The package java.lang.reflect is new as
of Java 1.1. It contains
classes and interfaces that support the Reflection API.
Reflection refers to the ability of a class to reflect upon itself,
or look inside of itself, to see what it can do.
The Reflection API makes it possible to:
- Discover the variables, methods, and constructors of any class.
- Create an instance of any class using any available constructor of
that class, even if the class initiating the creation was not
compiled with any information about the class to be instantiated.
- Access the variables of any object, even if the accessing class was not
compiled with any information about the class to be accessed.
- Call the methods of any object, even if the calling class was not
compiled with any information about the class that contains the methods.
- Create an array of objects that are instances of any class, even if
the creating class was not compiled with any information about the
These capabilities are implemented by the
java.lang.Class class and the classes in the
java.lang.reflect package.
Figure 13.1 shows the class hierarchy for
the java.lang.reflect package.
Java 1.1 currently uses the Reflection API for two purposes:
- The JavaBeans API supports a mechanism for customizing
objects that is based on being able to discover their public
variables, methods, and constructors. See the forthcoming
Developing Java Beans from O'Reilly & Associates
for more information about the JavaBeans API.
- The object serialization functionality in
is built on top of the Reflection API.
Object serialization allows arbitrary objects to be written
to a stream of bytes and then read back later as objects.
- Class Name:
- Superclass:
- Immediate Subclasses:
- Interfaces Implemented:
- Availability:
New as of JDK 1.1
The Array
class provides static methods to manipulate arbitrary
arrays in Java.
There are methods to set and retrieve elements in an array, determine the
size of an array, and create a new instance of an array.
The Array
class is used to create array objects and
manipulate their elements. The Array class is not
used to represent array types. Because arrays
in Java are objects, array
types are represented by Class
public final class java.lang.reflect.Array extends java.lang.Object {
// Class Methods
public static native Object get(Object array, int index);
public static native boolean getBoolean(Object array, int index);
public static native byte getByte(Object array, int index);
public static native char getChar(Object array, int index);
public static native double getDouble(Object array, int index);
public static native float getFloat(Object array, int index);
public static native int getInt(Object array, int index);
public static native int getLength(Object array);
public static native long getLong(Object array, int index);
public static native short getShort(Object array, int index);
public static Object newInstance(Class componentType, int length);
public static Object newInstance(Class componentType, int[] dimensions);
public static native void set(Object array, int index, Object value);
public static native void setBoolean(Object array, int index, boolean z);
public static native void setByte(Object array, int index, byte b);
public static native void setChar(Object array, int index, char c);
public static native void setDouble(Object array, int index, double d);
public static native void setFloat(Object array, int index, float f);
public static native void setInt(Object array, int index, int i);
public static native void setLong(Object array, int index, long l);
public static native void setShort(Object array, int index, short s);
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The object at the given index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array. If the
array contains values of a primitive type, the value at the given index
is wrapped in an appropriate object, and the object is returned.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The boolean value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a boolean.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a boolean
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The byte value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a byte.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a byte
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The char value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a char.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a char
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The double value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a double.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a double
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The float value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a float.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a float
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The int value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a int.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a int
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- Returns
The length of the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array.
- Description
This method returns the length of the array.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The long value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a long.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a long
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- Returns
The short value at the given
index in the specified array.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or the object at the given index cannot
be converted to a short.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method returns the object at the given index in the array as a short
- Parameters
- componentType
The type of each element in the array.
- length
The length of the array.
- Returns
An array object that contains elements of the given component type and
has the specified length.
- Throws
- NegativeArraySizeException
If length is negative.
- NullPointerException
If componentType is null.
- Description
This method creates a single-dimension array with the given length and
component type.
- Parameters
- componentType
The type of each element in the array.
- dimensions
An array that
specifies the dimensions of the array to be created.
- Returns
An array object that contains elements of the given component type and
has the specified number of dimensions.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If dimensions has zero dimensions
itself, or if it has too many dimensions (typically 255 array dimensions
are supported).
- NegativeArraySizeException
If length is negative.
- NullPointerException
If componentType is null.
- Description
This method creates a multidimensional array with the given dimensions
and component type.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- value
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if it represents an array of primitive
values, and the given value cannot be unwrapped and converted to that primitive
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the object at the given index in the array to the specified
value. If the array contains values of a primitive type, the given value
is automatically unwrapped before it is put in the array.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- z
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
boolean value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- b
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
byte value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- c
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
char value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- d
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
double value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- f
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
float value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- i
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
int value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- l
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
long value.
- Parameters
- array
An array object.
- index
An index into the array.
- s
The new value.
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException
If the given object is not an array, or if the given value cannot be converted
to the component type of the array.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
If the given index is invalid.
- NullPointerException
If array is null.
- Description
This method sets the element at the given index in the array to the given
short value.