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Index: J

jam program (example): 12.14. Using h2ph to Translate C #include Files (Perl Cookbook)
Java language
callbacks in: 4.5.4. Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
dynamic tracing: 9.6.4. Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
exception handling: 5.2. The Block Form: Exception Handling (Advanced Perl Programming)
modular programming in: 6.9.4. Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
object orientation: 7.5.3. C++ and Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl) Thread destruction (Programming Perl)
references in: 1.7.4. Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
run-time evaluation and error handling: 5.7.4. Java (Advanced Perl Programming)
JavaScript features with CGI.pm: 10.5. Using JavaScript Features (Perl in a Nutshell)
Jeeves code generation framework: 17.3. Jeeves Overview (Advanced Perl Programming)
17.4.3. Jeeves Driver (Advanced Perl Programming)
example of: 17.2. Jeeves Example (Advanced Perl Programming)
implementation of: 17.4. Jeeves Implementation (Advanced Perl Programming)
overview of: 17.3. Jeeves Overview (Advanced Perl Programming)
John the Ripper program: 10.5. Preventing Suspicious Activities (Perl for System Administration)
Johnson, Kevin: 14. Email Connectivity (Perl in a Nutshell)
14.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder (Perl in a Nutshell)
join(): Chapter 5, Reference: join (Perl in a Nutshell)
29.2.78. join (Programming Perl)
catching exceptions from: Catching exceptions from join (Programming Perl)
-jump option (Scrollbar): 18.9. The Scrollbar Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
jumpenv stack: 18.3. Executing Your Code (Programming Perl)
justification: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
-justify option (widgets): 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)

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