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ctags [options ] files

Create a list of function and macro names that are defined in the specified C, Pascal, FORTRAN, yacc , or lex source files . Solaris ctags can also process C++ source files. The output list (named tags by default) contains lines of the form:

name	file	context

where name is the function or macro name, file is the source file in which name is defined, and context is a search pattern that shows the line of code containing name . After the list of tags is created, you can invoke vi on any file and type:

:set tags=




This switches the vi editor to the source file associated with the name listed in tagsfile (which you specify with -f ).



Append tag output to existing list of tags.


context uses backward search patterns.

-f tagsfile

Place output in tagsfile (default is tags ).


context uses forward search patterns (default).


Include C typedef s as tags.


Update tags file to reflect new locations of functions (e.g., when functions are moved to a different source file). Old tags are deleted; new tags are appended.


Produce a listing (index) of each function, source file, and page number (1 page = 64 lines). -v is intended to create a file for use with vgrind .


Suppress warning messages.


Produce a listing of each function, its line number, source file, and context.


Store tags in Taglist for all C programs:

ctags -f Taglist *.c

Update tags and store in Newlist :

ctags -u -f Newlist *.c

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