The sun.awt package defines
four additional layouts. The first two, HorizBagLayout
and VerticalBagLayout, are
available only when used with Sun's JDK or Internet Explorer, since
they are not provided with Netscape Navigator and may not be available
from other vendors. Therefore, these layout managers should be used
selectively within applets. The third layout manager,
VariableGridLayout, is available
with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or 3.0 and Internet Explorer. Usage of
this layout manager is safer
within applets but is still at your own risk. The final layout manager
is introduced in Java 1.1, OrientableFlowLayout.
Only time will tell where that one will be available. Any of these layout
managers could be moved into a future version of java.awt
if there is enough interest.
In a HorizBagLayout, the components
are all arranged in a single row, from left to right. The height of each
component is the height of the container; the width of each component is
its preferred width. Figure 7.16 shows HorizBagLayout
in use.
- public HorizBagLayout ()
This constructor creates a HorizBagLayout
with a horizontal gap of zero pixels. The gap is the space between the
different components in the horizontal direction.
- public HorizBagLayout (int hgap)
This constructor creates a HorizBagLayout
using a horizontal gap of hgap
LayoutManager methods
- public void addLayoutComponent (String name, Component component)
The addLayoutComponent() method
of HorizBagLayout does nothing.
- public void removeLayoutComponent (Component component)
The removeLayoutComponent()
method of HorizBagLayout does
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize (Container target)
The preferredLayoutSize() method
of HorizBagLayout sums up the
preferred widths of all the components in target,
along with the hgap and right and left insets to get the width of the target.
The height returned will be the preferred height of the tallest component.
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize (Container target)
The minimumLayoutSize() method
of HorizBagLayout sums up the
minimum widths of all the components in target,
along with the hgap and right and left insets to get the width of the target.
The height returned will be the minimum height of the tallest component.
- public void layoutContainer (Container target)
The layoutContainer() method
draws target's components
on the screen in one row. The height of each component is the height of
the container. Each component's width is its preferred width, if
enough space is available.
Miscellaneous methods
- public String toString ()
The toString() method of HorizBagLayout
returns a string with the current horizontal gap setting--for example:
The VerticalBagLayout places
all the components in a single column. The width of each component is the
width of the container; each component is given its preferred height. Figure 7.17 shows VerticalBagLayout
in use.
- public VerticalBagLayout ()
This constructor creates a VerticalBagLayout
with a vertical gap of zero pixels. The gap is the space between components
in the vertical direction. With a gap of 0, adjacent components will touch
each other.
- public VerticalBagLayout (int vgap)
This constructor creates a VerticalBagLayout
with a vertical gap of vgap
LayoutManager methods
- public void addLayoutComponent (String name, Component component)
The addLayoutComponent() method
of VerticalBagLayout does nothing.
- public void removeLayoutComponent (Component component)
The removeLayoutComponent()
method of VerticalBagLayout
does nothing.
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize (Container target)
To get the preferred height of the layout, the preferredLayoutSize()
method sums up the preferred height of all the components in target
along with the vgap and top and bottom insets. For the preferred width,
preferredLayoutSize() returns
the preferred width of the widest component.
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize (Container target)
To get the minimum height of the layout, the minimumLayoutSize()
method sums up the minimum height of all the components in target
along with the vgap and top and bottom insets. For the minimum width, minimumLayoutSize()
returns the minimum width of the widest component.
- public void layoutContainer (Container target)
The layoutContainer() method
draws target's components
on the screen in one column. The width of each component is the width of
the container. Each component's height is its preferredSize()
height, if available.
Miscellaneous methods
- public String toString ()
The toString() method of VerticalBagLayout
returns a string with the current vertical gap setting. For example:
The VariableGridLayout builds
upon the GridLayout. It arranges
components on a grid of rows and columns. However, instead of giving all
components the same size, the VariableGridLayout
allows you to size rows and columns fractionally. Another difference between
VariableGridLayout and GridBagLayout
is that a VariableGridLayout
has a fixed size. If you ask for a 3x3 grid, you will get exactly that.
The layout manager throws the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
run-time exception if you try to add too many components.
Figure 7.18 shows a VariableGridLayout
in which row one takes up 50 percent of the screen, and rows two and three take
up 25 percent of the screen each. Column one takes up 50 percent of the screen; columns
two and three take 25 percent each.
Here is the code that creates Figure 7.18:
import java.awt.*;
import sun.awt.VariableGridLayout;
public class vargrid extends Applet {
public void init () {
VariableGridLayout vgl;
setLayout (vgl = new VariableGridLayout (3,3));
vgl.setRowFraction (0, 1.0/2.0);
vgl.setRowFraction (1, 1.0/4.0);
vgl.setRowFraction (2, 1.0/4.0);
vgl.setColFraction (0, 1.0/2.0);
vgl.setColFraction (1, 1.0/4.0);
vgl.setColFraction (2, 1.0/4.0);
add (new Button ("One"));
add (new Button ("Two"));
add (new Button ("Three"));
add (new Button ("Four"));
add (new Button ("Five"));
add (new Button ("Six"));
add (new Button ("Seven"));
add (new Button ("Eight"));
add (new Button ("Nine"));
- public VariableGridLayout (int rows, int columns)
This constructor creates a VariableGridLayout
with the specified number of rows
and columns. You cannot specify
zero for one dimension. If either rows
or columns is zero, the constructor
throws the NullPointerException run-time exception.
This constructor uses the default values for horizontal and vertical gaps
(zero pixels), which means that components in adjacent cells will touch
each other.
- public VariableGridLayout (int rows, int columns, int hgap, int vgap)
This version of the constructor is called by the previous one. It creates
a VariableGridLayout with the
specified number of rows and
columns, a horizontal gap of
hgap, and a vertical gap of
vgap. The gaps specify in pixels the
space between adjacent components in the horizontal and vertical directions. It is possible to have negative gaps if you want components
to overlap. You cannot specify zero for the number of rows or columns.
If either rows or columns
is zero, the constructor throws the run-time exception NullPointerException.
Support methods
The distinguishing feature of a VariableGridLayout
is that you can tell a particular row or column to take up a certain fraction
of the display. By default, the horizontal space available is split evenly
among the grid's columns; vertical space is split evenly among the
rows. This group of methods lets you find out how much space is allotted
to each row or column and lets you change that allocation. The sum of
the fractional amounts for each direction should add up to one. If greater
than one, part of the display will be drawn offscreen. If less than one,
additional screen real estate will be unused.
- public void setRowFraction (int rowNumber, double fraction)
This method sets the percentage of space available for row rowNumber
to fraction.
- public void setColFraction (int colNumber, double fraction)
This method sets the percentage of space available for column colNumber
to fraction.
- public double getRowFraction (int rowNumber)
This method returns the current fractional setting for row rowNumber.
- public double getColFraction (int colNumber)
This method returns the current fractional setting for column colNumber.
LayoutManager methods
The only method from GridLayout that is overridden is the layoutContainer()
- public void layoutContainer (Container target)
The layoutContainer() method
draws target's components
on the screen in a series of rows and columns. The size of each component
within a VariableGridLayout
is determined by the RowFraction
and ColFraction settings for
its row and column.
Miscellaneous methods
- public String toString ()
The toString() method of VariableGridLayout
returns a string with the current horizontal and vertical gap settings,
the number of rows and columns, and the row and column fractional amounts.
For example, the string produced by Figure 7.19 would
The OrientableFlowLayout is
available for those who want something like a FlowLayout
that lets you arrange components from top to bottom. Figure 7.19
shows OrientableFlowLayout
in use.
Since OrientableFlowLayout
subclasses FlowLayout, the
FlowLayout constants of LEFT,
are still available.
- public static final int HORIZONTAL
The HORIZONTAL constant tells
the layout manager to arrange components from left to right, like the FlowLayout
- public static final int VERTICAL
The VERTICAL constant tells
the layout manager to arrange components from top to bottom.
- public static final int TOP
The TOP constant tells the
layout manager to align the first component at the top of the screen (top
- public static final int BOTTOM
The BOTTOM constant tells the
layout manager to align the first component at the bottom of the screen
(bottom justification).
- public OrientableFlowLayout ()
This constructor creates a OrientableFlowLayout
that acts like the default FlowLayout.
The objects flow from left to right and have an hgap
and vgap of 5.
- public OrientableFlowLayout (int direction)
This constructor creates a OrientableFlowLayout
in the given direction. Valid
values are OrientableFlowLayout.HORIZONTAL
or OrientableFlowLayout.VERTICAL.
- public OrientableFlowLayout (int direction, int horizAlignment, int vertAlignment)
This constructor creates a OrientableFlowLayout
in the given direction. Valid values are OrientableFlowLayout.HORIZONTAL
or OrientableFlowLayout.VERTICAL.
horizAlignment provides
the horizontal alignment setting. vertAlignment
provides a vertical alignment setting; it may be OrientableFlowLayout.TOP,
FlowLayout.CENTER, or OrientableFlowLayout.BOTTOM.
If direction is HORIZONTAL,
the vertical alignment is ignored. If direction
is VERTICAL, the horizontal
alignment is ignored.
- public OrientableFlowLayout (int direction, int horizAlignment, int
vertAlignment, int horizHgap, int horizVgap, int vertHgap,
int vertVgap)
The final constructor adds separate horizontal and vertical gaps to the
settings of OrientableFlowLayout.
The horizHgap and horizVgap
parameters are the gaps when horizontally aligned. The vertHgap
and vertVgap parameters
are the gaps when vertically aligned.
LayoutManager methods
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize (Container target)
The preferredLayoutSize() method
of OrientableFlowLayout calculates
the preferred dimensions for the target
container. The OrientableFlowLayout
computes the preferred size by placing all the components in one row or
column, depending upon the current orientation, and adding their individual
preferred sizes along with gaps and insets.
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize (Container target)
The minimumLayoutSize() method
of OrientableFlowLayout calculates
the minimum dimensions for the container by adding up the sizes of the
components. The OrientableFlowLayout
computes the minimum size by placing all the components in one row or column,
depending upon the current orientation, and adding their individual minimum
sizes along with gaps and insets.
- public void layoutContainer (Container target)
The layoutContainer() method
draws target's Components
on the screen, starting with the first row or column of the display, and
going from left to right across the screen, or from top to bottom, based
on the current orientation. When it reaches the margin of the container,
it skips to the next row or column and continues drawing additional components.
Miscellaneous methods
- public void orientHorizontally ()
The orientHorizontally() method
allows you to change the orientation of the LayoutManager
to horizontal. The container must be validated before you see the effect
of the change.
- public void orientVertically ()
The orientVertically() method
allows you to change the orientation of the LayoutManager
to vertical. The container must be validated before you see the effect
of the change.
- public String toString ()
The toString() method of OrientableFlowLayout
returns a string with the current orientation setting, along with the entire
FlowLayout.toString() results.
For example: