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cdc -r sid [options ] files

Change the delta comments of the specified sid (SCCS ID) of one or more SCCS files .


-m [list ]

Add the list of modification request numbers (use a ! before any number to delete it). -m is useful only when admin has set the v flag for file . If -m is omitted, the terminal displays MRs? as an input prompt.

-y [string ]

Add string to the comments for the specified delta. If -y is omitted, the terminal displays comments? as an input prompt.


For delta 1.3 of file s.prog.c , add modification numbers x01-5 and x02-8, and then add comments:

$ cdc -r1.3 s.prog.c 

MRs? x01-5 x02-8

comments? this went out to review

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