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Index: D

1.7.2. I/O Redirection
6.2. Integer Variables and Arithmetic
8.5.4. Coroutines with Two-way Pipes
8.6.2. Nested Subshells
debuggers More About C Compilers
9. Debugging Shell Programs
dbx : 10.2.2. ulimit
essential features : 9.2. A Korn Shell Debugger
sdb : 10.2.2. ulimit
core dumps : 10.2.2. ulimit
shell code
Summary of Korn Shell Features
9.1. Basic Debugging Aids
9.2. A Korn Shell Debugger
(see also kshdb)
basics : 9.1. Basic Debugging Aids
options : (see options, noexec, verbose, xtrace)
with print : 9.1. Basic Debugging Aids
1.9.5. Control Keys
2.3.1. Basic Commands
5.2. for
6.1.3. getopts
10.1. Installing the Korn Shell as the Standard Shell
1.8.1. Background I/O
5.1.1. Exit Status and Return
. : Changing working directories
.. : Changing working directories
home (login) : The working directory
dirname : 4.3.3. Pattern-matching Operators

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