onclipevent (enterFrame) // Should be onClipEvent (enterFrame)
But unlike keywords, identifiers are not case sensitive in
ActionScript, so the following statements assign a value to the
same variable:
var firstName = "margaret";
var firstname = "michael";
trace(firstName); // Yields "michael"
trace(firstname); // Also yields "michael" (the variables are the same)
Even internal identifiers, such as property names and function names,
are not case sensitive in ActionScript. The following line would
cause an error in JavaScript but would successfully create an array
in ActionScript:
myList = new array(); // Should preferably be new Array( );
date = new Date( ); // Works in JavaScript but not ActionScript
will have destructive effects in ActionScript where the identifier
date is not distinguished from the object class
Date. In ActionScript, the preceding code would
disable the built-in Date class. We must,
therefore, ensure that our identifiers are distinguished by more than
just case from one another and from any predefined identifiers like
Date or Array. Here's
how we'd rewrite the previous code in ActionScript:
myDate = new Date( ); // Use this in ActionScript
The key in all situations is to be consistent -- even when
consistency is not strictly required by the language. Capitalizing
variables, functions, instances, and other items consistently makes
our code easier to read and prevents future changes in
ActionScript's case rules from breaking our hard work.
 |  |  |
14.5. Identifiers |  | 14.7. Onward! |