17.3 DBMS_DEFER: Building Deferred CallsThe DBMS_DEFER package builds deferred remote procedure calls.
17.3.1 Getting Started with DBMS_DEFERThe DBMS_DEFER package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmsdefr.sql script (found in the built-in packages source directory, as described in Chapter 1) contains the source code for this package's specification. This script is called by catrep.sql , which must be run to install the advanced replication packages. The script creates the public synonym DBMS_DEFER. EXECUTE privileges on DBMS_DEFER are not granted. The following procedures grant EXECUTE privilege on DBMS_DEFER to the specified grantees: DBMS_DEFER programsTable 17.11 lists the programs available in the DBMS_DEFER package. DBMS_DEFER exceptionsThe DBMS_DEFER package may raise any of the exceptions listed in Table 17.12 . DBMS_DEFER nonprogram elementsTable 17.13 lists the constants and other nonprogram elements defined in the DBMS_DEFER package. The DBMS_DEFER.NODE_LIST_T element is a PL/SQL table whose first entry is always placed in row 1. It is filled sequentially, with each subsequent entry placed in row DBMS_DEFER.NODE_LIST_T.LAST + 1.
17.3.2 Basic RPCsThe simplest RPC calls use default destinations and take no parameters. The basic procedure for building a parameterless deferred transaction or a deferred remote procedure call is to follow these steps:
The following sections describe in some detail how these procedures work. Later sections describe more complex RPC calls. The DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION procedureThe TRANSACTION procedure allows you to specify destination sites for the ensuing call(s) to the DBMS_DEFER.CALL procedure. There are two main reasons why you might wish to identify destinations this way:
The TRANSACTION procedure is overloaded such that the nodes parameter is optional. You can specify either, PROCEDURE DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION; or: PROCEDURE DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION (nodes IN node_list_t); If specified, nodes is a PL/SQL table containing the list of nodes that should receive the RPC call. If you do not specify the nodes parameter, the ensuing call(s) to DBMS_DEFER.CALL will queue the calls to destinations in DEFDEFAULTDEST. If you do specify the nodes parameter, you must populate it with the global name of target destinations. ExceptionsDBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION may raise the following exceptions: RestrictionsYou can call the TRANSACTION procedure only in conjunction with DBMS_DEFER.CALL. ExampleAt the end of the DBMS_DEFER section (in the COMMIT_ WORK subsection) is an example that incorporates the TRANSACTION procedure and the other DBMS_DEFER procedures. The DBMS_DEFER.CALL procedureThe CALL procedure queues a call to the destination specified in the DEFDEFAULTDEST data dictionary view. Here is the specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_DEFER.CALL (schema_name IN VARCHAR2, package_name IN VARCHAR2, proc_name IN VARCHAR2, arg_count IN NATURAL, {group_name IN VARCHAR2 := ''| nodes IN node_list_t}); Parameters are summarized in the following table. ExceptionsThe CALL procedure may raise the following exceptions: RestrictionsThe procedures used in deferred RPC calls must be part of a package; it is not possible to queue standalone procedures. ExampleAt the end of the DBMS_DEFER section (in the COMMIT_WORK subsection) is an example that incorporates the CALL procedure and the other DBMS_DEFER procedures. For an additional example, see the defcall.sql file on the companion disk. The example lists all entries in the deferred call queue (DEFCALL), including the originating database and the package name. The DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK procedureThe COMMIT_WORK procedure issues a COMMIT command to commit the transaction constructed by the preceding TRANSACTION and CALL procedures. The specification is, PROCEDURE DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK (commit_work_comment IN VARCHAR2); where commit_work_comment is a description of the transaction. The comment may be up to 50 characters. There are no restrictions on calling COMMIT_WORK. ExceptionsThe COMMIT_WORK procedure may raise the following exception: Example:The DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION, CALL, <datatype>_ARG, and COMMIT_WORK procedures work together to construct a deferred transaction or deferred RPC call, as described in the following examples. Using DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTIONTo illustrate the way that you might use the TRANSACTION procedure, consider the following example. The schema SPROCKET has a package called PriceMaint, which contains procedure TenPctIncrease. This package exists at all sites in the DEFDEFAULTDEST data dictionary view. The TenPctIncrease procedure increases the wholesale and retail prices of products in our PRICES table by 10%. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PriceMaint IS PROCEDURE TenPctIncrease; END PriceMaint; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PriceMaint IS PROCEDURE TenPctIncrease IS BEGIN UPDATE prices SET price_wholesale = price_wholesale * 1.10, price_retail = price_retail * 1.10; END TenPctIncrease; END PriceMaint; / Now, suppose that we wish to make a 10% price increase at all of our locations (i.e., all locations in the DEFDEFAULTDEST data dictionary view). We could create a procedure that queues a call to PriceMaint.TenPctIncrease to all of these sites. In this case, we issue the TRANSACTION call without parameters: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TenPctPriceHike IS BEGIN DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION; DBMS_DEFER.CALL( schema_name => 'SPROCKET', package_name => 'PRICEMAINT', proc_name => 'TENPCTINCREASE' arg_count => 0 ); DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK(commit_work_comment=>'No nodes or args needed'); END; Because the nodes parameter isn't specified in either the call to TRANSACTION or the call to CALL, Oracle resolves the destinations by using all sites in the DEFDEFAULTDEST data dictionary view. Here is how you might use the TenPctPriceHike Procedure. Confirm the default destinations: SQL> SELECT * FROM defdefaultdest; DBLINK -------------------- D7NY.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OH.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7TX.BIGWHEEL.COM 5 rows selected. Now use TenPctPriceHike to queue the RPC to all five destinations: SQL> EXECUTE TenPctPriceHike PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Figure 17-1 graphically illustrates how a deferred call is queued. Figure 17.1: Queueing up a deferred call to TenPctIncreaseNow check the entries in DEFTRAN (this call was made from D7CA. BIGWHEEL.COM): SQL> select * from deftrandest; DEFERRED_TRAN_ID DEFERRED_TRAN_DB DBLINK ---------------------- ----------------- -------------------- 2.44.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7NY.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.44.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OH.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.44.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.44.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.44.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7TX.BIGWHEEL.COM 5 rows selected. For an additional example, see the deftdest.sql file on the companion disk. The example queries the DEFTRANDEST data dictionary view and lists destination databases for deferred RPC calls. Specifying nondefault destinations with TRANSACTIONWhat if we wanted to apply the 10% price hike only to our West Coast sites (i.e., D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM, D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM, and D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM)? The following example does just that by specifying the nodes parameter in the TRANSACTION procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TenPctPriceHikeWest IS vNodes DBMS_DEFER.NODE_LIST_T; BEGIN vNodes(1) := 'D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(2) := 'D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(3) := 'D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM'; DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION( vNodes ); DBMS_DEFER.CALL( schema_name => 'SPROCKET', package_name => 'PRICEMAINT', proc_name => 'TENPCTINCREASE' arg_count => 0 ); DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK(commit_work_comment=>'West Coast Price Hike'); END; Committing deferred RPC calls with COMMIT_WORKNotice that the last two examples include a call to DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK. All deferred RPCs queued with the CALL procedure must be followed by a call to COMMIT_WORK; an explicit COMMIT or COMMIT WORK is not sufficient. The reason for this restriction is that COMMIT_WORK not only commits the transaction, but also updates the commit_comment and delivery_order field in the DEFTRANS data dictionary view. The commit_comment is updated with the optional string passed to COMMIT_WORK, and the delivery_order field is updated with the transaction's SCN. Remember that the TRANSACTION procedure is not required to queue deferred calls. It is used only to specify destinations. The real power and flexibility of deferred transactions is in the CALL procedure. For an additional example, see the defcdest.sql file on the companion disk. The example queries the DEFCALLDEST data dictionary view and lists the destination databases of all calls in the deferred call queue. 17.3.3 Parameterized RPCsThe preceding sections describe the simple version of building deferred RPCs with the DBMS_DEFER package. We saw in those sections that the DBMS_DEFER.CALL procedure is the program that actually queues deferred RPCs. Most of the examples we have seen so far use it in its simplest incarnation, without the nodes parameter and with an arg_count parameter of 0. This is fine when making deferred calls to procedures that take no parameters, and when the default destinations are acceptable, but sooner or later you will want to defer calls to procedures that require parameters, and you will want to specify the destinations for each call individually. The steps to accomplish these more complex operations follow: The DBMS_DEFER. <datatype>_ARG procedureThis procedure specifies an argument for a deferred call. The argument is of the datatype specified in <datatype>. Here is the specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_DEFER.<datatype>ARG (arg IN <datatype>. specifications differ for different datatypes, depending on whether you are using Oracle7 or Oracle8. <datatype> can be one of the following:
The arg parameter is the value to pass to the parameter of the same datatype in the procedure previously queued via DBMS_DEFER.CALL. The various alternatives are listed here. The following specifications apply to both Oracle7 and Oracle8: PROCEDURE NUMBER_ARG (arg IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE DATE_ARG (arg IN DATE); PROCEDURE VARCHAR2_ARG (arg IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE CHAR_ARG (arg IN CHAR); PROCEDURE ROWID_ARG (arg IN ROWID); PROCEDURE RAW_ARG (arg IN raw); These specifications apply only to Oracle8: PROCEDURE NVARCHAR2_ARG (arg IN NVARCHAR2); PROCEDURE ANY_VARCHAR2_ARG (arg IN VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS); PROCEDURE NCHAR_ARG (arg IN NCHAR); PROCEDURE ANY_CHAR_ARG (arg IN CHAR CHARACTER SET ANY_CS); PROCEDURE BLOB_ARG (arg IN BLOB); PROCEDURE CLOB_ARG (arg IN CLOB); PROCEDURE ANY_CLOB_ARG (arg IN CLOB CHARACTER SET ANY_CS); PROCEDURE NCLOB_ARG (arg IN NCLOB); ExceptionsThis procedure may raise the following exception: ExampleThe following scenario describes how to perform the steps required to construct a deferred RPC that takes parameters. Suppose that we have a PRODUCTS table and a procedure that adds new products to it, as follows: SQL> desc products Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ---- PRODUCT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(9) PRODUCT_TYPE NOT NULL NUMBER(6) CATALOG_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(15) DESCRIPTION NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) REV_LEVEL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(15) PRODUCTION_DATE NOT NULL DATE PRODUCTION_STATUS NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) AUDIT_DATE NOT NULL DATE AUDIT_USER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) GLOBAL_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) Procedure ProductMaint.AddProduct populates this table. We will queue deferred calls to the this procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ProductMaint IS PROCEDURE AddProduct(product_type_ININ NUMBER, catalog_id_IN IN VARCHAR2, description_IN IN VARCHAR2, rev_level_IN IN VARCHAR2, production_date_ININ DATE, product_status_ININ VARCHAR); END ProductMaint; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ProductMaint IS PROCEDURE AddProduct(product_type_ININ NUMBER, catalog_id_IN IN VARCHAR2, description_IN IN VARCHAR2, rev_level_IN IN VARCHAR2, production_date_IN IN DATE, product_status_IN IN VARCHAR) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_type, catalog_id, description, rev_level, production_date, production_status, audit_date, audit_user, global_name ) VALUES (seq_products.nextval, product_type_IN, catalog_id_IN, description_IN, rev_level_IN, production_date_IN, product_status_IN, SYSDATE, USER, DBMS_REPUTIL.GLOBAL_NAME); END AddProduct; END ProductMaint; Since the procedure ProductMaint.AddProduct accepts parameters, we must supply values for these parameters when building a deferred call. The following procedure does just that: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE qAddProduct IS vNodes DBMS_DEFER.NODE_LIST_T; BEGIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Specify the nodes to which the deferred RPC call is to be queued. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vNodes(1) := 'D7NY.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(2) := 'D7OH.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(3) := 'D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(4) := 'D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM'; vNodes(5) := 'D7TX.BIGWHEEL.COM'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2. Execute DBMS_DEFER.CALL, supplying the schema name, package name, -- procedure name, number of arguments to the procedure, and (if you do -- not use DBMS_CALL.TRANSACTION) the nodes parameter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBMS_DEFER.CALL(schema_name => 'SPROCKET', package_name => 'PRODUCTMAINT', proc_name => 'AddProduct', arg_count => 6, nodes => vNodes ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. Call DBMS_DEFER.<datatype>_arg arg_count times, where arg_count is -- the value passed to DBMS_DEFER.CALL. The order in which you call -- DBMS_DEFER.<datatype>_arg must be the same order as the parameters -- are listed in the procedure definition. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBMS_DEFER.NUMBER_ARG( 10 ); -- product_type DBMS_DEFER.VARCHAR2_ARG( 'BIKE-0018' ); -- catalog_id DBMS_DEFER.VARCHAR2_ARG( 'Mens 18 Speed Racer'); -- Description DBMS_DEFER.VARCHAR2_ARG( '19971031-01' ); -- Rev Level DBMS_DEFER.DATE_ARG(to_date('31-OCT-1997','DD-MON-YYYY')); --Date DBMS_DEFER.VARCHAR2_ARG( 'PLANNED' ); -- status --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4. Call DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK with an optional comment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBMS_DEFER.COMMIT_WORK(commit_work_comment=>'5 Nodes, 6 args'); END; Let's see what happens when we execute AddProduct: SQL> execute qAddProduct PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Note that even though this deferred RPC call is destined for five different databases, there is only one entry in DEFCALL: SQL> SELECT callno, 2 deferred_tran_db, 3 deferred_tran_id, 4 schemaname, 5 packagename, 6 procname, 7 argcount 8 FROM defcall 9 / Deferred Deferred Tran Tran Schema Package Procedure Arg Call No DB ID Name Name Name Count ------------ ------------------ --------------------- ----------- ------------- 6631429922096 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.125.13 SPROCKET PRODUCTMAINTAddProduct6 The DEFTRANDEST data dictionary view, on the other hand, includes all of the destinations for this call: SQL> SELECT deferred_tran_id, 2 deferred_tran_db, 3 dblink 4 FROM deftrandest 5 / Deferred Deferred Tran Tran ID DB DB Link -------- ------------------- -------------------- 2.125.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7NY.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.125.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OH.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.125.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7OR.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.125.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7WA.BIGWHEEL.COM 2.125.13 D7CA.BIGWHEEL.COM D7TX.BIGWHEEL.COM 5 rows selected.
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