14.2 DBMS_REFRESH: Managing Snapshot GroupsThe DBMS_REFRESH package contains procedures for administrating snapshot groups. A snapshot group is a collection of one or more snapshots that Oracle refreshes in an atomic transaction, guaranteeing that relationships among the master tables are preserved in the snapshot tables. The DBMS_REFRESH package includes packages that perform the following functions:
Figure Figure 14.1 shows how DBMS_REFRESH works and Figure Figure 14.2 illustrates snapshot groups. Figure 14.1: DBMS_REFRESH componentsFigure 14.2: A snapshot group14.2.1 Getting Started with DBMS_REFRESHThe DBMS_REFRESH package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmssnap.sql script (found in the built-in packages source directory, as described in Chapter 1) contains the source code for this package's specification. This script is called by catproc.sql , which is normally run immediately after database creation. The script creates the public synonym DBMS_REFRESH for the package and grants EXECUTE privilege on the package to public. All Oracle users can reference and make use of this package. Table 14-3 lists the programs available in the DBMS_REFRESH package.
14.2.2 Creating and Destroying Snapshot GroupsThe MAKE and DESTROY procedures create and destroy snapshot groups, respectively. You call these procedures from the snapshot site. The DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE procedureCall the MAKE procedure to create a snapshot group. Note that you must select either the list or tab parameter, but not both. The specifications for Oracle7 and Oracle8 versions differ as follows. Here is the Oracle7 specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE (name IN VARCHAR2, {list IN VARCHAR2,| tab IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,} next_date IN DATE, interval IN VARCHAR2, implicit_destroy IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, lax IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, job IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, push_deferred_rpc IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ); Here is the Oracle8 specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE (name IN VARCHAR2, {list IN VARCHAR2,| tab IN dmbs_utility.uncl_array,} next_date IN DATE, interval IN VARCHAR2, implicit_destroy IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, lax IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, job IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, push_deferred_rpc IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, purge_option IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1, parallelism IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0, heap_size IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0); In both Oracle7 and Oracle8, the MAKE procedure is overloaded; you can supply the list of snapshots either as a comma-separated string with the list parameter, or as a PL/SQL table with the tab parameter. Parameters are summarized in the following table.
The MAKE procedure does not raise any exceptions. ExamplesThe following examples illustrate how the MAKE procedure may be used. Read-only snapshot. groupIn this example, we create a snapshot refresh group of read-only snapshots: DECLARE vSnapshotList dbms_utility.uncl_array BEGIN vSnapshotList(1) = 'COUNTRIES' vSnapshotList(2) = 'STATES' vSnapshotList(3) = 'POSTAL_CODES' vSnapshotList(4) = 'CUSTOMER_ADDRESSES' DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE(name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS', tab => vSnapShotList, next_date => TRUNC(sysdate) + 1, interval => 'SYSDATE + 1'); END; This example shows the simplest invocation of DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE; defaults are used for all possible parameters. This call creates a snapshot group on four related tables, and schedules them to be refreshed at every day at midnight. Read-only snapshot group with specialized parametersIn the following example, we create a snapshot refresh group of read-only snapshots with specialized parameters: DECLARE vSnapshotList dbms_utility.uncl_array BEGIN vSnapshotList(1) = 'COUNTRIES' vSnapshotList(2) = 'STATES' vSnapshotList(3) = 'POSTAL_CODES' vSnapshotList(4) = 'CUSTOMER_ADDRESSES' DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE(name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS', tab => vSnapShotList, next_date => TRUNC(sysdate) + 1, interval => 'SYSDATE + 1', implicit_destroy => TRUE, lax => TRUE, rollback_segment 'RB1'); END; This example creates the same snapshot group as in the previous example, but with some additional properties: Parallel propagationIn the next example, we create a snapshot refresh group that uses parallel propagation (Oracle8 only): DECLARE vSnapshotList dbms_utility.uncl_array BEGIN vSnapshotList(1) = 'COUNTRIES' vSnapshotList(2) = 'STATES' vSnapshotList(3) = 'POSTAL_CODES' vSnapshotList(4) = 'CUSTOMER_ADDRESSES' DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE(name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS', tab => vSnapShotList, next_date => TRUNC(sysdate) + 1, interval => 'SYSDATE + 1', parallelism => 4,); END; This example sets parallelism to 4, so that Oracle uses four processes to perform the refresh. The DBMS_REFRESH.DESTROY procedureCall the DESTROY procedure to destroy a snapshot group. For both Oracle7 and Oracle8, you call DESTROY as follows, PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.DESTROY (name IN VARCHAR2); where name is the name of the snapshot group to be destroyed. The DESTROY procedure raises the following exception: ExampleThis example destroys the snapshot group SG_ADDR_TABS: BEGIN DBMS_REFRESH.DESTROY( name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS' ); END; This example does not drop the member snapshots themselves; however, they will not be refreshed again unless you either add them to another snapshot group, or refresh them manually with the DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH procedure. 14.2.3 Adding and Subtracting Snapshots from Snapshot GroupsWith the ADD and SUBTRACT procedures, you can add and subtract the snapshots in a snapshot group after you have created the group. As with the other DBMS_REFRESH procedures, you must call these procedures from the snapshot site. The DBMS_REFRESH.ADD procedureCall the ADD procedure to add a snapshot group. The specification follows: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.ADD (name IN VARCHAR2, {list IN VARCHAR2,| tab IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,} lax IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ); The parameters for the ADD procedure have the same meaning as in the MAKE procedure; refer to the parameter table in that section. Note that you must select the list or tab parameter, but not both. The ADD procedure does not raise any exceptions. ExampleThis example uses the ADD procedure to add the snapshots PROVINCES and CONTINENTS to the existing snapshot group SG_ARR_TABS: BEGIN DBMS_REFRESH.ADD (name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS', list => 'PROVINCES', CONTINENTS'); END; The DBMS_REFRESH. SUBTRACT procedureCall the SUBTRACT procedure to subtract a snapshot group. The specification follows: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.SUBTRACT (name IN VARCHAR2, {list IN VARCHAR2,| tab IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,} lax IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ); The parameters for the SUBTRACT procedure have the same meaning as in the MAKE procedure; refer to the parameter table in that section. Note that you must select the list or tab parameter, but not both. The SUBTRACT procedure does not raise any exceptions. ExampleThe following example removes the snapshots STATES and COUNTRIES from the existing snapshot group SG_ADDR_TABS. Since we also specified lax = TRUE, the call also drops the snapshot group if there are no other member snapshots remaining. BEGIN DBMS_REFRESH.SUBTRACT( name => 'SG_ADDR_TABS', list => 'STATES', COUNTRIES', lax => TRUE); END; 14.2.4 Altering Properties of a Snapshot GroupThe CHANGE procedure allows you to modify settings associated with a snapshot group. You can change any of the parameters that are available in DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE:
Refer to the MAKE section for an explanation of these parameters. The DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE procedureCall the CHANGE procedure to modify a snapshot group's setting. The specifications for CHANGE differ for Oracle7 and Oracle8 as follows. Here is the Oracle7 specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE (name IN VARCHAR2, next_date IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, interval IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, implicit_destroy IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, push_deferred_rpc IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL); Here is the Oracle8 specification: PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE (name IN VARCHAR2, next_date IN DATE := NULL, interval IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, implicit_destroy IN BOOLEAN := NULL, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, push_deferred_rpc IN BOOLEAN := NULL, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN := NULL, purge_option IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL, parallelism IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL, heap_size IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL); As with the MAKE procedure, the difference between the Oracle7 and Oracle8 CHANGE specifications is the inclusion of support for parallel propagation and purging in the Oracle8 version. 14.2.5 Manually Refreshing Snapshot GroupsThe REFRESH procedure refreshes a snapshot group. The DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH procedureCall REFRESH to refresh a snapshot group. A call to REFRESH causes all members of snapshot group name to be refreshed with the settings that you have designated in DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE and/or DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE. The specification is, PROCEDURE DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH (name IN VARCHAR2); where name identifies the snapshot group. The REFRESH procedure does not raise any exceptions.
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