7.3. Using the ODBC Framework
The basic steps for using ODBC are similar
to the DBI steps we just discussed.
Step 1: Load the necessary Perl module
use Win32::ODBC;
Step 2: Connect to the database and receive a connection handle
ODBC requires one preliminary step
before making a connection. We need to create a Data Source
Name. A DSN is a named reference that stores the
configuration information (e.g., server and database name) needed to
reach an information source like an SQL server. DSNs come in two
flavors, user and system,
distinguishing between connections available to a single user on a
machine and connections available to any user or service.[3]
DSNs can be created either through the ODBC control panel under
Windows NT/2000, or programmatically via Perl. We'll take the
latter route, if just to keep the snickering down among the Unix
folks. Here's some code to create a user DSN to our database on
an MS-SQL server:
# creates a user DSN to a Microsoft SQL Server
# note: to create a system DSN, substitute ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN
if (Win32::ODBC::ConfigDSN(
"SQL Server",
"SERVER=mssql.happy.edu", # server name
"ADDRESS=", # server IP addr
"DATABASE=sysadm", # our database
print "DSN created\n";
else {
die "Unable to create DSN:" . Win32::ODBC::Error( ) . "\n";
Once we have a DSN in place, we can use it to open a connection to
our database:
# connect to the named DSN, returns a database handle
$dbh=new Win32::ODBC("DSN=PerlSysAdm;UID=$username;PWD=$pw;");
die "Unable to connect to DSN PerlSysAdm:" . Win32::ODBC::Error( ) . "\n"
unless (defined $dbh);
Step 3: Send SQL commands to the server
The ODBC equivalent of DBI's
do(), prepare(
), and execute( ) is a little bit
simpler because the Win32::ODBC module has a
single method, Sql( ), for sending commands to a
server. Though ODBC theoretically has a notion of prepared statements
and placeholders, they are not implemented in the current
Win32::ODBC module.[4]Win32::ODBC also does not use statement handles;
all communication takes place through the initial database handle
opened by the new method above. We're left
with the simplest of command structures:
$rc = $dbh->Sql(q{SELECT * from hosts});
An important distinction between the ODBC and DBI methods: unlike
DBI's do( ), the ODBC Sql(
) call returns undef if it
succeeds, and some non-zero number if it fails.
If you need to know how many rows were affected by an
query, you would use the RowCount( )
method. Win32::ODBC's documentation notes
that not all ODBC drivers implement this call (or implement it for all
SQL operations), so be sure to test your driver before relying on
it. Like the return code for DBI's execute(
), RowCount( ) will return
-1 if the number of rows returned is not available
to the driver.
Here's the equivalent ODBC code for the DBI do( ) example in the previous section:
if (defined $dbh->Sql(q{UPDATE hosts
SET bldg = 'Main'
WHERE name = 'bendir'})){
die "Unable to perform update: ".Win32::ODBC::Error( )."\n"
else {
$results = $dbh->RowCount( );
Step 4: Retrieve SELECT results
Retrieving the results of a SELECT query under
ODBC is performed in a fashion similar to DBI's method, with
one twist. First, fetching the data from the
server and accessing it are two separate steps
under Win32::ODBC. FetchRow( )
gets the next row, returning 1 if it
succeeds, undef if it does not. Once we've
got the row we can choose one of two methods to access it.
Data( ) returns a list of the returned columns
when called in a list context. It returns all of the columns
concatenated together if called in a scalar context. Data(
) can take an optional list argument to specify which
columns are returned and in what order (otherwise they are returned
in an "unspecified" order according to the
DataHash( ) returns a hash with the column names
as keys for the column values. This is similar to DBI's
fetchrow_hashref( ) except it returns a hash
instead of a hash reference. Like
Data( ), DataHash( ) can also take an
optional list argument to specify which columns are returned.
In context, they look like this:
if ($dbh->FetchRow( )){
@ar = $dbh->Data( );
if ($dbh->FetchRow( )){
$ha = $dbh->DataHash('name','ipaddr');
Just for parity's sake in this discussion, the information we
found through DBI's statement handle attribute
{NAME} can be found in
Win32::ODBC-land via the FieldNames(
) call. If you need to know the number of fields (like in
{NUM_OF_FIELDS}), you'll have to count the
number of elements in the list returned by FieldNames(
Step 5: Close the connection to the server
$dbh->close( );
If you created a DSN and want to delete it to clean up after
yourself, use a statement similar to the one used to create it:
# replace ODBC_REMOVE_DSN with ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN if you created a system DSN
"SQL Server","DSN=PerlSysAdm")){
print "DSN deleted\n";
else {
die "Unable to delete DSN:".Win32::ODBC::Error( )."\n";
You now know how to work with a database from Perl using both DBI and
ODBC. Let's put your knowledge to work with some more extended
examples from the database administration realm.
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7.2. Using the DBI Framework | | 7.4. Server Documentation |
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