- AliasFile=[class:]file, [class:]file...
Identifies the alias file(s). class is
optional and defaults to implicit. Valid classes
are implicit, hash,
dbm, stab (internal symbol
table) or nis. The selected database class must be
a database type that was compiled into sendmail on
your system. file is the pathname of the
alias file.
- AliasWait=timeout
Wait timeout minutes for an
"@:@" entry to appear in the alias database before
starting up. When timeout expires,
automatically rebuild the database if
AutoRebuildAliases is set; otherwise, issue a
- AuthMechanisms=list
Advertise the listed authentication mechanisms.
- AuthOptions=list
Lists the options supported with the SMTP AUTH argument.
- AllowBogusHELO
Accept illegal HELO SMTP commands that don't contain a hostname.
- AutoRebuildAliases
Automatically rebuild the alias database when necessary. The
preferred method is to rebuild the alias database with an explicit
newaliases command.
- BlankSub=c
Use c as the blank substitution character
to replace unquoted spaces in addresses. The default is to leave the
spaces unchanged.
- CACERTFile=filename
Identifies the file that contains the certificate of a certificate
- CACERTPath=path
Defines the path to the directory that contains the certificates of
various certificate authorities.
- CheckAliases
Check that the delivery address in each alias is valid when
rebuilding the alias database. Normally this check is not done.
Adding this check slows the database build substantially. This is a
- CheckpointInterval=n
Checkpoint the queue after every n items
are processed to simplify recovery if your system crashes during
queue processing. The default is 10.
- ClassFactor=fact
The multiplier used to favor messages with a higher value in the
Priority: header. Defaults to 1800.
- ClientCertFile=file
Identifies the file that contains the certificate used when this
system acts as a client.
- ClientKeyFile=file
Identifies the file that contains the private key used when this
system acts as a client.
- ClientPortOptions=options
Defines nonstandard settings used when this system acts as an SMTP
client. options is a comma-separated list
of keyword=value pairs. Valid
keyword=value pairs are:
- Port=port
Defines the source port number the client uses for outbound
connections. port can be specified by
number or name. If a name is used, the name must be defined in
/etc/services. By default, the source port for
an outbound connection is generated by the system for the connection.
- Addr=address
Defines the address of the network interface the client uses for
outbound connections. The value for
address can be written in dotted decimal
notation or as a name. By default, any available interface is used.
- Family=protocol
Defines the protocol family used for the connection.
inet, which is the default, is the protocol family
for TCP/IP.
- SndBufSize=bytes
Defines the size of the send buffer.
- RcvBufSize=bytes
Defines the size of the receive buffer.
- Modifier=flags
Defines the daemon flags for the client. Only one flag,
h, is available. The h flag
tells the client to use the name assigned to the interface on the
SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
- ColonOkInAddr
Accept colons in email addresses (e.g.,
host:user). Colons are always accepted in pairs
in mail routing (nodename::user) or in RFC 822
group constructs (groupname: member1, member2, ...;). By default,
this option is "on" if the configuration version level is
less than 6.
- ConnectionCacheSize=n
The number of connections that can be held open (cached) by this
instantiation of sendmail. The default is 1. The maximum is 4. 0
causes connections to be closed immediately after the data is sent,
which is the traditional way sendmail operated.
- ConnectionCacheTimeout=timeout
The amount of time an inactive cached connection is held open. After
timeout minutes of inactivity, it is
closed. The default is 5 minutes.
- ConnectionRateThrottle=n
Limits the number of incoming connections accepted in any 1-second
period to n. The default is 0, which means
no limit.
- ConnectOnlyTo=address
Limits all SMTP connections to a single destination address. Used
only for testing.
- ControlSocketName=path
Defines the path of the Unix control socket used to manage daemon
connections. By default, this is not defined.
- DaemonPortOptions=options
Sets SMTP server options. The options are
key=value pairs. The options are:
- Port=portnumber
where portnumber is any valid port number.
It can be specified with the number or the name found in
/etc/services. The default is port 25, SMTP.
- Addr=mask
where mask is an IP address mask specified
either in dotted decimal notation or as a network name. The default
is INADDR-ANY, which accepts all addresses.
- Family=addressfamily
where addressfamily is a valid address
family (see the ifconfig command). The default is
INET, which allows IP addresses to be used.
- Listen=n
where n is the number of queued
connections allowed. The default is 10.
- SndBufSize=n
where n is the send buffer size.
- RcvBufSize=n
where n is the receive buffer size.
- DataFileBufferSize=bytes
Defines the maximum amount of memory that can be used to buffer a
data file.
- DeadLetterDrop=file
Defines the file where messages that cannot be returned to the sender
or sent to the postmaster account are stored.
- DefaultAuthInfo=file
Defines the file that contains the authentication information needed
for outbound connections.
- DefaultCharSet=charset
The character set placed in the Content-Type: header when 8-bit data
is converted to MIME format. The default is
unknown-8bit. This option is overridden by the
Charset= field of the mailer descriptor.
- DefaultUser=user[:group]
The default user ID and group ID for mailers without the S flag in
their definitions. If group is omitted,
the group associated with user in the
/etc/passwd file is used. The default is 1:1.
- DeliveryMode=x
Deliver in mode x, where
x is i (interactive delivery), b
(background delivery), q (queue the message), or d (defer until the
queue run). The default is b.
- DHParameters=parameters
Defines the DH parameters used for DSA/DH encryption.
- DialDelay=delaytime
Delay delaytime seconds before redialing a
failed connection on dial-on-demand networks. The default is 0 (no
- DontBlameSendmail=options
Disables sendmail's file security checks.
options is a comma-separated list of
keywords that disable specific security checks. The values for this
option are set by the confDONT_BLAME_SENDMAIL
define command in the m4 source
file. The valid keywords for the options
list are:
- AssumeSafeChown
Allow the chown command because it is only
available to the root user.
- ClassFileInUnsafeDirPath
Accept any directory path in an F command.
- DontWarnForwardFileInUnsafeDirPath
Don't issue a warning about an unsafe path for the
.forward file.
- ErrorHeaderInUnsafeDirPath
Accept the error header file regardless of its directory path.
- FileDeliveryToHardLink
Permit delivery to a file that is really a hard link.
- FileDeliveryToSymLink
Permit delivery to a file that is really a symbolic link.
- ForwardFileInUnsafeDirPath
Accept a .forward file even if it is in an
unsafe directory.
- ForwardFileInUnsafeDirPathSafe
Accept program and file references from a
.forward file even if it is in an unsafe
- ForwardFileIngroupWritableDirPath
Accept a .forward file even if it is in a
group-writable directory.
- GroupWritableAliasFile
Accept the aliases file even if it is
- GroupWritableDirPathSafe
Accept all group-writable directories as "safe."
- GroupWritableForwardFileSafe
Accept a .forward file even if it is
- GroupWritableIncludeFileSafe
Accept :include: files even if they are
- HelpFileinUnsafeDirPath
Accept the help file even if it is in an unsafe directory.
- IncludeFileInUnsafeDirPath
Accept :include: files even if they are from
unsafe directories.
- IncludeFileInUnsafeDirPathSafe
Accept program and file references from
:include: files even if they are in an unsafe
- IncludeFileIngroupWritableDirPath
Accept :include: files even if they are in a
group-writable directory.
- InsufficientEntropy
Use STARTTLS even if the random seed generator for SSL is inadequate.
- LinkedAliasFileInWritableDir
Accept an aliases file that is a link in a
writable directory.
- LinkedClassFileInWritableDir
Load class values from files that are links in writable directories.
- LinkedForwardFileInWritableDir
Accept .forward files that are links in writable
- LinkedIncludeFileInWritableDir
Accept :include: files that are links in
writable directories.
- LinkedMapInWritableDir
Accept database files that are links in writable directories.
- LinkedServiceSwitchFileInWritableDir
Accept a service switch file that is a link in a writable directory.
- MapInUnsafeDirPath
Accept database files that are in unsafe directories.
- NonRootSafeAddr
Don't flag file and program deliveries as unsafe when sendmail
is not running as root.
- RunProgramInUnsafeDirPath
Run programs that are in writable directories.
- RunWritableProgram
Run programs that are group- or world-writable.
- Safe
Leave all of the safety checks on. This is the default.
- TrustStickyBit
Trust group- and world-writable directories if the sticky bit is set.
- WorldWritableAliasFile
Accept the aliases file even if it is
- WriteMapToHardLink
Write to database files even if they are really hard links.
- WriteMapToSymLink
Write to database files even if they are really symbolic links.
- WriteStatsToHardLink
Write to the status file even if it is really a hard link.
- WriteStatsToSymLink
Write to the status file even if it is really a symbolic link.
- DontExpandCnames
Disable the
syntax used to convert nicknames to canonical names.
- DontInitGroups
Don't use the initgroups(3) call. This setting reduces NIS
server load, but limits a user to the group associated with that user
in /etc/passwd.
- DontProbeInterfaces
If set to true, this stops sendmail from adding the names and
addresses of the network interfaces to class w. The default is false,
so interface names and addresses are stored in class w.
- DontPruneRoutes
Don't optimize explicit mail routes. Normally, sendmail makes a
route as direct as possible. However, optimizing the route may not be
appropriate for systems located behind a firewall.
- DoubleBounceAddress=error-address
Send the report of an error that occurs when sending an error message
to error-address. The default is
- EightBitMode=action
Handle undeclared 8-bit data by following the specified
action. The possible actions are:
s (strict), reject undeclared 8-bit data;
m (mime), convert it to MIME; and
p (pass), pass it through unaltered.
- ErrorHeader=file-or-message
Prepend file-or-message to outgoing error
messages. If file-or-message is the path
to a text file that is to be prepended, it must begin with a slash.
If this option is not defined, nothing is prepended to error
- ErrorMode=x
Handle errors messages according to x,
where x is: p (print
messages); q (give exit status but no messages);
m (mail back messages); w
(write messages to the user's terminal); or
e (mail back messages and always give zero exit
status). If this option is not defined, error messages are printed.
- FallbackMXhost=fallbackhost
Use fallbackhost as a backup MX server for
every host.
- ForkEachJob
Run a separate process for every item delivered from the queue. This
option reduces the amount of memory needed to process the queue.
- ForwardPath=path
The path to search for
.forward files. Multiple paths can be defined by
separating them with colons. The default is
- HelpFile=file
The path to the help file.
- HoldExpensive
Queue mail for outgoing mailers that have the e
(expensive) mailer flag. Normally mail is delivered immediately.
- HostsFile=path
The path to the hosts file. The default is
- HostStatusDirectory=path
Directory in which host status information is stored so that it can
be shared between sendmail processes. Normally, the status of a host
or connection is only known by the process that discovers that
status. To function, this option requires that ConnectionCacheSize be
set to at least 1.
- IgnoreDots
Ignore dots in incoming messages. Dots cannot be ignored by SMTP mail
because they are used to mark the end of a mail message.
- LDAPDefaultSpec=specification
The default specification used for LDAP databases.
- LogLevel=n
n indicates the level of detail stored in
the log file. n defaults to 9, which is
normally plenty of detail.
- MatchGECOS
Check the username from the email address against the GECOS field of
the passwd file if it was not found in the alias
database or in the username field of the passwd
file. This option is not recommended.
- MaxAliasRecursion=n
Aliases can point to other aliases before finally resolving to the
actual mail address. This option defines how deep aliases can be
nested before resolving to a mail address. The default for
n is 10.
- MaxDaemonChildren=n
Refuse connections when n children are
processing incoming mail. Normally sendmail sets no arbitrary limit
on child processes.
- MaxHeadersLength=bytes
The maximum length allowed for all of the headers taken together.
- MaxHopCount=n
Assume a message is looping when it has been processed more than
n times. The default is 25.
- MaxHostStatAge=n
Retain host status information for n
- MaxMessageSize=n
The maximum message size advertised in response to the ESMTP EHLO.
essages larger than this are rejected.
- MaxMimeHeaderLength=size
The maximum length of MIME header fields.
- MaxQueueRunSize=n
The maximum number of items that can be processed in a single queue
run. The default is no limit.
- MaxRecipientsPerMessage=n
n limits the maximum number of recipients
for a single message. If it is not specified, there is no limit.
- MeToo
Send a copy to the sender.
- MinFreeBlocks=n
Don't accept incoming mail unless n
blocks are free in the queue filesystem.
- MinQueueAge=n
Don't process any jobs that have been in the queue less than
n minutes.
- MustQuoteChars=s
The list of characters added to the set "@,;:\( )[]" that
must be quoted when used in the username part of an address. If
ustQuoteChars is specified without an s
value, it adds "." to the standard set of quoted
- NoRecipientAction=action
The action taken when a message has no
valid recipient headers. action can be
none to pass the message on unmodified,
add-to to add a To: header using the recipient
addresses from the envelope, add-apparently-to to
add an Apparently-To: header, add-to-undisclosed
to add a "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" header, or
add-bcc to add an empty Bcc: header.
- OldStyleHeaders
Allow spaces to delimit names. Normally, commas delimit names.
- OperatorChars=charlist
The list of operator characters that are normally defined in macro
o. The default is the standard set of operators.
See the discussion of rewrite tokens and the use of operators in
determining tokens in Chapter 10, "sendmail ".
- ProcessTitlePrefix=prefix
A string used on the heading of process status reports.
- PostmasterCopy=username
Copy error messages to username. The
default is not to send copies of error messages to the postmaster.
- PrivacyOptions=options
Set SMTP protocol options, where
options is a comma-separated list
containing one or more of these keywords:
- public
allow all commands
- needmailhelo
require HELO or EHLO before MAIL
- needexpnhelo
require HELO or EHLO before EXPN
- noexpn
disable EXPN
- needvrfyhelo
require HELO or EHLO before VRFY
- novrfy
disable VRFY
- restrictmailq
restrict mailq to users with group access to the
queue directory
- restrictqrun
only root and the owner of the queue directory
are allowed to run the queue
- noreceipts
don't return successful delivery messages
- goaway
disable all SMTP status queries
- authwarnings
put X-Authentication-Warning: headers in messages
- QueueDirectory=directory
The pathname of the queue directory.
- QueueFactor=factor
The factor used with the difference between the current load and the
load average limit and with the message priority to determine if a
message should be queued or sent immediately. The idea is to queue
low-priority messages if the system is currently heavily loaded. It
defaults to 600000.
- QueueLA=n
Queue messages when the system load average exceeds
n. The default is 8.
- QueueSortOrder=sequence
Sort the queue in the sequence specified,
where sequence is: h
(hostname sequence); t (submission time sequence);
or p (message priority order). Priority ordering
is the default.
- RandFile=file
Points to a file that provides pseudo-random data for certain
encryption techniques. This is used only if the compile option
HASURANDOM is not available.
- ResolverOptions=options
Set resolver options. Available option values are:
debug, aaonly,
usevc, primary,
igntc, recurse,
defnames, stayopen, and
dnsrch. The option can be preceded by a plus (+)
to turn it on or a minus (-) to turn it off. One other option,
HasWildcardMX, is specified without a + or -.
Simply adding HasWildcardMX turns the option on.
- RrtImpliesDsn
If set to true, treat a Return-Receipt-To: header as a request for
delivery service notification (DSN). The default is false.
- RunAsUser=userid[:groupid]
Run sendmail under this user ID and group ID instead of under
root. This may enhance security when sendmail is
running on a well-maintained firewall. On general-purpose systems,
this may decrease security because it requires that many files be
readable or writable by this user ID.
- RecipientFactor=factor
The priority of a job is lowered by this factor for each recipient so
that jobs with large numbers of recipients have lower priority.
Defaults to 30000.
- RefuseLA=n
Refuse incoming SMTP connections when the system load average exceeds
n. The default is 12.
- RetryFactor=factor
The factor used to decrease the priority of a job every time it is
processed, so that mail that cannot be delivered does not keep
popping to the top of the queue. The default is 90000.
- SafeFileEnvironment=directory
chroot(2) to directory
before writing a file and refuse to deliver to symbolic links.
- SaveFromLine
Save Unix-style From: lines at the front of headers. Normally they
are discarded.
- SendMIMEErrors
Send error messages in MIME format.
- ServerCertFile=file
Identifies the file that contains the certificate used when this
system acts as a mail server.
- ServerKeyFile=file
Identifies the file that contains the private key used when this
system acts as a mail server.
- ServiceSwitchFile=path
Identifies the path to a file that lists
the methods used for various services. The ServiceSwitchFile contains
entries that begin with the service name followed by the service
method. sendmail checks for services named "aliases" and
"hosts" and supports "dns",
"nis", "nisplus", or "files" as
possible service methods, assuming that support for all of these
methods is compiled into this copy of sendmail. ServiceSwitchFile
defaults to /etc/service.switch. If that file
does not exist, sendmail uses the following service methods: aliases
are looked up in the aliases files, and hosts are looked up first
using dns, then nis, and finally the hosts file. If the operating
system has a built-in service switch feature, it is used and this
option is ignored. See the description of the
nsswitch.conf file in Chapter 9, "Local Network Services". It is a service switch file.
- SevenBitInput
Strip input to 7 bits for compatibility with old systems. This
shouldn't be necessary.
- SingleLineFromHeader
For compatibility with some versions of Lotus Notes, unwrap From:
lines that have embedded newlines into one long line.
- SingleThreadDelivery
Don't open more than one SMTP connection to a remote host at
the same time. This option requires the HostStatusDirectory option.
- SmtpGreetingMessage=message
The greeting sent to the remote host when it connects to the SMTP
server port. This is the value defined in macro e.
- StatusFile=file
Log summary statistics in file. By
default, summary statistics are not logged.
- SuperSafe
Create a queue file, even when attempting immediate delivery.
- TempFileMode=mode
Use mode to set the access permissions for
queue files. mode is an octal value. It
defaults to 0600.
- Timeout.type=timeout
Set timeout values, where
type is the thing being timed and
timeout is the time interval before the
timer expires. Table E-10 lists the valid
type values, the event being timed, and
the default timeout value for each type.