansionState.split(",") : null;
if (expandedData) {
for (var j = 0; j < expandedData.length; j++) {
if (n = = expandedData[j] - 1) {
return "1";
return "0";
// counters for reflexive calls to drawOutline( )
var currID = 0;
var blockID = 0;
// generate HTML for outline
function drawOutline(ol, prefix) {
var output = "";
var nestCount, link, nestPrefix, lastInnerNode;
prefix = (prefix) ? prefix : "";
for (var i = 0; i < ol.childNodes.length ; i++) {
nestCount =(ol.childNodes[i].childNodes) ? ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length : 0;
output += "<div class='OLRow' id='line" + currID++ + "'>\n";
if (nestCount > 0) {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" +
((i = = ol.childNodes.length-1 && blockID != 0) ? collapsedWidgetEnd.src :
(blockID = = 0) ? collapsedWidgetStart.src : collapsedWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth;
output += " title='Click to expand/collapse nested items.' onClick = " +
"'toggle(this," + blockID + ")'> ";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].item.uri) ? ol.childNodes[i].item.uri : "";
if (link) {
output += "<a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>" ;
} else {
output += "<a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output += "<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'>" +
ol.childNodes[i].item.text + "</span></a>";
currState += calcBlockState(currID-1);
output += "<span class='OLBlock' blocknum='" + blockID + "' id='OLBlock" +
blockID++ + "'>";
nestPrefix = prefix;
nestPrefix += (i = = ol.childNodes.length - 1) ?
"<img src='" + emptySpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight +
" width=" + widgetWidth + ">" :
"<img src='" + chainSpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight +
" width=" + widgetWidth + ">"
output += drawOutline(ol.childNodes[i], nestPrefix);
output += "</span></div>\n";
} else {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" +
((i = = ol.childNodes.length - 1) ? nodeWidgetEnd.src : nodeWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth + ">";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].item.uri) ? ol.childNodes[i].item.uri : "";
if (link) {
output += " <a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>";
} else {
output += " <a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output += "<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'>" +
ol.childNodes[i].item.text + "</span></a>";
output += "</div>\n";
return output;
Outline Initializations
// expand items set in expansionState var, if any
function initExpand( ) {
for (var i = 0; i < currState.length; i++) {
if (currState.charAt(i) = = 1) {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "none";
// initialize first time -- invoked onload
function initExpMenu(xFile) {
// wrap whole outline HTML in a span
var olHTML = "<span id='renderedOL'>" + drawOutline(olData) + "</span>";
// throw HTML into 'content' div for display
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = olHTML;
initExpand( );
This script begins by defining and precaching the small images that
become components of the finished outline display (called
widgets in this example). Images created for
this solution are shown in Figure 10-5. All images
are the same size.
Each image object is assigned to a global variable, as are some other
default values that get used repeatedly during outline assembly and
user interaction. The currState variable, for
example, preserves a representation of the expanded and collapsed
state of various items in the outline.
The next code block contains the outline data and some supporting
values. One global variable,
expansionState, contains a list of line
numbers (each entry of the outline is in its own line) of those
entries that are to be displayed in their expanded state when first
displayed. If only the top-level items are to be visible (i.e., the
menus are fully collapsed), assign an empty string to this variable.
The outlineItem( ) constructor function is
invoked repeatedly when the custom JavaScript object code executes
during page loading. Each outline entry has displayable text and an
optional link URL.
Next is the definition of the object (named
olData) containing the outline data. For this
recipe, I chose a structure that ultimately simulates the kind of
node structure that an XML data source provides. Thus, a sequence of
nested objects and arrays define the outline. Only a portion of the
example outline (links to sections of the W3C HTML 4.01
recommendation) is shown here. I'll have more to say
about the formatting later.
The section marked "Toggle Display and
Icons" includes functions that control the change of
state between expanded and collapsed. A pair of functions named
) and
getCollapsedWidgetState( ) (both invoked by the
toggle( ) function discussed later), retrieve one
of three expanded or collapsed images depending on the name
(specifically, a portion of the name) of the current widget image.
The swapState( ) helper function (also invoked
from toggle( )) performs binary arithmetic on the
value of the currState variable to change a
specific character from zero to one or vice versa (these characters
represent the state of each branch node).
At the center of user interaction is the toggle(
) function, which is activated by
onclick event handlers assigned to the each
clickable widget. Because the event handlers are assigned while a
script builds the outline, the event handlers can include parameters
that indicate which item is being clicked. Thus, toggle(
) receives the widget's current image URL
(used to determine which image should take its place) and a numeric
ID associated with the span containing nested
items. Although the function is small, it uses some helper functions
to do the job. The two basic tasks of this function are to change the
clicked widget image and display style sheet
setting of the element containing nested items below it.
Two more functions, expandAll(
) and collapseAll( ),
stand ready to fully expand and collapse the entire outline, if your
user interface design provides user control of that feature.
The next-to-last block of code devotes itself to the creation of the
HTML for the outline menu content. One helper function,
), is invoked repeatedly during the HTML
construction, and looks to see if the particular line number of the
outline is supposed to be expanded by default. The data for these
settings consists of a comma-delimited list of line numbers for
expanded items (assigned to global variable
Assembly of the outline's HTML in the
drawOutline( ) function iterates through the
olData object. But a major part of that iteration
entails recursive calls to the same drawOutline( )
function to build the nested items. Therefore, a pair of counting
variables (used to compose unique IDs for elements) are declared in
the global space as currID and
Now we reach the drawOutline(
) function, which acts like a whirling
dervish to accumulate the HTML for the rendered outline. The content
is assembled just once, while all subsequent adjustments to the
expanded or collapsed states are controlled by style sheet settings.
Layout of the various widget images is governed by the structure of
the olData objects. Among the more complex tasks
that the drawOutline( ) recursive code needs to
keep track of is whether an image column position requires a vertical
line to signify a later connection with an earlier item or just a
blank space. The regularity of all widget image sizes lets the script
build the widget image parts of each line as if the images were
mosaic tiles.
The final code block performs all initializations and gets the ball
rolling. First is a function (initExpand(
)) that iterates through the
currState variable to establish the
expand/collapse state of each nested block. This function is invoked
not only by the following initExpMenu( ) function,
but also by the expandAll( ) and
collapseAll( ) functions.
At last we reach the initExpMenu(
) function, invoked by the
onload event handler for the page. This is the
driving force behind the creation of the rendered HTML, embedding it
inside a dedicated span element, and then tucking
it all into a pre-existing div element, as shown
in the body's HTML.
To deploy this menu system successfully, you need to create your set
of widget images, like the ones shown in Figure 10-5. All images must be the same size, and you may
have to tweak the style sheet values for the text fonts to achieve a
proportioned look with sizes other than those shown in the
Most code customizations take place at the top of the script area.
Start by assigning URLs for the widget images, image sizes, and
target frames for menu links. (This menuing system works best in
framesets or with content iframes so that the
outline remains unchanged during navigation.)
Perhaps the most complicated part of customizing this collapsible
navigation menu is creating the olData object.
Before you begin to plug in your own data, you need to have a solid
hierarchy to map. It doesn't hurt to literally write
it down so you can visualize the nesting of subjects. For example,
the start of the outline shown in the recipe looks like the following
when fully expanded:
Control Types
FORM Element
INPUT Element
BUTTON Element
Each line of the outline contains an item. Each item must have text
associated with it, as well as an optional URL for a clickable link
associated with the text. If you omit the URL, the text still appears
in the outline, but its content does not link to any other
To convert the written outline into an olData data
set, you recreate the parent-child-sibling relationships among the
entries. Schematically, the above outline fragment in
olData form looks like the following:
olData =
{item:"Controls", childNodes:[{item:"Control Types"}]},
{item:"FORM Element"},
{item:"INPUT Element", childNodes[{item:"INPUT Types"},
{item:"BUTTON Element"}]
The hard part is keeping all of the array and object containment (the
open and close pairs of braces and square brackets) straight as the
outline grows. The use of the childNodes property
name for the nested entries has its roots in the XML version of this
menu, shown in Recipe 10.11. You can use another name if you prefer.
Also, the indented formatting shown in the recipe may be helpful in
aligning the nestings correctly.
The line numbers of the fully expanded outline are significant if you
wish the outline to be partially expanded when it first appears. You
can convey a comma-delimited list of expanded lines in the
expansionState global variable. The only line
numbers you need to include here are those that act as branch
nodes—items that contain further nested items. If you leave the
variable an empty string (as shown in this recipe), only the
top-level items appear by default.
Operating slightly differently is the
currState variable. This value consists of ones
and zeros in string form; it tracks the expansion state of branch
nodes in the outline only. Thus, an outline consisting of five branch
nodes and dozens of leaf nodes (items containing no further nested
items) carries only a five-digit currState value.
A numeric value of zero at any digit means that the corresponding
branch node is collapsed, while a one means the branch is expanded.
This mechanism makes it easy to switch the value of an individual
branch node (in the swapState( ) function) in
response to the click of its widget icon. It also means that the
currState variable remembers when more deeply
nested branches were expanded previously. If a branch closer to the
top level collapses, any expanded nodes inside it remain expanded for
the next time they're seen. Also, if you wish to
preserve the expansion state between user visits to the page, the
currState value (in string form) is what
you'd preserve in a cookie and read during
initialization to restore the previous settings. For first-time
visitors, you need to supply a default currState
value with the requisite number of zeros corresponding to branch
nodes in your outline.
This recipe shows only text hyperlinks as visible nodes in the
outline, but you are not limited to text. You can reconfigure the
olData object's properties and
the drawOutline( ) function to accumulate any HTML
content you like in place of the text labels. Iteration through
olData object is still the governing loop control
of drawOutline( ).
You may be wondering why the first call to drawOutline(
) from the initExpMenu( ) function
passes a reference to the olData global variable.
Due to the recursive nature of the drawOutline( )
function, which calls itself repeatedly, passing nested portions of
olData where needed, it is convenient to let the
function assume it will always receive a parameter containing a valid
object from olData. At the start of the process,
the object is the complete olData object. But as
nested nodes are assembled in recursive calls, only groups of child
nodes are passed. No other first-time flags or other loop-degrading
tests get in the way.
If you prefer to deploy this outline so the outline is not
dynamically generated but consists of hardcoded HTML (perhaps to
allow search engines to see and follow its links), you can still
perform your development with the olData object
and its form of structuring the outline data. Then, load the page
into a browser and capture the HTML for the entire outline. The
quickest way to accomplish this is through a
a bookmark consisting of a javascript: URL that
executes some JavaScript code. Or, you can simply enter the
bookmarklet text into the Address/Location field of the browser:
javascript: "<textarea cols='120' rows='40'>" +
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML + "</textarea>"
You will then see a textarea element containing
the entire outline HTML. Copy and paste this HTML into the outline
page's div element whose ID is
content. This technique is also a helpful way to
examine the HTML generated by drawOutline( ),
either for study or debugging. In the global variables, assign an
initial zero-filled string value to the currState
variable. You can delete the "Data
collections" and "Outline HTML
generation" code blocks, as well as all but the
initExpand( ) function call from the
initExpMenu( ) function. If your outline consists
of hundreds of items (which may indicate a too large outline), the
hardwired HTML will render faster than the dynamically generated
10.10.4 See Also
Recipe 1.1 for building large strings from smaller segments; Recipe
10.11 for an XML-based outline data source; Recipe 12.1 for
precaching images; Recipe 12.7 for hiding and showing