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icon factory, defining 
Icon interface  2nd 
    properties table for 
icon parameter (JOptionPane) 
icon property
    AbstractButton class 
    JInternalFrame class 
    JLabel class 
IconAndTipRenderer.java (example) 
IconEditor.java (example) 
iconifiable property (JInternalFrame) 
iconifyFrame( )
    DefaultDesktopManager class 
    DesktopManager interface 
IconPolice.java (example) 
icons  2nd  [See also images]
    adding to buttons 
    for checkboxes 
    custom, example of in message dialog 
    defaults, defining for L&F 
    on desktop, managing 
    in dialogs  2nd 
    displayed on buttons  2nd 
    for files/folders, FileView class for 
    inside frame titlebar 
    IconPolice.java (example) 
    IconView class 
    JDesktopIcon class 
    matte borders and, caution with 
    menu items and 
    for radio buttons 
    spinner editor for displaying 
    for trees  2nd 
iconTextGap property (JLabel)  2nd  3rd 
IconView class 
ID property (LookAndFeel) 
id property (MenuDragMouseEvent) 
identifier property (TableColumn) 
image buttons  [See icons]
image magnifier pane 
image methods 
image property (ImageIcon) 
ImageAction class 
imageHeight property (ImageIcon) 
ImageIcon class 
    properties table for 
ImageLabelExample.java (example) 
imageLoadStatus property (ImageIcon) 
imageObserver property (ImageIcon) 
images  [See also icons]
    on buttons, adding 
    Graphics class 
    GrayFilter class 
    image viewer for 
    inserting into HTML documents 
    within labels 
    labels for 
    magnifier pane for displaying 
    Renderer interface 
    spinner editor for displaying 
imageWidth property (ImageIcon) 
importData( ) (TransferHandler) 
incrIndent( ) (AbstractWriter) 
indent( ) (AbstractWriter) 
index property
    DocumentEvent.ElementChange interface 
    Segment class 
index0/index1 properties (ListDataEvent) 
indexAtLocation( ) (JTabbed Pane) 
indexed properties  2nd 
indexOf( ) (DefaultListModel) 
indexOfComponent( ) (JTabbedPane) 
indexOfTab( ) (JTabbedPane) 
indexToLocation( ) (JList) 
inherited properties 
init( )
    JApplet class 
    StateEdit class 
initComponentDefaults( ) 
initialDelay property
    Timer class 
    ToolTipManager class 
initialize( ) (LookAndFeel) 
initialSelectionValue parameter (JOptionPane) 
initialValue parameter (JOptionPane) 
inProgress property
    CompoundEdit class 
    UndoManager class 
input dialogs  2nd 
    examples of 
    return values for 
input maps, Mapper.java utility for 
input stream, monitoring amount of data read into 
inputAttributes property
    HTMLEditorKit class 
    JTextPane class 
    StyledEditorKit class 
InputMap class 
    properties table for 
inputMap property (JComponent) 
InputVerifier class 
inputVerifier property (JComponent ) 
insersion methods 
insert( )
    AccessibleText interface 
    DefaultMutableTreeNode class 
    JMenu class  2nd 
    JPopupMenu class  2nd 
    JTextArea class 
    MutableTreeNode interface 
    View class 
insertAfterStart( ), insertAfterEnd( ) (HTMLDocument) 
insertBeforeStart( ), insertBeforeEnd( )
    HTMLDocument class 
InsertBreakAction class 
insertComponent( ) (JTextPane) 
InsertContentAction class 
insertElementAt( )
    DefaultComboBoxModel class 
    DefaultListModel class 
    MutableComboBoxModel interface 
insertHTML( ) (HTMLEditorKit) 
insertIcon( ) (JTextPane) 
insertIndexInterval( ) (ListSelectionModel) 
insertItemAt( ) (JComboBox)  2nd 
insertNodeInto( ) (DefaultTreeModel) 
insertRow( ) (DefaultTableModel) 
insertSeparator( ) (JMenu) 
insertString( )
    AbstractDocument class 
    Content interface 
    Document interface  2nd 
    DocumentFilter class 
    GapContent class 
insertTab( ) (JTabbedPane) 
InsertTabAction class 
insertUpdate( )
    DocumentListener interface 
    View class 
insets property (JComponent)  2nd  3rd 
insets, defining for L&F 
insideBorder property (CompoundBorder) 
install( )
    Caret interface 
    DefaultCaret class 
    DefaultFormatter class 
    DefaultHighlighter class 
    EditorKit class  2nd  3rd 
    Hightlighter interface 
    HTMLEditorKit class 
    JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter class 
    StyledEditor class 
installBorder( ) (LookAndFeel)  2nd 
installChooserPanel( ) (AbstractColor-ChooserPanel) 
installColors( ) (LookAndFeel) 
installColorsAndFont( ) (LookAndFeel) 
installed L&Fs 
installLookAndFeel( ) (UIManager) 
installUI( )
    ComponentUI class 
    for UI delegates 
intercellSpacing property (JTable) 
internal frames  2nd  3rd 
    adding to the desktop  2nd 
    building a desktop 
        sample code for 
    classes for 
    demonstration of 
    dialogs with 
        example of 
    events and  2nd 
    heavyweight components in 
    iconified view of 
    iconifying/deiconifying  2nd 
    JInternalFrame class 
    placement/movement of 
internal methods 
internalFrame...( ) (InternalFrameListener)  2nd 
InternalFrameAdapter class 
InternalFrameEvent class 
InternalFrameListener interface 
internalSpacing property (JTable) 
InternationalFormatter class 
    lists and 
    support for 
intervalAdded( ) (ListDataEvent) 
intervalRemoved( ) (ListDataEvent) 
IntroExample.java (example) 
invalidate( ) (JComponent) 
invalidCharacters property (MaskFormatter) 
invalidEdit( ) (JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) 
inverted property (JSlider) 
invokeAndWait( ) (SwingUtilities)  2nd 
InvokeExample.java (example) 
invokeLater( ) (SwingUtilities)  2nd  3rd 
invoker property (JPopupMenu)  2nd 
invokesStopCellEditing (JTree) 
IOStyledEditor.java (example) 
is methods  2nd 
    property tables and 
isBorderOpaque( ) (Border) 
isCancelled( ) (ProgressMonitor) 
isCellEditable( )
    CellEditor interface 
    TableModel interface 
isCollapsed( ) (JTree) 
isCompletelyDirty( ) (RepaintManager) 
isDataFlavorSupported( ) (DropTargetDragEvent) 
isDataFlavorSupported( ) (DropTargetDropEvent) 
isDefined( )
    AttributeSet interface 
    SimpleAttributeSet class 
isDescendent( ) (TreePath) 
isDescendingFrom( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isDoubleBuffered( ) (JComponent) 
isDoubleBufferingEnabled( ) (RepaintManager) 
isEditing( ) (JTree) 
isEqual( )
    AttributeSet interface 
    SimpleAttributeSet class 
isEventDispatchThread( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isExpanded( ) (JTree) 
isFilled property (JSlider) 
isFlavorJavaFileListType( ) (DropTarget) 
isFocusCycleRoot( ) (JComponent)  2nd 
isFreeStanding property (JScrollBar) 
isGUIInitialized( ) (EventQueueMonitor) 
isHiddenFile( ) (FileSystemView) 
isLeaf( )
    DefaultMutableTreeNode class 
    TreeModel interface 
isLeftMouseButton( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isLightweightComponent( ) (JComponent) 
isLocallyDefined( ) (Keymap) 
isMenuComponent( ) (JMenu) 
isMiddleMouseButton( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isNodeAncestor( ) (DefaultMutableTreeNode) 
isNodeChild( ) (DefaultMutableTreeNode) 
isNodeDescendent( )
    DefaultMutableTreeNode class 
isNodeRelated( ) (DefaultMutableTreeNode) 
isNodeSibling( ) (DefaultMutableTreeNode) 
isOpaque( ) (JComponent) 
isOptimizedDrawingEnabled( )
    JComponent class 
    JViewport class 
isPaintingTile( ) (JComponent) 
isPalette property (JInternalFrame)  2nd 
isPathEditable( ) (JTree) 
isPathSelected( )
    JTree class 
    TreeSelectionModel interface 
isPopupTrigger( )
    JPopupMenu class 
    MouseEvent class 
isRectangleContainingRectangle( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isRightMouseButton( ) (SwingUtilities) 
isRoot( )
    DefaultMutableTreeNode class 
    FileSystemView class 
isRowSelected( ) (TreeSelectionModel) 
isSelected( )
    ButtonGroup class 
isSelectedIndex( ) (ListSelectionModel) 
isTraversable( )
    FileView class 
    JFileChooser class 
isVisible( ) (JTree) 
ItalicAction class 
item events, buttons and  2nd 
item property
    ComboBoxEditor interface 
    JMenu class 
itemCount property
    JComboBox class 
    JMenu class 
iterator( ) (DragGestureEvent)