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Previous: B.3 Command Summary for awk Appendix C Next: C.2 Listing of masterindex Shell Script

C. Supplement for Chapter 12

This appendix contains supplemental programs and documentation for the programs described in Chapter 12, Full-Featured Applications .

C.1 Full Listing of spellcheck.awk

# spellcheck.awk -- interactive spell checker
# AUTHOR: Dale Dougherty
# Usage: nawk -f spellcheck.awk [+dict] file 
# (Use spellcheck as name of shell program) 
# SPELLDICT = "dict" 
# SPELLFILE = "file"

# BEGIN actions perform the following tasks: 
#      1) process command line arguments
#      2) create temporary filenames
#      3) execute spell program to create wordlist file
#      4) display list of user responses

# Process command line arguments
# Must be at least two args -- nawk and filename
      if (ARGC > 1) {
      # if more than two args, second arg is dict 
            if (ARGC > 2) {
            # test to see if dict is specified with "+"  
            # and assign ARGV[1] to SPELLDICT
                  if (ARGV[1] ~ /^\+.*/) 
                        SPELLDICT = ARGV[1]
                        SPELLDICT = "+" ARGV[1]
            # assign file ARGV[2] to SPELLFILE 
                  SPELLFILE = ARGV[2]
            # delete args so awk does not open them as files
                  delete ARGV[1]
                  delete ARGV[2]
      # not more than two args
            else {
            # assign file ARGV[1] to SPELLFILE 
                  SPELLFILE = ARGV[1]
            # test to see if local dict file exists
                  if (! system ("test -r dict")) {
                  # if it does, ask if we should use it
                        printf ("Use local dict file? (y/n)")   
                        getline reply < "-"
                  # if reply is yes, use "dict" 
                        if (reply ~ /[yY](es)?/){
                              SPELLDICT = "+dict"
      } # end of processing args > 1 
      # if args not > 1, then print shell-command usage 
      else {
            print "Usage: spellcheck [+dict] file"
            exit 1
# end of processing command line arguments

# create temporary file names, each begin with sp_
      wordlist = "sp_wordlist"
      spellsource = "sp_input"
      spellout = "sp_out"

# copy SPELLFILE to temporary input file
      system("cp " SPELLFILE " " spellsource)

# now run spell program; output sent to wordlist
      print "Running spell checker ..."
      if (SPELLDICT)
            SPELLCMD = "spell " SPELLDICT " "
            SPELLCMD = "spell "
      system(SPELLCMD spellsource " > " wordlist )

# test wordlist to see if misspelled words turned up
      if ( system("test -s " wordlist ) ) {
      # if wordlist is empty, (or spell command failed), exit
            print "No misspelled words found."
            system("rm " spellsource " " wordlist)

# assign wordlist file to ARGV[1] so that awk will read it.   
      ARGV[1] = wordlist

# display list of user responses 
      responseList = "Responses: \n\tChange each occurrence," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tGlobal change," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tAdd to Dict,"  
      responseList = responseList "\n\tHelp," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tQuit" 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tCR to ignore: "
      printf("%s", responseList)

} # end of BEGIN procedure

# main procedure, executed for each line in wordlist.
#     Purpose is to show misspelled word and prompt user
#     for appropriate action.

# assign word to misspelling
      misspelling = $1 
      response = 1
# print misspelling and prompt for response
      while (response !~ /(^[cCgGaAhHqQ])|^$/ ) {
            printf("\n%d - Found %s (C/G/A/H/Q/):", word, misspelling)
            getline response < "-"
# now process the user's response
# CR - carriage return ignores current word 
# Help
      if (response ~ /[Hh](elp)?/) {
      # Display list of responses and prompt again.
            printf("%s", responseList)
            printf("\n%d - Found %s (C/G/A/Q/):", word, misspelling)
            getline response < "-"
# Quit
      if (response ~ /[Qq](uit)?/) exit
# Add to dictionary
      if ( response ~ /[Aa](dd)?/) { 
            dict[++dictEntry] = misspelling
# Change each occurrence
      if ( response ~ /[cC](hange)?/) {
      # read each line of the file we are correcting
            newspelling = ""; changes = ""
            while( (getline < spellsource) > 0){
            # call function to show line with misspelled word
            # and prompt user to make each correction 
            # all lines go to temp output file
                  print > spellout
      # all lines have been read 
      # close temp input and temp output file
      # if change was made
            if (changes){ 
            # show changed lines
                  for (j = 1; j <= changes; ++j)
                        print changedLines[j]
                  printf ("%d lines changed. ", changes) 
            # function to confirm before saving changes
# Globally change
      if ( response ~ /[gG](lobal)?/) {
      # call function to prompt for correction
      # and display each line that is changed.
      # Ask user to approve all changes before saving.
} # end of Main procedure

# END procedure makes changes permanent.
# It overwrites the original file, and adds words
# to the dictionary.
# It also removes the temporary files.

# if we got here after reading only one record, 
# no changes were made, so exit.
      if (NR <= 1) exit
# user must confirm saving corrections to file
      while (saveAnswer !~ /([yY](es)?)|([nN]o?)/ ) {
            printf "Save corrections in %s (y/n)? ", SPELLFILE
            getline saveAnswer < "-"
# if answer is yes then mv temporary input file to SPELLFILE
# save old SPELLFILE, just in case
      if (saveAnswer ~ /^[yY]/) {
            system("cp " SPELLFILE " " SPELLFILE ".orig")
            system("mv " spellsource " " SPELLFILE)
# if answer is no then rm temporary input file
      if (saveAnswer ~ /^[nN]/)
            system("rm " spellsource) 

# if words have been added to dictionary array, then prompt
# to confirm saving in current dictionary. 
      if (dictEntry) {
            printf "Make changes to dictionary (y/n)? "
            getline response < "-"
            if (response ~ /^[yY]/){
            # if no dictionary defined, then use "dict"
                  if (! SPELLDICT) SPELLDICT = "dict"
            # loop through array and append words to dictionary
                  sub(/^\+/, "", SPELLDICT)
                  for ( item in dict )
                        print dict[item] >> SPELLDICT
            # sort dictionary file 
                  system("sort " SPELLDICT "> tmp_dict")
                  system("mv " "tmp_dict " SPELLDICT)
# remove word list
      system("rm sp_wordlist")
} # end of END procedure

# function definitions

# make_change -- prompt user to correct misspelling 
#                for current input line.  Calls itself
#                to find other occurrences in string.
#     stringToChange -- initially $0; then unmatched substring of $0
#     len -- length from beginning of $0 to end of matched string 
# Assumes that misspelling is defined. 

function make_change (stringToChange, len,   # parameters
      line, OKmakechange, printstring, carets)   # locals
# match misspelling in stringToChange; otherwise do nothing 
   if ( match(stringToChange, misspelling) ) {
   # Display matched line 
         printstring = $0
         gsub(/\t/, " ", printstring)
         print printstring
         carets = "^"
         for (i = 1; i < RLENGTH; ++i)
               carets = carets "^"
         if (len)
               FMT = "%" len+RSTART+RLENGTH-2 "s\n"
               FMT = "%" RSTART+RLENGTH-1 "s\n"
         printf(FMT, carets)
   # Prompt user for correction, if not already defined
         if (! newspelling) {
               printf "Change to:"
               getline newspelling < "-"
   # A carriage return falls through
   # If user enters correction, confirm  
         while (newspelling && ! OKmakechange) {
               printf ("Change %s to %s? (y/n):", misspelling, newspelling)
               getline OKmakechange < "-"
               madechg = ""
         # test response
               if (OKmakechange ~ /[yY](es)?/ ) {
               # make change (first occurrence only)
                     madechg = sub(misspelling, newspelling, stringToChange)
               else if ( OKmakechange ~ /[nN]o?/ ) {
                     # offer chance to re-enter correction 
                     printf "Change to:"
                     getline newspelling < "-"
                     OKmakechange = ""
         } # end of while loop

   # if len, we are working with substring of $0
         if (len) {
         # assemble it
               line = substr($0,1,len-1)
               $0 = line stringToChange
         else {
               $0 = stringToChange
               if (madechg) ++changes

   # put changed line in array for display
         if (madechg) 
               changedLines[changes] = ">" $0

   # create substring so we can try to match other occurrences
         len += RSTART + RLENGTH
         part1 = substr($0, 1, len-1)
         part2 = substr($0, len)
   # calls itself to see if misspelling is found in remaining part 
         make_change(part2, len) 

   } # end of if

} # end of make_change()

# make_global_change --
#        prompt user to correct misspelling 
#        for all lines globally.  
#        Has no arguments
# Assumes that misspelling is defined. 

function make_global_change(    newspelling, OKmakechange, changes)
# prompt user to correct misspelled word
   printf "Globally change to:"
   getline newspelling < "-"

# carriage return falls through
# if there is an answer, confirm 
   while (newspelling && ! OKmakechange) {
               printf ("Globally change %s to %s? (y/n):", misspelling,
               getline OKmakechange < "-"
         # test response and make change
               if (OKmakechange ~ /[yY](es)?/ ) {
               # open file, read all lines 
                     while( (getline < spellsource) > 0){
                     # if match is found, make change using gsub
                     # and print each changed line.
                           if ($0 ~ misspelling) {
                                    madechg = gsub(misspelling, newspelling)
                                    print ">", $0
                                    changes += 1  # counter for line changes
                     # write all lines to temp output file
                           print > spellout
                     } # end of while loop for reading file

               # close temporary files
               # report the number of changes   
                     printf ("%d lines changed. ", changes) 
               # function to confirm before saving changes
               } # end of if (OKmakechange ~ y) 

   # if correction not confirmed,  prompt for new word
               else if ( OKmakechange ~ /[nN]o?/ ){
                     printf "Globally change to:"
                     getline newspelling < "-"
                     OKmakechange = ""

   } # end of while loop for prompting user for correction

} # end of make_global_change()

# confirm_changes --  
#        confirm before saving changes

function confirm_changes(  savechanges) {
# prompt to confirm saving changes
      while (! savechanges ) {
            printf ("Save changes? (y/n)")
            getline savechanges < "-"
# if confirmed, mv output to input
      if (savechanges ~ /[yY](es)?/)
            system("mv " spellout " " spellsource) 

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B.3 Command Summary for awk Book Index C.2 Listing of masterindex Shell Script

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