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15.15. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tk

15.15.3. Discussion

A DialogBox has two parts: the bottom is a set of buttons, and the top has the widgets of your choosing. Show ing a DialogBox pops it up and returns the button the user selected.

Example 15-6 contains a complete program demonstrating the DialogBox.

Example 15-6. tksample3

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # tksample3 - demonstrate dialog boxes
  use Tk;
  use Tk::DialogBox;
  $main = MainWindow->new( );
  $dialog = $main->DialogBox( -title   => "Register",
                              -buttons => [ "Register", "Cancel" ],
  # the top part of the dialog box will let people enter their names,
  # with a Label as a prompt
  $dialog->add("Label", -text => "Name")->pack( );
  $entry = $dialog->add("Entry", -width => 35)->pack( );
  # we bring up the dialog box with a button
  $main->Button( -text    => "Click Here For Registration Form",
                 -command => \&register)    ->pack(-side => "left");
  $main->Button( -text    => "Quit",
                 -command => sub { exit } ) ->pack(-side => "left");
  # register
  # Called to pop up the registration dialog box
  sub register {
      my $button;
      my $done = 0;
      do {    
          # show the dialog
          $button = $dialog->Show;
          # act based on what button they pushed
          if ($button eq "Register") {
              my $name = $entry->get;
              if (defined($name) && length($name)) {
                  print "Welcome to the fold, $name\n";
                  $done = 1;
              } else {
                  print "You didn't give me your name!\n";
          } else {
              print "Sorry you decided not to register.\n";
              $done = 1;
      } until $done;

The top part of this DialogBox has two widgets: a label and a text entry. To collect more information from the user, we'd have more labels and text entries.

A common use of dialog boxes is to display error messages or warnings. The program in Example 15-7 demonstrates how to display Perl's warn function in a DialogBox.

Example 15-7. tksample4

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # tksample4 - popup dialog boxes for warnings
  use Tk;
  use Tk::DialogBox;
  my $main;
  # set up a warning handler that displays the warning in a Tk dialog box
      $SIG{_ _WARN_ _} = sub {
          if (defined $main) {
              my $dialog = $main->DialogBox( -title   => "Warning",
                                             -buttons => [ "Acknowledge" ]);
              $dialog->add("Label", -text => $_[0])->pack;
          } else {
              print STDOUT join("\n", @_), "n";
  # your program goes here
  $main = MainWindow->new( );
  $main->Button( -text   => "Make A Warning",
                 -command => \&make_warning) ->pack(-side => "left");
  $main->Button( -text   => "Quit",
                 -command => sub { exit } )  ->pack(-side => "left");
  # dummy subroutine to generate a warning
  sub make_warning {
      my $a;
      my $b = 2 * $a;

15.15.4. See Also

The Tk::DialogBox manpage in the documentation for the Tk module from CPAN; the menu(n) manpage (if you have it); Mastering Perl/Tk

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