7.2. Precedence
Perhaps you are wondering: what happens if some configuration
settings conflict? For instance, if you use the
Compression keyword to turn compression off, and
also the
-C command-line option to turn it on,
who wins? In other words, who has
precedence ?
For SSH1, SSH2, and OpenSSH clients, the order of precedence is, from
strongest to weakest:
- Command-line options
- The user's local client configuration file
- The global client configuration file[92]
Command-line options have the highest precedence, overriding any
client configuration files. The user's local file has next
highest precedence, and the global file has lowest precedence. So in
our compression example, -C takes precedence over
the Compression keyword, and compression is
enabled. If a setting isn't changed by any keyword or
command-line option, the client's default setting is used.
Remember that we're speaking only of outgoing connections
initiated by clients. Incoming connections, controlled by the SSH
server, have other precedence rules. For servers, the user's
local configuration file definitely doesn't override the global
file; otherwise, users could override global server settings,
creating security holes and wreaking other havoc. [Section 8.1.1, "Overriding Serverwide Settings "]
 |  |  |
7. Advanced Client Use |  | 7.3. Introduction to Verbose Mode |