11.3 IP Security
Throughout the last few decades, computers
on the Internet have been subject to many different attacks:
- Password-guessing attacks
With password-guessing attacks,
attackers repeatedly try to guess user passwords.
- Social-engineering attacks
With attacks of this kind, attackers
send email or some other message in an attempt to get users to reveal
their passwords or set the passwords to a new value specified by the
- Server vulnerability attacks
With these, attackers exploit a flaw or
undocumented command in a server and use the exploit to gain
privileged access to the computer on which the server was running.
In the 1990s, the actual infrastructure of the Internet came under
attack as well. (See Chapter 24 for more details.)
- Network sniffers
Using network sniffers, attackers capture passwords and other
sensitive pieces of information passing through the network as they
are transmitted.
- IP spoofing attacks
Attackers use such attacks to break into hosts on the Internet.
- Connection hijacking
Connection hijacking is used by attackers to seize control of
existing interactive sessions (e.g., telnet).
- Data spoofing
Data spoofing is used by attackers on a rogue computer on a network
to insert data into an ongoing communication between two other hosts.
This type of attack has been demonstrated as an effective means of
compromising the integrity of programs executed over the network from
NFS servers.
In the first years of the 21st century, network security was
complicated further still:
- Denial-of-service attacks
DOS attacks have became much more
common. Even when attackers could not gain access to the host, they
could prevent it from doing anything useful for anyone else by
overloading its CPU, hard drive, or network bandwidth.
- Distributed denial-of-service attacks
DDOS attacks took denial of service to new levels by executing
attacks on a host from dozens or hundreds of other hosts under the
attacker's control, making it difficult to defend
against the attack by blocking traffic from a single-attack host.
Many of these attacks were anticipated years before they arose in the
wild. Yet the IP protocols and the Internet itself are not
well-protected against them. There are several reasons for this
apparent failure:
- IP is not sufficiently resilient to attack
IP was designed for use in a hostile environment, but its designers
did not thoroughly appreciate how hostile the network itself might
one day become.
IP was designed to allow computers to continue communicating after
some communication lines had been cut. This concept is the genesis of
packet communications: by using packets, you can route communications
around points of failure. But the IP designers appear not to have
anticipated wide-scale covert attacks from
"legitimate" users. As a result,
while IP is quite resilient when subjected to hardware failure, it is
less resistant to purposeful attack.
- IP was not designed to provide security
IP was designed to transmit packets from one computer to another. It
was not designed to provide a system for authenticating hosts, or for
allowing users to send communications on the network in absolute
secrecy. For these purposes, IP's creators assumed
that other techniques would be used.
- IP is an evolving protocol
IP is always improving. Future versions of IP may provide greater
degrees of network security. However, IP is still, in many senses, an
experimental protocol. It is being employed for uses for which it was
never designed.
Today there are several techniques that have been used to add
security to IP networks. Roughly in order of popularity, they are:
Using encryption to protect against eavesdropping.
Hardening operating systems and applications against attacks.
Physically isolating vulnerable systems from attackers.
Employing systems in the path of potentially hostile network traffic
to screen connections to deny or redirect malicious traffic. These
are known as firewalls.
Deploying advanced systems for authentication that do not rely on IP
address or hostname.
Deploying decoy systems to detect attacks that are in progress and to
distract attackers from more valuable systems.
11.3.1 Using Encryption to Protect IP Networks from Eavesdropping
is designed to get packets from one computer to another computer; the
protocol makes no promise as to whether other computers on the same
network will be able to intercept and read those packets in real
time. Such interception is called
eavesdropping or
Different ways of transmitting packets have different susceptibility
to eavesdropping. Table 11-4 lists several
different network technologies and, for each, notes the eavesdropping
Table 11-4. Eavesdropping potential for different data links
Ethernet and unswitched twisted-pair networks
Ethernet is a broadcast network. Many incidents of packet sniffing
are made possible because multiple computers share the same Ethernet
or are plugged into an unswitched 10BaseT or 100BaseT hub.
Switched twisted pair
Using an Ethernet switch can dramatically reduce the potential for
eavesdropping. A switch is a special-purpose device that transmits
packets only to the computers for which they are destined. However,
it is still possible to monitor a switched network by programming the
switch to create a mirror or monitor port, or to attack a switch to
attempt to confuse its internal table associating computers and
Although ring networks are not inherently broadcast, in practice all
packets that are transmitted on the ring pass through, on average,
one-half of the interfaces that are on thenetwork.
Telephone lines
Telephones can be wiretapped by someone who has the cooperation of
the telephone company or who has physical access to telephone lines.
Calls that traverse microwave links can also be intercepted. In
practice, high-speed modems are somewhat more difficult to wiretap
than low-speed modems because of the many frequencies involved.
IP over cable TV
Most systems that have been developed for sending IP over cable TV
rely on RF modems, which use one TV channel as an uplink and another
TV channel as a downlink. Both packet streams can be intercepted by
anyone who has physical access to the TV cable.
IP over power lines
Most systems that have been developed for sending IP over power lines
treat the power line as a broadcast medium. In some cases, the power
lines have been observed to act as RF antennas, and packets can be
detected with a specially tuned radio.
Wireless networks, including microwave links and wireless LANs
Radio is inherently a broadcast medium. Anyone with a radio receiver
can intercept your transmissions.
With most network technologies it is impossible to prevent or even
detect eavesdropping. The only thing you can do is assume that your
network traffic is in fact being eavesdropped and use encryption so
that the recorded network traffic will not be useful to an attacker.
There are several places where encryption can be used to improve the
security of IP networking protocols:
- Link-level encryption
link-level encryption, packets are automatically encrypted when they
are transmitted over an unsecure data link and decrypted when they
are received. Eavesdropping is defeated because an eavesdropper does
not know how to decrypt packets that are intercepted. Link-level
encryption is available on many radio-networking products, but is
harder to find for other broadcast network technologies such as
Ethernet or FDDI. Special link encryptors are available for modems
and leased-line links.
- End-to-end encryption
end-to-end encryption, the host transmitting the packet encrypts the
packet's data; the packet's
contents are automatically decrypted when they are received at the
other end. Some organizations that have more than one physical
location use encrypting routers for connecting to the Internet. These
routers automatically encrypt packets that are sent from one
corporate location to the other to prevent eavesdropping by attackers
on the Internet (these are known as VPNs); however, the routers do
not encrypt packets that are sent from the organization to
third-party sites on the network.
Today, this kind of packet-level encryption is typically implemented
using the IPsec
protocol (described in RFC 2401). IPsec can be used to transparently
encrypt all communications between two hosts, between a host and a
network, or between two networks. Using IPsec is a powerful way to
automatically add encryption to systems that otherwise do not provide
- Application-level encryption
Instead of relying on hardware to
encrypt data, encryption can be done at the application level. For
example, the Kerberos version of the telnet
command can automatically encrypt the contents of the
telnet data stream in both directions. The
Secure Shell protocol (ssh) automatically
provides for encryption of the data stream.
Application-level encryption can also be provided by tunneling or
wrapping an existing application-level protocol using a second
protocol. For example, the Secure Shell protocol provides for TCP/IP
ports and connections to be
"forwarded" from one host to
another over a cryptographically-protected tunnel. Individual
application servers and clients can also be wrapped using the SSL and
TLS protocols.
These three encryption techniques are shown in Figure 11-9.
Simply using encryption is not enough: the encryption must be
properly implemented for it to provide protection. For example, the
original encryption standard for 802.11(b) wireless LANs was named
WEP, an acronym that stood for "Wired Equivalent
Privacy." But despite using encryption, WEP does not
provide any true privacy at all: the encryption implementation is
flawed, and it is trivial to determine the encryption keys used by
WEP systems.
It is also the case that encryption only protects against
eavesdropping. Many denial of service attacks can still succeed
against hosts using encryption.
11.3.2 Hardening Against Attacks
Another way to protect networked
computers is to harden the systems against
network-based attacks. This process involves inspecting, testing, and
frequently modifying the network stack, clients, and servers so that
they are:
Resistant to nonstandard data, including malformed packets,
nonsensical arguments, and implausible data
Resistant to attacks that attempt to exhaust limited resources
Resistant to sudden delays in interactive protocols
Although considerable hardening can be performed by inspection,
hardening often comes only as a response to an attack that is
demonstrated in the wild. Let's look at three such
- X Window attack
Early implementations of the X Window
server would freeze for 30 seconds if an attacker opened a TCP/IP
connection to port 6000 and sent no data.
The hardening fix was to modify the X server so that it did not block
other clients while waiting for initial authentication data from new
- Ping of death
so-called ping-of-death involved an ICMP Echo
packet that contained 65,535 bytes. In the process of creating the
corresponding ICMP Echo reply packet, many operating systems
The hardening fix was to fix the code so that internal buffers in the
ICMP implementations would not overflow during ICMP Echo requests.
- SYN flood attack
With the
so-called SYN flood
attack, an attacking machine transmitted thousands of TCP
SYN packets to a target machine. Each SYN packet was sent with a
randomly generated source address. The target machine attempted to
open thousands of connections to those remote machines, and in the
process filled up internal tables and could no longer accept
legitimate incoming TCP/IP connections.
The hardening fix was to modify the TCP/IP stack so that, when the
internal table was filled, entries in the table were randomly
dropped. With the entry dropped, the new SYN packet could be
serviced. If it were legitimate, the connection would proceed to
completion. If it were not legitimate, there would be no problem: it
too would be randomly dropped at some later point in time.
Note that all of these fixes require that someone understand the
attack, understand an appropriate way to harden the system without
causing unwanted side-effects, and correctly code the change. Because
hardening fixes almost always require access to the source code, most
fixes are beyond the typical user, who must instead rely on some
distribution of patches to the current system.
Getting authentic, working patches in a timely fashion is itself a
security problem. We will address this problem in Chapter 17.
11.3.3 Firewalls and Physical Isolation
A common technique for protecting
computers that are vulnerable to a network-based attack is to
physically isolate them from networks that can contain attackers. For
example, it is common practice in many organizations to protect
Windows-based servers from attackers on the Internet using a network
firewall to mediate all data sent between the Internet and the
vulnerable machines.
In some high-security applications, even firewalls do not provide
sufficient isolation. In these cases, the network that needs to be
secure can be completely isolated, with no firewalls, modems, or
other forms of remote access allowed.
Firewall design is a complex and evolving topic. For more information
about firewalls, see the references in the appendices.
11.3.4 Improving Authentication
Most IP services do not provide a strong
system for positive authentication. As a result, an attacker can
transmit information and claim that it comes from another source.
The lack of positive authentication presents problems, especially for
services such as DNS, electronic mail, and Netnews (Usenet). In all
of these services, the recipient of a message, be it a machine or a
person, is likely to take positive action based on the content of a
message, whether or not the message sender is properly authenticated.
Authentication systems have been developed for each of these
services. DNS supports the cryptographic signing of zone data and
authentication between nameservers using a shared secret key, mail
servers can authenticate valid senders against a database, and Usenet
messages can be cryptographically signed with PGP. However, adoption
of these systems has not been widespread to date.
We'll describe each in greater detail in the
following sections. Authentication and DNS
DNS was not designed to be a secure
protocol. The protocol contains no means by which the information
returned by a DNS query can be verified as correct or incorrect.
Thus, if DNS tells you that a particular host has a particular IP
address, there is no way that you can be certain that the information
returned is correct.
Because IP addresses and hostnames were designed as a system for
moving data, and not as a system for providing authentication, DNS
was developed in the absence of requirements for security and
Unfortunately, hostnames and IP addresses are commonly used for
authentication on the Internet. The Berkeley Unix
"r" commands
(rsh and rlogin) use
the hostname for authentication. Many programs examine the IP address
of an incoming TCP connection, perform a reverse
lookup DNS operation, and trust that the
resulting hostname is correct. More sophisticated programs perform a
double reverse
lookup, in which the network client performs an IP
address lookup with the resulting hostname to see if the looked-up IP
address matches the IP address of the incoming TCP
An attacker has more trouble spoofing a double reverse lookup, but
the possibility still exists. Some typical attacks on
- Client flooding
DNS uses UDP, an attacker can easily flood the host with thousands of
forged DNS responses. These can be constructed so as to appear to
come from the DNS server. The client performing a DNS lookup will
most likely accept the attacker's response, rather
than the legitimate response from the authentic nameserver.
- Bogus nameserver cache poisoning
Some nameservers will cache any response that they receive, whether
it was requested or not. You can load these nameservers with
incorrect IP address translations as part of a response to some other
- Rogue DNS servers
fact that someone runs a nameserver on her machine
doesn't mean you can trust the results. By
appropriately modifying the responses of a nameserver for one domain
to respond to requests with inappropriate information, the maintainer
of a real DNS server can taint the responses to clients.
Firewalls can provide some (small) degree of protection against a few
DNS attacks. Nevertheless, the real safety relies on not using IP
addresses or hostnames for authentication. This is now possible on a
limited basis with DNS extensions for cryptographically signing DNS
queries, responses, and zone files. Authentication and email
By design, servers that
implement the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) accept mail
messages from any client on the Internet. These mail messages may
contain any combination of senders and recipients. It is the duty of
the SMTP server to deliver the message to local users or, if the
destination mailboxes are not local, to send the message to the
intended destination.
This design for SMTP worked well for many years, but in the early
1990s the open nature of SMTP was hijacked by individuals and
organizations sending large amounts of bulk email for commercial and
political purposes. Such mail, sometimes called
spam, is a growing
problem for Internet users and providers alike. According to some
estimates, between 50% and 90% of the email now traveling on the
Internet is spam.
Spam exists because the SMTP protocol has not historically had strong
authentication for the senders of messages. If the sender of each
message were authenticated, then unwanted mail could be blocked by
refusing email from senders who had a history of sending spam. As the
sender is not usually authenticated, people who send spam can change
in the From: header at will. As a result, blacklisting
"known spammers" has not proven to
be an effective anti-spam solution. ¡April Fools! authentication and Netnews
Netnews messages also lack sender
authentication. In part, this is because Netnews messages are
essentially email sent to special network-based message archives.
One of the best-known cases of a fraudulently published Netnews
message appears below. It was not, in fact, written by Gene Spafford;
instead, it was created and posted to the Usenet by his friend, Chuq
von Rospach.
From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.announce.important
Subject: Warning: April Fools Time again (forged messages on loose)
Message-ID: <35111-F@medusa.cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 1 Apr 88 00:00:00 GMT
Expires: 1 May 88 00:00:00 GMT
Followup-To: news.admin
Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
Lines: 25
Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
Warning: April 1 is rapidly approaching, and with it comes a USENET
tradition. On April Fools day comes a series of forged, tongue-in-cheek
messages, either from non-existent sites or using the name of a Well
Known USENET person. In general, these messages are harmless and meant
as a joke, and people who respond to these messages without thinking,
either by flaming or otherwise responding, generally end up looking
rather silly when the forgery is exposed.
So, for the next couple of weeks, if you see a message that seems
completely out of line or is otherwise unusual, think twice before
posting a followup or responding to it; it's very likely a forgery.
There are a few ways of checking to see if a message is a forgery.
These aren't foolproof, but since most forgery posters want people to
figure it out, they will allow you to track down the vast majority of
* Russian computers. For historic reasons most forged messages
have as part of their Path: a non-existent (we think!) russian
computer, either kremvax or moscvax. Other possibilities are nsacyber
or wobegon. Please note, however, that walldrug is a real site and
isn't a forgery.
* Posted dates. Almost invariably, the date of the posting is forged
to be April 1.
* Funky Message-ID. Subtle hints are often lodged into the
Message-Id, as that field is more or less an unparsed text string and
can contain random information. Common values include pi, the phone
number of the red phone in the white house, and the name of the
forger's parrot.
* Subtle mispellings. Look for subtle misspellings of the host names
in the Path: field when a message is forged in the name of a Big Name
USENET person. This is done so that the person being forged actually
gets a chance to see the message and wonder when he actually posted it.
Forged messages, of course, are not to be condoned. But they happen,
and it's important for people on the net not to over-react. They happen
at this time every year, and the forger
generally gets their kick from watching the novice users take the
posting seriously and try to flame their tails off. If we can keep a
level head and not react to these postings, they'll taper off rather
quickly and we can return to the normal state of affairs: chaos.
Thanks for your support.
Gene Spafford, Spokeman, The Backbone Cabal.
The April 1 post is funny because it contains all of the signs of a
forged message that it claims to warn the reader about. But other forged messages
are not quite so obvious or friendly. Beware. Adding authentication to TCP/IP with ident
Many of the authentication problems
discussed in the preceding sections arise because the TCP/IP protocol
is a system for creating communication channels between computers,
and not between users. When a server receives a TCP/IP connection
from a client, it knows the IP address of the client—without
that IP address, the server cannot complete the three-way TCP
handshake and engage in two-way communications. However, the server
has no way to readily ascertain the name of the person who initiated
the TCP/IP connection.
When the TCP/IP protocol suite was developed, there was no need for a
general-purpose approach for learning the names of people initiating
TCP/IP connections. Protocols that required usernames (e.g., SMTP and
FTP) provided them.
As the Internet has grown, network managers have discovered a very
important reason for knowing the name of a person initiating a TCP/IP
connection: accountability. If a remote system administrator
discovers that her computer was attacked at 5:00 p.m. by a user at a
computer named fas.harvard.edu, it is important to be
able to trace that attack back to the specific user and account that
was responsible for the attack so that either the user can be
punished or the compromised account can be terminated. If only a
single person was using fas.harvard.edu at 5:00 p.m., this may
be a relatively easy matter to accomplish. But if fas.harvard.edu is a multiuser computer
with hundreds of simultaneous users, finding the particular guilty
party may be quite difficult.
The identification protocol gives you a way of addressing this
problem with a simple callback scheme. When a server wants to know
the "real name" of a person
initiating a TCP/IP connection, it simply opens a connection to the
client machine's ident daemon
(identd) and sends a description of the TCP/IP
connection in progress; the remote machine sends a human-readable
representation of the user who is initiating the connection.
Traditionally, the information sent back to the requesting system was
the user's username from the
/etc/passwd file. More recent implementations of
the ident daemon provide for an encrypted token to be sent back; the
token can later be decrypted by the remote site with the cooperation
of the site running the ident daemon. This prevents
identd lookups from being used to get username
information on a remote host without its cooperation.
The identification protocol depends on the honesty of the computer
that is originating the TCP/IP connection. If your system is under
attack from a multiuser system that has not been otherwise
compromised, identd may be valuable. On the
other hand, if your system is under attack from a single-user Linux
computer that is not running identd or is
running an identd that has been gimmicked to
give untrue or misleading information, the response may be worthless.
Because major IRC networks require clients to run an ident daemon,
there are many free Windows-based ident daemons
that return false responses.
In general, the responses of identd queries are
more useful to the administrators of the site that sends the response
than they are to the site that receives it. Thus, logging
ident queries may not help you, but can be a
courtesy to others—it lets the remote site know which account
was involved in the attack. That's especially useful
if the attacker went on to erase log files or otherwise damage the
originating site.
Not surprisingly, identd has been most useful in
tracking down attackers originating at universities and other
organizations with large multiuser Unix systems. Sites that have
nonprivileged interactive Unix users should run
ident to help track down accounts that have been
compromised during an incident.
To make use of the identification protocol on the server side, you
need to have a server program that understands the protocol and knows
to place the callback. sendmail Version 8
and above will do so, for instance, as will tcpwrapper.
There are several other network protocols
that may be involved in a network environment. We'll
mention them here, but we won't go into detail about
them as they are not as common in Unix environments as IP networks
are. If you are curious about these other network protocols, we
suggest that you consult a good book on networks and protocols;
several are listed in Appendix C. These protocols
can typically share the same physical network as an IP-based network,
thus allowing more economical use of existing facilities, but they
also make traffic more available to eavesdroppers and saboteurs.
Many protocols have been phased out in favor of TCP/IP. These include
System Network Architecture ( SNA, used by IBM to
link mainframes together),
DECnet (developed by
Digital Equipment Corporation to link their machines together), and
Xerox Networks System ( XNS, used by . . . well, you can
guess the rest). The Open System Interconnection
(OSI) protocols are an incredibly complex and complete set of
protocols for every kind of network implementation; they were
developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Today,
OSI survives only in the widespread adoption of its 7-layer model for
understanding networks and the X.509 format for cryptographic
In addition to TCP/IP, there are three other competing protocols that
are still in widepread use. Legacy Microsoft networks use a
proprietary protocol called NetBIOS, Legacy Apple networks use a
proprietary protocol called Appletalk, and Legacy Novell Netware
networks use a proprietary protocol known as
Packet eXchange protocol (IPX). These protocols are designed for
LANs; none of them scaled well to large networks such as the
Internet. As a result, these three
vendors have all developed strategies for transitioning their
customers to TCP/IP.
NetBIOS is confusing because it is both a wire-level protocol and a
file-sharing protocol. The file-sharing protocol can use NetBIOS
packets or IP packets. NetBIOS and IPX are commonly found in PC-based
networks, although Unix implementations for these protocols are
available and used.
Even in installations that are TCP/IP-only, the Ethernet is
frequently flooded with NetBIOS packets because these clients and
servers are inadvertently left enabled on many Windows systems.
11.3.5 Decoy Systems
A final approach to handling attackers is
to set up decoy systems for the attackers to attack. Decoy systems
are closely monitored; often these systems are built with known
vulnerabilities to increase their likelihood of attack.
Decoy systems, sometimes called
honeypots, have two primary advantages:
Because they are closely monitored, decoy systems can be used to
learn about attackers. Decoy systems can reveal attacker locations,
techniques, motivations, skill levels, objectives, and many other
pieces of information.
If a decoy system is sufficiently rich and compelling, exploring that
system might consume so much of the attacker's time
that the attacker will not have the time to attack systems that you
actually care about. For example, Brad Spencer has championed the use
of honeypot open relays to monitor and distract email spammers (for
some details, see http://fightrelayspam.homestead.com/files/antispam06132002.htm).
Decoy systems are not without their risks. The first risk is that the
attacker will find something of value in the system. You must make
absolutely certain that there is nothing on the decoy system that an
attacker could use to harm you. Specifically, the decoy system should
contain no information about your organization. One way to accomplish
this goal is to use only new computers for your decoy system, rather
than computers repurposed from other projects. Furthermore, if your
organization has a firewall, the decoy system should be outside the
A second risk of decoy systems is that they can become platforms for
attacking other computers on the Internet—possibly making you
liable for third-party civil damages or even for charges of criminal
For both of these reasons, you should think carefully—and
possibly consult with an attorney—before setting up a decoy or
honeypot system.