1.3. Applications, Applets, and ProgramsIt's no accident that this chapter has the word "application" in its title, because the Java security model is solely at the discretion of a Java application. When an applet runs inside the HotJava browser, HotJavaTM is the Java application that has determined the security policy for that applet. And although other popular browsers are not written in Java, they play the role of a Java application: it is still the case that the choice of security model is up to the browser and cannot be changed by the applet. This makes the distinction between applications and applets a crucial one: applications can establish and modify their security policies while applets (generally) cannot. However, this distinction has diminished over time. Beginning with Java 1.2, users of Java applications have the opportunity to run an application within a sandbox that the user or system administrator has constructed. In the next section, we'll see how the same functionality can be achieved with Java 1.1 as well. Under these scenarios, the Java security model for applications is solely at the discretion of the user or system administrator. This is a major change of perception for many users and developers of Java, who are used to considering the security differences between applets and applications as a significant differentiator between the two types of programs. There will, of course, always be particular programming differences between applets and applications: an applet extends the java.applet.Applet class and is written as a series of callbacks, while an application can be any class that has a static method called main(). When this programming distinction is important, we'll use the terms "applet" and "application" as appropriate. But we'll typically use the term "program" to refer to the Java code that we're running. 1.3.1. Anatomy of a Java ApplicationThe anatomy of a typical Java application is shown in Figure 1-2. Each of the features of the Java platform that appears in a rectangle plays a role in the development of the Java sandbox. In particular, the elements of the Java sandbox are comprised of: Figure 1-2. Anatomy of a Java application
The last two items in this list have broad applicability beyond expanding the Java sandbox. With respect to the sandbox, digital signatures play an important role, because they provide authentication of who actually provided the Java class. As we'll see, this provides the ability for end users and system administrators to grant very specific privileges to individual classes or signers. But a digital signature might be used for other applications. Let's say that you're deploying a payroll application throughout a large corporation. When an employee sends a request to view his payroll information, you really want to make sure that the request came from that employee rather than from someone else in the corporation. Often, this type of application is secured by a simple password, but a more secure system could require a digitially signed request before it sent out the payroll information. We'll discuss security concerns in both these contexts in this book. In particular, two different examples will form the theme of the examples that are developed through this book:
We'll develop a full implementation of the first of these examples; while we won't provide a complete payroll application, we will provide a number of examples of the security features required for such an application. Copyright © 2001 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. |