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Logging Out
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3.2 Running Commands at Bourne/Korn Shell Logout

The C shell has a setup file named .logout (2.2 ) . Commands in .logout are run when you log out. The Bourne and Korn shells don't have a logout file, though. Here's how to make one:

  1. In your .profile file, add the line:

    trap '. $HOME/.sh_logout; exit' 0

    (Some systems may need $LOGDIR instead of $HOME .)

  2. Make a file in your home directory named .sh_logout . Put in the commands you want to be run when you log out. For example:

     [ -f
    if [ -f $HOME/todo.tomorrow ]
        echo "=========== STUFF TO DO TOMORROW: ============"
        cat $HOME/todo.tomorrow

The trap will read the .sh_logout file when the shell exits.

- JP

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