Chapter 18. Compiling
If you came here looking for a Perl compiler, you may be surprised to
discover that you already have one--your perl
program (typically /usr/bin/perl) already contains
a Perl compiler. That might not be what you were thinking, and if it
wasn't, you may be pleased to know that we do also provide
code generators (which some
well-meaning folks call "compilers"), and we'll discuss
those toward the end of this chapter. But first we want to talk about
what we think of as The Compiler. Inevitably there's going to be a
certain amount of low-level detail in this chapter that some people
will be interested in, and some people will not. If you find that
you're not, think of it as an opportunity to practice your
speed-reading skills.
Imagine that you're a conductor who's ordered the score for a large
orchestral work. When the box of music arrives, you find several
dozen booklets, one for each member of the orchestra with just their
part in it. But curiously, your master copy with all the parts is
missing. Even more curiously, the parts you do
have are written out using plain English instead of musical notation.
Before you can put together a program for performance, or even give
the music to your orchestra to play, you'll first have to translate
the prose descriptions into the normal system of notes and bars. Then
you'll need to compile the individual parts into one giant score so
that you can get an idea of the overall program.
Similarly, when you hand the source code of your Perl script over to
perl to execute, it is no more useful to the
computer than the English description of the symphony was to the
musicians. Before your program can run, Perl needs to
compile[1] these English-looking
directions into a special symbolic representation. Your program still
isn't running, though, because the compiler only compiles. Like the
conductor's score, even after your program has been converted to an
instruction format suitable for interpretation, it still needs an
active agent to interpret those instructions.
18.1. The Life Cycle of a Perl Program
You can break up the life cycle of a Perl program into four distinct
phases, each with separate stages of its own. The first and the last
are the most interesting ones, and the middle two are optional. The
stages are depicted in Figure 18-1.
Figure 18.1. The life cycle of a Perl program
The Compilation Phase
During phase 1, the compile phase, the Perl
compiler converts your program into a data structure called a
parse tree. Along with the standard parsing
techniques, Perl employs a much more powerful one: it uses
BEGIN blocks to guide further compilation.
BEGIN blocks are handed off to the interpreter to
be run as as soon as they are parsed, which effectively runs them in
FIFO order (first in, first out). This includes any
use and no declarations; these
are really just BEGIN blocks in disguise. Any
END blocks are scheduled by the compiler for
delayed execution.
Lexical declarations are noted, but assignments to them are not
executed. All evalBLOCKs, s///e
constructs, and noninterpolated regular expressions are compiled here,
and constant expressions are pre-evaluated. The compiler is now done,
unless it gets called back into service later. At the end of this
phase, the interpreter is again called up to execute any scheduled
CHECK blocks in LIFO order (last in, first out).
The presence or absence of a CHECK block determines
whether we next go to phase 2 or skip over to phase 4.
The Code Generation Phase (optional)
CHECK blocks are installed by code generators, so
this optional phase occurs when you explicitly use one of the code
generators (described later in "Code Generators"). These convert the
compiled (but not yet run) program into either C source code or
serialized Perl bytecodes--a sequence of values expressing internal
Perl instructions. If you choose to generate C source code, it can
eventually produce a file called an executable
image in native machine language.[2]
At this point, your program goes into suspended animation.
If you made an executable image, you can go directly to phase 4; otherwise,
you need to reconstitute the freeze-dried bytecodes in phase 3.
The Parse Tree Reconstruction Phase (optional)
To reanimate the program, its parse tree must be reconstructed. This
phase exists only if code generation occurred and you chose to
generate bytecode. Perl must first reconstitute its parse trees from
that bytecode sequence before the program can run. Perl does not run
directly from the bytecodes; that would be slow.
The Execution Phase
Finally, what you've all been waiting for: running your
program. Hence, this is also called the run
phase. The interpreter takes the parse tree (which it got
either directly from the compiler or indirectly from code generation
and subsequent parse tree reconstruction) and executes it. (Or, if
you generated an executable image file, it can be run as a standalone
program since it contains an embedded Perl interpreter.)
At the start of this phase, before your main program gets to run, all
scheduled INIT blocks are executed in FIFO order.
Then your main program is run. The interpreter can call back into the
compiler as needed upon encountering an evalSTRING, a doFILE or require
statement, an s///ee construct, or a pattern match
with an interpolated variable that is found to contain a legal code
When your main program finishes, any delayed END
blocks are finally executed, this time in LIFO order. The very first
one seen will execute last, and then you're done.
(END blocks are skipped only if you
exec or your process is blown away by an uncaught
catastrophic error. Ordinary exceptions are not considered
Now we'll discuss these phases in greater detail, and in a different order.
 |  |  |
17.2. The Thread Model |  | 18.2. Compiling Your Code |

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