7. Defining an Application Profile
The DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package provides procedures that allow applications to "register" their current execution status with the Oracle database. Once registered, information about the status of an application can be monitored externally through several of the V$ virtual tables. DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO is used to develop applications that can be monitored in various ways, including the following:
When applications register themselves using DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO, DBAs and developers are able to analyze their performance and resource consumption much more closely. This facilitates better application tuning and enables more accurate usage-based cost accounting.
7.1 Getting Started with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFOIn Oracle 7.3, the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmsutil.sql script found in the built-in packages source code directory (as described in Chapter 1, Introduction ) contains the source code for this package's specification. In Oracle 8.0, the script dbmsapin.sql (also found in the source code directory) creates the package. In either case, the scripts are called by catproc.sql , which is normally run immediately after database creation. The script creates the public synonym DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO for the package and grants EXECUTE privilege on the package to public. All Oracle users can reference and make use of this package. 7.1.1 DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO ProgramsTable 7.1 lists the programs available from DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.
7.1.2 The V$ Virtual TablesMost of the programs in DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO modify the V$ virtual tables to register application status. Table 7.2 lists the V$ tables and columns that each program modifies.
7.1.3 DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Nonprogram ElementsThe DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package contains a single constant: set_session_longops_nohint. This constant is defined like this: set_session_longops_nohint CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := -1; This constant is used as a special value for the hint parameter of the SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure. When this value is passed, a new row in the V$SESSION_LONGOPS virtual table is acquired for tracking long operations. (See the example in the section, " Section 7.2.6, "The DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure" .") Copyright (c) 2000 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |