NTP servers communicate with other NTP servers in a hierarchy to
distribute clock information. The closer a system is to a reference
clock (an atomic clock, radio clock, or some other definitive clock),
the higher it is in the hierarchy. Servers communicate with each
other frequently to estimate and track network delay between
themselves, so that this delay can be compensated for. NTP clients
can track network delay the same way servers do or can simply ask
servers for the current date and time without worrying about
compensating for communication delays.
NTP is provided with several vendors' versions of Unix; a few
vendors (notably Silicon Graphics) include services based on the
older Time protocol instead of or in addition to NTP. NTP is not
provided with Windows NT but is supported by
timeserv, which is part of the Server Resource
By default, NTP does not include any authentication; as a result,
it's easy for an attacker to forge packets with incorrect time
settings. It's possible to use authentication starting in
NTPv3, and you should do so.