9.5. CGI and Databases
From the beginning of Internet time, databases have interacted with
the development of the World Wide Web. In fact, many view the web as
simply an enormous database of multimedia information.
Search engines are an everyday example of the benefits of databases.
An engine does not go all over the web looking for keywords the
moment you ask for them; instead the site's developers use
other programs to create an enormous index that serves as a database
from which the engine retrieves entries. Databases store information
in a manner that allows quick, random-access retrieval.
Because databases are mutable, they lend even more power to the web:
they turn it into a potential user interface for anything. System
administration, for instance, could be performed remotely over a web
interface instead of requiring the administrator to log into the
affected system. Connecting databases to the web is the key to a new
world of interactivity on the Internet.