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ctrace [options ] [file ]

Debug a C program. ctrace reads the C source file and writes a modified version to standard output. Common options are -f and -v . ctrace also accepts the cc options -D , -I , and -U .



Print variables as floating point.

-f functions

Trace only the specified functions .

-l n

Follow a statement loop n times (default is 20).


Print variables in octal.

-p s

Print trace output via function s (default is printf ).


Run the C preprocessor before tracing.

-Q c

Print information about ctrace in output (if c = y ) or suppress information (if c = n , the default).

-r file

Change the trace function package to file (default is runtime.c ).


Suppress certain redundant code.

-t n

Trace n variables per statement (default is 10; maximum is 20).


Print variables as unsigned.

-v functions

Do not trace the specified functions .


Print version information on standard error.


Print variables as floating point.

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