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UNIX Power Tools

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Shell Programming for the Initiated
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45.27 Turn Off echo for "Secret" Answers

When you type your password, UNIX turns off echoing so what you type won't show on the screen. You can do the same thing in shell scripts with stty -echo .



trap 'stty echo; exit' 0 1 2 3 15
# use the right echo for your UNIX:
echo "Enter code name: \c"
#echo -n "Enter code name: "
stty -echo
read ans
stty echo

The response is stored in $ans . The trap ( 44.12 ) helps to make sure that, if the user presses CTRL-c to abort the script, characters will be echoed again.

- JP

Previous: 45.26 Quoted hereis Document Terminators: sh vs. csh UNIX Power Tools Next: 45.28 Quick Reference: expr
45.26 Quoted hereis Document Terminators: sh vs. csh Book Index 45.28 Quick Reference: expr

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