3.6 Stop Accidental Bourne Shell Logouts
It's pretty easy to type one too many CTRL-d characters and log out of a
Bourne shell without meaning to.
The C shell has an
shell variable (3.5
that won't let you log out with
So do the Korn shell and bash
; use Here's a different sort of solution for the Bourne shell. When you end the shell, it asks if you're sure. If you don't answer yes, a new shell is started to replace your old one. First, make a file like the C shell's .logout that will be read whenyour Bourne shell exits . (3.2 ) Save your tty (3.8 ) name in an environment variable (6.1 ) , too-you'll need it later:
(Your system may need
The last line is some trickery to start a new
login shell (51.9
The shell
closes your tty (45.20
before reading your .sh_logout
the Note that if your system is very
slow, you may not get the reminder
message for a couple of seconds-you might forget that it's coming and
walk away.
That hasn't been a problem where I've tested this.
If it is for you though, replace the - |