| |  |
5.4. tcpdump
tcpdump program was developed at the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, by Van
Jacobson, Craig Leres, and Steven McCanne. It was originally
developed to analyze TCP/IP performance problems. A number of
features have been added over time although some options may not be
available with every implementation. The program has been ported to a
wide variety of systems and comes preinstalled on many systems.
For a variety of reasons,
tcpdump is an ideal tool to begin with. It is
freely available, runs on many Unix platforms, and has even been
ported to Microsoft Windows. Features of its syntax and its file
format have been used or supported by a large number of subsequent
programs. In particular, its capture software,
libpcap, is frequently used by other capture
programs. Even when proprietary programs with additional features
exist, the universality of tcpdump makes it a
compelling choice. If you work with a wide variety of platforms,
being able to use the same program on all or most of the platforms
can easily outweigh small advantages proprietary programs might have.
This is particularly true if you use the programs on an irregular
basis or don't otherwise have time to fully master them. It is
better to know a single program well than several programs
superficially. In such situations, special features of other programs
will likely go unused.
Since tcpdump is text
based, it is easy to run remotely using a Telnet connection. Its
biggest disadvantage is a lack of analysis, but you can easily
capture traffic, move it to your local machine, and analyze it with a
tool like ethereal. Typically, I use
tcpdump in text-only environments or on remote
computers. I use ethereal in a Microsoft Windows
or X Window environment and to analyze tcpdump
5.4.1. Using tcpdump
The simplest
way to run tcpdump is interactively by simply
typing the program's name. The output will appear on your
screen. You can terminate the program by typing Ctrl-C. But unless
you have an idle network, you are likely to be overwhelmed by the
amount of traffic you capture. What you are interested in will likely
scroll off your screen before you have a chance to read it.
Fortunately, there are better ways to run
tcpdump. The first question is how you plan to
use tcpdump. Issues include whether you also
plan to use the host on which tcpdump is running
to generate traffic in addition to capturing traffic, how much
traffic you expect to capture, and how you will determine that the
traffic you need has been captured.
There are several very simple, standard
ways around the problem of being overwhelmed by data. The Unix
commands tee and script are
commonly used to allow a user to both view and record output from a
Unix session. (Both tee and
script are described in Chapter 11, "Miscellaneous Tools".) For example, script
could be started, tcpdump run, and
script stopped to leave a file that could be
examined later.
tee command is slightly more complicated since
tcpdump must be placed in line mode to display
output with tee. This is done with the
-l option. The syntax for capturing a file with
tee is:
bsd1# tcpdump -l | tee outfile
Of course, additional arguments would probably be used.
Using multiple Telnet connections to
a host or multiple windows in an X Window session allows you to
record in one window while taking actions to generate traffic in
another window. This approach can be very helpful in some
An alternative
is to use telnet to connect to the probe
computer. The session could be logged with many of the versions of
telnet that are available. Be aware, however,
that the Telnet connection will generate considerable traffic that
may become part of your log file unless you are using filtering.
(Filtering, which is discussed later in this chapter, allows you to
specify the type of traffic you want to examine.) The additional
traffic may also overload the connection, resulting in lost packets.
Another alternative is to run tcpdump as a
detached process by including an & at the
end of the command line. Here is an
bsd1# tcpdump -w outfile &
[1] 70260
bsd1# tcpdump: listening on xl0
The command starts tcpdump, prints a process
number, and returns the user prompt along with a message that
tcpdump has started. You can now enter commands
to generate the traffic you are interested in. (You really have a
prompt at this point; the message from tcpdump
just obscures it.) Once you have generated the traffic of interest,
you can terminate tcpdump by issuing a
kill command using the process number reported
when tcpdump was started. (You can use the
ps command if you have forgotten the process
bsd1# kill 70260
153 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
[1] Done tcpdump -w outfile
You can now analyze the capture file.
(Running tcpdump as a detached process can also
be useful when you are trying to capture traffic that might not show
up for a while, e.g., RADIUS or DNS exchanges. You might want to use
the nohup command to run it in the background.)
another approach is to use the -w option to
write the captured data directly to a file. This option has the
advantage of collecting raw data in binary format. The data can then
be replayed with tcpdump using the
-r option. The binary format decreases the
amount of storage needed, and different filters can be applied to the
file without having to recapture the traffic. Using previously
captured traffic is an excellent way of fine-tuning filters to be
sure they work as you expect. Of course, you can selectively analyze
data captured as text files in Unix by using the many tools Unix
provides, but you can't use tcpdump
filtering on text files. And you can always generate a text file from
a tcpdump file for subsequent analysis with Unix
tools by simply redirecting the output. To capture data you might
bsd1# tcpdump -w rawfile
The data could be converted to a text file with:
bsd1# tcpdump -r rawfile > textfile
This approach has several limitations. Because the data is being
written directly to a file, you must know when to terminate recording
without actually seeing the traffic. Also, if you limit what is
captured with the original run, the data you exclude is lost. For
these reasons, you will probably want to be very liberal in what you
capture, offsetting some of the storage gains of the binary format.
Clearly, each approach has its combination of advantages and
disadvantages. If you use tcpdump very much, you
will probably need each from time to time.
5.4.2. tcpdump Options
A number of command-line options are
available with tcpdump. Roughly speaking,
options can be separated into four broad categories -- commands
that control the program operations (excluding filtering), commands
that control how data is displayed, commands that control what data
is displayed, and filtering commands. We will consider each category
in turn. Controlling program behavior
This class of command-line options
affects program behavior, including the way data is collected. We
have already seen two examples of control commands,
-r and -w. The
-w option allows us to redirect output to a file
for later analysis, which can be extremely helpful if you are not
sure exactly how you want to analyze your data. You can subsequently
play back capture data using the -r option. You
can repeatedly apply different display options or filters to the data
until you have found exactly the information you want. These options
are extremely helpful in learning to use tcpdump
and are essential for documentation and sharing.
If you know how many packets you want
to capture or if you just have an upper limit on the number of
packets, the -c option allows you to specify
that number. The program will terminate automatically when that
number is reached, eliminating the need to use a
kill command or Ctrl-C. In the next example,
tcpdump will terminate after 100 packets are
bsd1# tcpdump -c100
While limiting packet capture can be useful in some circumstances, it
is generally difficult to predict accurately how many packets need to
be collected.
you are running tcpdump on a host with more than
one network interface, you can specify which interface you want to
use with the -i option. Use the command
ifconfig -a to discover what interfaces are
available and what networks they correspond to if you aren't
sure. For example, suppose you are using a computer with two class C
interfaces, xl0 with an IP address of and xl1 with
an IP address of Then, to
capture traffic on the network, you
would use the command:
bsd1# tcpdump -i xl1
Without an explicitly identified interface,
tcpdump defaults to the lowest numbered
The -p option
says that the interface should not be put into promiscuous mode. This
option would, in theory, limit capture to the normal traffic on the
interface -- traffic to or from the host, multicast traffic, and
broadcast traffic. In practice, the interface might be in promiscuous
mode for some other reason. In this event, -p
will not turn promiscuous mode off.
-s controls the amount of data captured.
Normally, tcpdump defaults to some maximum byte
count and will only capture up to that number of bytes from
individual packets. The actual number of bytes depends on the
pseudodevice driver used by the operating system. The default is
selected to capture appropriate headers, but not to collect packet
data unnecessarily. By limiting the number of bytes collected,
privacy can be improved. Limiting the number of bytes collected also
decreases processing and buffering requirements.
you need to collect more data, the -s option can
be used to specify the number of bytes to collect. If you are
dropping packets and can get by with fewer bytes,
-s can be used to decrease the number of bytes
collected. The following command will collect the entire packet if
its length is less than or equal to 200 bytes:
bsd1# tcpdump -s200
Longer packets will be truncated to
200 bytes.
If you are capturing files using the -w option,
you should be aware that the number of bytes collected will be what
is specified by the -s option at the time of
capture. The -s option does not apply to files
read back with the -r option. Whatever you
captured is what you have. If it was too few bytes, then you will
have to recapture the data. Controlling how information is displayed
The -a,
-n, -N, and
-f options determine how address information is
displayed. The -a option attempts to force
network addresses into names, the -n option
prevents the conversion of addresses into names, the
-N option prevents domain name qualification,
and the -f option prevents remote name
resolution. In the following, the remote site
( is pinged from
( without an option, with
-a, with -n, with
-N, and with -f,
respectively. (The options -c1 host
restricts capture to one packet to or from the host
bsd1# tcpdump -c1 host
tcpdump: listening on xl0
14:16:35.897342 sloan.lander.edu > cio-sys.cisco.com: icmp: echo request
bsd1# tcpdump -c1 -a host
tcpdump: listening on xl0
14:16:14.567917 sloan.lander.edu > cio-sys.cisco.com: icmp: echo request
bsd1# tcpdump -c1 -n host
tcpdump: listening on xl0
14:17:09.737597 > icmp: echo request
bsd1# tcpdump -c1 -N host
tcpdump: listening on xl0
14:17:28.891045 sloan > cio-sys: icmp: echo request
bsd1# tcpdump -c1 -f host
tcpdump: listening on xl0
14:17:49.274907 sloan.lander.edu > icmp: echo request
Clearly, the -a option is the default.
Not using name resolution can eliminate the overhead and produce
terser output. If the network is broken, you may not be able to reach
your name server and will find yourself with long delays, while name
resolution times out. Finally, if you are running
tcpdump interactively, name resolution will
create more traffic that will have to be filtered out.
The -t and
-tt options control the printing of timestamps.
The -t option suppresses the display of the
timestamp while -tt produces unformatted
timestamps. The following shows the output for the same packet using
tcpdump without an option, with the
-t option, and with the -tt
option, respectively:
12:36:54.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394
win 8647 (DF)
sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394 win 8647 (DF)
934303014.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394
win 8647 (DF)
The -t option produces a more terse output while
the -tt output can simplify subsequent
processing, particularly if you are writing scripts to process the
data. Controlling what's displayed
verbose modes provided by -v and
-vv options can be used to print some additional
information. For example, the -v option will
print TTL fields. For less information, use the
-q, or quiet, option. Here is the output for the
same packet presented with the -q option,
without options, with the -v option, and with
the -vv option, respectively:
12:36:54.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > tcp 0 (DF)
12:36:54.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394
win 8647 (DF)
12:36:54.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394
win 8647 (DF) (ttl 128, id 45836)
12:36:54.772066 sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394
win 8647 (DF) (ttl 128, id 45836)
This additional information might be useful in a few limited
contexts, while the quiet mode provides shorter output lines. In this
instance, there was no difference between the results with
-v and -vv, but this
isn't always the case.
The -e option
is used to display link-level header information. For the packet from
the previous example, with the -e option, the
output is:
12:36:54.772066 0:10:5a:a1:e9:8 0:10:5a:e3:37:c ip 60:
sloan.lander.edu.1174 > . ack 3259091394 win 8647 (DF)
0:10:5a:a1:e9:8 is the Ethernet address of the
3Com card in sloan.lander.edu, while
0:10:5a:e3:37:c is the Ethernet address of the
3Com card in (We can discover
the types of adapters used by looking up the OUI portion of these
addresses, as described in Chapter 2, "Host Configurations".)
the masochist who wants to decode packets manually, the
-x option provides a hexadecimal dump of
packets, excluding link-level headers. A packet displayed with the
-x and -vv options looks
like this:
13:57:12.719718 bsd1.lander.edu.1657 > 11587+ A? www.
microsoft.com. (35) (ttl 64, id 41353)
4500 003f a189 0000 4011 c43a cd99 3db2
cd99 3c05 0679 0035 002b 06d9 2d43 0100
0001 0000 0000 0000 0377 7777 096d 6963
726f 736f 6674 0363 6f6d 0000 0100 01
Please note that the amount of information displayed will depend on
how many bytes are collected, as determined by the
-s option. Such hex listings are typical of what
might be seen with many capture programs.
Describing how to do such an analysis in detail is beyond the scope
of this book, as it requires a detailed understanding of the
structure of packets for a variety of protocols. Interpreting this
data is a matter of taking packets apart byte by byte or even bit by
bit, realizing that the interpretation of the results at one step may
determine how the next steps will be done. For header formats, you
can look to the appropriate RFC or in any number of books. Table 5-1 summarizes the analysis for this particular
packet, but every packet is different. This particular packet was a
DNS lookup for www.microsoft.com. (For more
information on decoding packets, see Eric A. Hall's
Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide.)
Table 5-1. Packet analysis summary
Raw data in hex
IP header
First 4 bits of 45
IP version -- 4
Last 4 bits of 45
Length of header multiplier -- 5 (times 4 or 20 bytes)
Type of service
00 3f
Packet length in hex -- 63 bytes
a1 89
First 3 bits of 00
000 -- flags, none set
Last 13 bits of 00 00
Fragmentation offset
TTL -- 64 hops
Protocol number in hex -- UDP
c4 3a
Header checksum
cd 99 3d b2
Source IP --
cd 99 3c 05
Destination IP --
UDP header
06 79
Source port
00 35
Destination port -- DNS
00 2b
UDP packet length -- 43 bytes
06 d9
Header checksum
DNS message
2d 43
01 00
Flags -- query with recursion desired
00 01
Number of queries
00 00
Number of answers
00 00
Number of authority RRs
00 00
Number of additional RRs
Length -- 3
77 77 77
String -- "www"
Length -- 9
6d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74
String -- "microsoft"
Length -- 3
63 6f 6d
String -- "com"
Length -- 0
00 01
Query type -- IP address
00 01
Query class -- Internet
This analysis was included here primarily
to give a better idea of how packet analysis works. Several programs
that analyze packet data from a tcpdump trace
file are described later in this chapter. Unix utilities like
strings, od, and
hexdump can also make the process easier. For
example, in the following example, this makes it easier to pick out
www.microsoft.com in the data:
bsd1# hexdump -C tracefile
00000000 d4 c3 b2 a1 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000010 c8 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 78 19 06 38 66 fb 0a 00 |........x..8f...|
00000020 4d 00 00 00 4d 00 00 00 00 00 a2 c6 0e 43 00 60 |M...M........C.`|
00000030 97 92 4a 7b 08 00 45 00 00 3f a1 89 00 00 40 11 |..J{..E..?....@.|
00000040 c4 3a cd 99 3d b2 cd 99 3c 05 06 79 00 35 00 2b |.:..=...<..y.5.+|
00000050 06 d9 2d 43 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 |..-C...........w|
00000060 77 77 09 6d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 03 63 6f 6d |ww.microsoft.com|
00000070 00 00 01 00 01 |.....|
The -vv option could also be used to get as much
information as possible.
Hopefully, you will have little need for
the -x option. But occasionally you may
encounter a packet that is unknown to tcpdump,
and you have no choice. For example, some of the switches on my local
network use a proprietary implementation of a spanning tree protocol
to implement virtual local area networks (VLANs). Most packet
analyzers, including tcpdump, won't
recognize these. Fortunately, once you have decoded one unusual
packet, you can usually easily identify similar packets. Filtering
effectively use tcpdump, it is necessary to
master the use of filters. Filters permit you to specify what traffic
you want to capture, allowing you to focus on just what is of
interest. This can be absolutely essential if you need to extract a
small amount of traffic from a massive trace file. Moreover, tools
like ethereal use the
tcpdump filter syntax for capturing traffic, so
you'll want to learn the syntax if you plan to use these tools.
you are absolutely certain that you are not interested in some kinds
of traffic, you can exclude traffic as you capture. If you are
unclear of what traffic you want, you can collect the raw data to a
file and apply the filters as you read back the file. In practice,
you will often alternate between these two approaches.
Filters at their simplest are keywords
added to the end of the command line. However, extremely complex
commands can be constructed using logical and relational operators.
In the latter case, it is usually better to save the filter to a file
and use the -F option. For example, if
testfilter is a text file containing the filter
host, then typing tcpdump
-Ftestfilter is equivalent to typing the command
tcpdump host Generally, you will
want to use this feature with complex filters only. However, you
can't combine filters on the command line with a filters file
in the same command. Address filtering.
It should come as no surprise that filters can select traffic based
on addresses. For example, consider the command:
bsd1# tcpdump host
command captures all traffic to and from the host with the IP address The host may be specified by IP number or name. Since
an IP address has been specified, you might incorrectly guess that
the captured traffic will be limited to IP traffic. In fact, other
traffic, such as ARP traffic, will also be collected by this filter.
Restricting capture to a particular protocol requires a more complex
filter. Nonintuitive behavior like this necessitates a thorough
testing of all filters.
Addresses can be specified and restricted in several ways. Here is an
example that uses the Ethernet address of a computer to select
bsd1# tcpdump ether host 0:10:5a:e3:37:c
can be further restricted to traffic flows for a single direction,
either to a host or from a host, using src to
specify the source of the traffic or dst to
specify the destination. The next example shows a filter that
collects traffic sent to the host at but not from it:
bsd1# tcpdump dst
Note that the keyword host was omitted in this
example. Such omissions are OK in several instances, but it is always
safer to include these keywords.
or broadcast traffic can be selected by using the keyword
multicast or broadcast,
respectively. Since multicast and broadcast traffic are specified
differently at the link level and the network level, there are two
forms for each of these filters. The filter ether
multicast captures traffic with an Ethernet multicast
address, while ip multicast captures traffic
with an IP multicast address. Similar qualifiers are used with
broadcast traffic. Be aware that multicast filters may capture
broadcast traffic. As always, test your filters.
Traffic capture can be restricted to networks as well as hosts. For
example, the following command restricts capture to packets coming
from or going to the network:
bsd1# tcpdump net 205.153.60
The following command does the same thing:
bsd1# tcpdump net mask
Although you might guess otherwise, the following command does not
work properly due to the final .0:
bsd1# tcpdump net
sure to test your filters! Protocol and port filtering.
It is possible to restrict capture to specific protocols such as IP,
Appletalk, or TCP. You can also restrict capture to services built on
top of these protocols, such as DNS or RIP. This type of capture can
be done in three ways -- by using a few specific keywords known by
tcpdump, by protocol using the
proto keyword, or by service using the
port keyword.
Several of these protocol names are recognized by tcpdump
and can be identified by keyword . The
following command restricts the traffic captured to IP traffic:
bsd1# tcpdump ip
course, IP traffic will include TCP traffic, UDP traffic, and so on.
To capture just TCP traffic, you would use:
bsd1# tcpdump tcp
Recognized keywords include
ip, igmp,
tcp, udp, and
There are many transport-level services
that do not have recognized keywords. In this case, you can use the
keywords proto or ip proto
followed by either the name of the protocol found in the
/etc/protocols file or the corresponding
protocol number. For example, either of the following will look for
OSPF packets:
bsd1# tcpdump ip proto ospf
bsd1# tcpdump ip proto 89
Of course, the first works only if there is an entry in
/etc/protocols for OSPF.
Built-in keywords may cause problems. In these examples, the keyword
tcp must either be escaped or the number must be
used. For example, the following is fine:
bsd#1 tcpdump ip proto 6
On the other hand, you can't use tcp with
bsd#1 tcpdump ip proto tcp
will generate an error.
For higher-level services, services
built on top of the underlying protocols, you must use the keyword
port. Either of the following will collect DNS
bsd#1 tcpdump port domain
bds#1 tcpdump port 53
In the former case, the keyword domain is
resolved by looking in /etc/services. When there
may be ambiguity between transport-layer protocols, you may further
restrict ports to a particular protocol. Consider the command:
bsd#1 tcpdump udp port domain
This will capture DNS name lookups using UDP but not DNS zone
transfers using TCP. The two previous commands would capture both. Packet characteristics.
Filters can also be designed based on packet characteristics such as
packet length or the contents of a particular field. These filters
must include a relational operator. To use length, the keyword
less or greater is used.
Here is an example:
bsd1# tcpdump greater 200
This command collects packets longer than 200 bytes.
Looking inside packets is a little more
complicated in that you must understand the structure of the
packet's header. But despite the complexity, or perhaps because
of it, this technique gives you the greatest control over what is
captured. (If you are charged with creating a firewall using a
product that requires specifying offsets into headers, practicing
with tcpdump could prove invaluable.)
The general syntax is
proto [ expr : size ]. The field
proto indicates which header to look
into -- ip for the IP header,
tcp for the TCP header, and so forth. The
expr field gives an offset into the header
indexed from 0. That is, the first byte in a header is number 0, the
second byte is number 1, and so forth. Alternately, you can think of
expr as the number of bytes in the header to
skip over. The size field is optional. It
specifies the number of bytes to use and can be 1, 2, or 4.
bsd1# tcpdump "ip[9] = 6"
looks into the IP header at the tenth byte, the protocol field, for a
value of 6. Notice that this must be quoted. Either an apostrophe or
double quotes should work, but a backquote will not work.
bsd1# tcpdump tcp
is an equivalent command since 6 is the protocol number for TCP.
technique is frequently used with a mask to select specific bits.
Values should be in hex. Comparisons are specified using the syntax
& followed by a bit mask. The next example
extracts the first byte from the Ethernet header (i.e., the first
byte of the destination address), extracts the low-order bit, and
makes sure the bit is not 0: [25]
bsd1# tcpdump 'ether[0] & 1 != 0'
will match multicast and broadcast packets.
With both of these examples, there are better ways of matching the
packets. For a more realistic example, consider the command:
bsd1# tcpdump "tcp[13] & 0x03 != 0"
This filter skips the first 13 bytes in
the TCP header, extracting the flag byte. The mask
0x03 selects the first and second bits, which
are the FIN and SYN bits. A packet is captured if either bit is set.
This will capture setup or teardown packets for a TCP connection.
It is tempting to try to mix in
relational operators with these logical operators. Unfortunately,
expressions like tcp src port > 23
don't work. The best way of thinking about it is that the
expression tcp src port returns a value of true
or false, not a numerical value, so it can't be compared to a
number. If you want to look for all TCP traffic with a source port
with a value greater than 23, you must extract the port field from
the header using syntax such as "tcp[0:2] &
0xffff > 0x0017". Compound filters.
All the examples thus far have consisted of simple commands with a
single test. Compound filters can be constructed in
tcpdump using logical operator
and, or, and
not. These are often abbreviated
&&, ||, and
! respectively. Negation has the highest
precedence. Precedence is left to right in the absence of
parentheses. While parentheses can be used to change precedence,
remember that they must be escaped or
Earlier it was noted that the following will not limit capture to
just IP traffic:
bsd1# tcpdump host
If you really only want IP traffic in this case, use the command:
bsd1# tcpdump host and ip
On the other hand, if you want all traffic to the host except IP
traffic, you could use:
bsd1# tcpdump host and not ip
If you need to capture all traffic to and from the host and all
non-IP traffic, replace the and with an
With complex expressions, you have to be careful of the precedence.
Consider the two commands:
bsd1# tcpdump host lnx1 and udp or arp
bsd1# tcpdump "host lnx1 and (udp or arp)"
The first will capture all UDP traffic to or from
lnx1 and all ARP traffic. What you probably want
is the second, which captures all UDP or ARP traffic to or from
lxn1. But beware, this will also capture ARP
broadcast traffic. To beat a dead horse, be sure to test your
I mentioned earlier that running
tcpdump on a remote station using
telnet was one way to collect data across your
network, except that the Telnet traffic itself would be captured. It
should be clear now that the appropriate filter can be used to avoid
this problem. To eliminate a specific TCP connection, you need four
pieces of information -- the source and destination IP addresses
and the source and destination port numbers. In practice, the two IP
addresses and the well-known port number is often enough.
For example, suppose you are interested in capturing traffic on the
host lnx1, you are logged onto the host
bsd1, and you are using
telnet to connect from bsd1
to lnx1. To capture all the traffic at
lnx1, excluding the Telnet traffic between
bsd1 and lnx1, the
following command will probably work adequately in most cases:
lnx1# tcpdump -n "not (tcp port telnet and host lnx1 and host bsd1)"
We can't just exclude Telnet traffic since that would exclude
all Telnet traffic between lnx1 and any host. We
can't just exclude traffic to or from one of the hosts because
that would exclude non-Telnet traffic as well. What we want to
exclude is just traffic that is Telnet traffic, has
lnx1 as a host, and has
bsd1 as a host. So we take the negation of these
three requirements to get everything else.
While this filter is usually adequate,
this filter excludes all Telnet sessions between the two hosts, not
just yours. If you really want to capture other Telnet traffic
between lnx1 and bsd1, you
would need to include a fourth term in the negation giving the
ephemeral port assigned by telnet. You'll
need to run tcpdump twice, first to discover the
ephemeral port number for your current session since it will be
different with every session, and then again with the full filter to
capture the traffic you are interested in.
One other observation -- while we are
not reporting the traffic, the traffic is still there. If you are
investigating a bandwidth problem, you have just added to the
traffic. You can, however, minimize this traffic during the capture
if you write out your trace to a file on lnx1
using the -w option. This is true, however, only
if you are using a local filesystem. Finally, note the use of the
-n option. This is required to prevent name
resolution. Otherwise, tcpdump would be creating
additional network traffic in trying to resolve IP numbers into names
as noted earlier.
Once you have mastered the basic syntax of
tcpdump, you should run
tcpdump on your own system without any filters.
It is worthwhile to do this occasionally just to see what sorts of
traffic you have on your network. There are likely to be a number of
surprises. In particular, there may be router protocols, switch
topology information exchange, or traffic from numerous PC-based
protocols that you aren't expecting. It is very helpful to know
that this is normal traffic so when you have problems you won't
blame the problems on this strange traffic.
This has not been an exhaustive treatment of
tcpdump, but I hope that it adequately covers
the basics. The manpage for tcpdump contains a
wealth of additional information, including several detailed examples
with explanations. One issue I have avoided has been how to interpret
tcpdump data. Unfortunately, this depends upon
the protocol and is really beyond the scope of a book such as this.
Ultimately, you must learn the details of the protocols. For TCP/IP,
Richard W. Stevens' TCP/IP Illustrated,
vol. 1 , The Protocols has extensive
examples using tcpdump. But the best way to
learn is to use tcpdump to examine the behavior
of working systems.
 |  |  | 5.3. Capturing Data |  | 5.5. Analysis Tools |