Chapter 24. The javax.swing.border Package
The javax.swing.border package is a
simple package that defines the Border
interface, which specifies how to draw a border around an arbitrary
Swing component. The various classes in this package implement
commonly used border styles. Applications can easily define custom
border styles by creating custom implementations of
Figure 24-1 shows the class hierarchy of
this package.
Figure 24-1. The javax.swing.border package
AbstractBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This abstract class implements a zero-width, nonopaque border.
AbstractBorder implements the Border
interface. To
create a custom border type, subclass
AbstractBorder, reimplementing at least the
getBorderInsets() and
paintBorder() methods.
getInteriorRectangle() in its static and nonstatic
versions is a convenience method that returns a rectangle that represents
the region of the component inside the border.
AbstractBorder provides a two-argument
version of getBorderInsets(), in addition
to the one-argument version required by Border.
The two-argument version should
place the insets in the supplied Insets object.
Doing so does not require a new Insets object to be
created, so it is more efficient than the one-argument version. Swing
components use this more efficient method whenever possible.
public abstract class AbstractBorder implements Border, Serializable { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public AbstractBorder (); | |
// | Public Class Methods |
| public static java.awt.Rectangle getInteriorRectangle (Component c, Border b, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public java.awt.Rectangle getInteriorRectangle (Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Methods Implementing Border |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | empty |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)
Subclasses: BevelBorder, CompoundBorder, EmptyBorder, EtchedBorder, LineBorder, TitledBorder
BevelBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class displays a two-pixel-wide beveled edge around a Swing
component, giving the appearance of a raised or lowered surface. The
RAISED and LOWERED constants
specify the type of bevel. It usually is not necessary to specify
bevel colors, as appropriate defaults are derived from the component
background color.
See also the createBevelBorder(),
createLoweredBevelBorder(), and
createRaisedBevelBorder() methods of
public class BevelBorder extends AbstractBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public BevelBorder (int bevelType); | |
| public BevelBorder (int bevelType, java.awt.Color highlight, java.awt.Color shadow); | |
| public BevelBorder (int bevelType, java.awt.Color highlightOuter, java.awt.Color highlightInner, java.awt.Color shadowOuter, java.awt.Color shadowInner); | |
// | Public Constants |
| public static final int LOWERED ; | =1 |
| public static final int RAISED ; | =0 |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public int getBevelType (); | |
| public java.awt.Color getHighlightInnerColor (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Color getHighlightOuterColor (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Color getShadowInnerColor (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Color getShadowOuterColor (Component c); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Methods |
| protected void paintLoweredBevel (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
| protected void paintRaisedBevel (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected int bevelType ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color highlightInner ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color highlightOuter ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color shadowInner ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color shadowOuter ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->BevelBorder
Subclasses: SoftBevelBorder, javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource
Border | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | |
This simple interface defines the methods that must be implemented by
any object that wants to display a border around a Swing component.
getBorderInsets() returns a
java.awt.Insets object that specifies the size of
each edge of the border. isBorderOpaque()
indicates either that the border is opaque or that it allows the
container background to show through. Opaque borders are required to
paint all pixels in the border region. Finally,
paintBorder() is the method that is responsible for
drawing the border around the specified component at the specified
location, using the specified java.awt.Graphics
The javax.swing.border package contains a number
of Border implementations that are useful with
Swing classes. Note, however, that Border instances are intended to
be shared among components. This means that you typically should obtain
references to shared Border objects by calling the
static factory methods of
To define your own custom type of border, you can subclass
public abstract interface Border { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public abstract boolean isBorderOpaque (); | |
| public abstract void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
} |
Implementations: AbstractBorder, javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource
Passed To: Too many methods to list.
Returned By: Too many methods to list.
Type Of: DefaultListCellRenderer.noFocusBorder, CompoundBorder.{insideBorder, outsideBorder}, TitledBorder.border, javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer.noFocusBorder, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField.border
CompoundBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class combines two borders and displays the result
around a Swing component.
For example, you can use CompoundBorder to
combine a beveled outer border and an etched inner border. Or you
can use CompoundBorder to combine a
MatteBorder and an EmptyBorder,
to create an additional margin within the
See also the
createCompoundBorder() method of
public class CompoundBorder extends AbstractBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public CompoundBorder (); | |
| public CompoundBorder (Border outsideBorder, Border insideBorder); | |
// | Property Accessor Methods (by property name) |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | Overrides:AbstractBorder default:false |
| public Border getInsideBorder (); | default:null |
| public Border getOutsideBorder (); | default:null |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected Border insideBorder ; | |
| protected Border outsideBorder ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->CompoundBorder
Subclasses: javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource
Returned By: BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder()
EmptyBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class implements a transparent, empty border. It is used to
place a blank margin around a Swing component. The arguments to the
constructor specify the number of pixels of blank space to appear on
each edge of the component.
See also the createEmptyBorder() method of
public class EmptyBorder extends AbstractBorder implements Serializable { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public EmptyBorder (java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public EmptyBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | empty |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected int bottom ; | |
| protected int left ; | |
| protected int right ; | |
| protected int top ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->EmptyBorder(Serializable)
Subclasses: MatteBorder, javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource
EtchedBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class displays an etched border around a Swing component. By
default, the border appears etched into the screen. You can create a
border that appears etched out by passing the
RAISED constant to the
EtchedBorder() constructor. It usually
is not necessary to specify colors for the border, since
EtchedBorder automatically chooses correct
defaults based on the component's background color.
See also the
createEtchedBorder() method of
public class EtchedBorder extends AbstractBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public EtchedBorder (); | |
| public EtchedBorder (int etchType); | |
| public EtchedBorder (java.awt.Color highlight, java.awt.Color shadow); | |
| public EtchedBorder (int etchType, java.awt.Color highlight, java.awt.Color shadow); | |
// | Public Constants |
| public static final int LOWERED ; | =1 |
| public static final int RAISED ; | =0 |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public int getEtchType (); | default:1 |
| public java.awt.Color getHighlightColor (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Color getShadowColor (Component c); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant default:true |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected int etchType ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color highlight ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color shadow ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->EtchedBorder
Subclasses: javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource
LineBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class draws a solid line of the specified color and thickness
around a Swing component. The default thickness is one pixel. The two
static methods return shared LineBorder instances
that draw black and gray lines that are one-pixel wide.
See also the createLineBorder() method of
public class LineBorder extends AbstractBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public LineBorder (java.awt.Color color); | |
| public LineBorder (java.awt.Color color, int thickness); | |
// | Public Class Methods |
| public static Border createBlackLineBorder (); | |
| public static Border createGrayLineBorder (); | |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public java.awt.Color getLineColor (); | |
| public int getThickness (); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected java.awt.Color lineColor ; | |
| protected boolean roundedCorners ; | |
| protected int thickness ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->LineBorder
Subclasses: javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource
MatteBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class uses a solid color or tiled icon to paint a border around
a Swing component. The sizes of each edge of the border can be
independently specified. If an icon is specified and border sizes are
not, the top and bottom insets of the border equal the icon
height, and the left and right insets equal the icon width.
See also the createMatteBorder() method of
public class MatteBorder extends EmptyBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public MatteBorder (Icon tileIcon); | |
| public MatteBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right, Icon tileIcon); | |
| public MatteBorder (int top, int left, int bottom, int right, java.awt.Color color); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding EmptyBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected java.awt.Color color ; | |
| protected Icon tileIcon ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->EmptyBorder(Serializable)-->MatteBorder
Subclasses: javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource
Returned By: BorderFactory.createMatteBorder()
SoftBevelBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class displays a two-pixel-wide raised or lowered beveled border
around a Swing component. SoftBevelBorder differs
from its superclass BevelBorder in that it draws a
"softer" bevel (i.e., a bevel whose corners
do not appear as sharp).
Unlike the other border types, shared
SoftBevelBorder instances cannot be created through
the javax.swing.BorderFactory class.
public class SoftBevelBorder extends BevelBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public SoftBevelBorder (int bevelType); | |
| public SoftBevelBorder (int bevelType, java.awt.Color highlight, java.awt.Color shadow); | |
| public SoftBevelBorder (int bevelType, java.awt.Color highlightOuter, java.awt.Color highlightInner, java.awt.Color shadowOuter, java.awt.Color shadowInner); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding BevelBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | constant |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->BevelBorder-->SoftBevelBorder
TitledBorder | Java 1.2 |
javax.swing.border | serializable |
This class combines a textual title with another border. This can
be a useful effect when, for example, you want to group and title
several components, such as a group of
JRadioButton objects.
By default, TitledBorder draws an
EtchedBorder and displays the title left justified on
the top edge of that border. Arguments to the constructor and property-
setting methods allow you to specify the Border to
be drawn, the position of the title relative to the top or bottom of
that border, the justification of the title, the title font, and the
title color.
The title can be positioned above, on top of, or below the top or
bottom edge
of the border, and it can be left, center, or right justified. The
positioning is specified by the titlePosition and
titleJustification properties.
TitledBorder constants define the legal values of
these properties.
TitledBorder instances are not typically shared
among components because different components do not typically have
the same title. Since the TitledBorder instances
are not shared, they need not be immutable.
TitledBorder is unique among the classes in
javax.swing.border in that it has properties
that can be set after the instance is created. You can still use the
createTitledBorder() method of
javax.swing.BorderFactory to create
TitledBorder instances, but since they are
unlikely to be shared, this is typically not very useful.
public class TitledBorder extends AbstractBorder { |
// | Public Constructors |
| public TitledBorder (Border border); | |
| public TitledBorder (String title); | |
| public TitledBorder (Border border, String title); | |
| public TitledBorder (Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition); | |
| public TitledBorder (Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, java.awt.Font titleFont); | |
| public TitledBorder (Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, java.awt.Font titleFont, java.awt.Color titleColor); | |
// | Public Constants |
| public static final int ABOVE_BOTTOM ; | =4 |
| public static final int ABOVE_TOP ; | =1 |
| public static final int BELOW_BOTTOM ; | =6 |
| public static final int BELOW_TOP ; | =3 |
| public static final int BOTTOM ; | =5 |
| public static final int CENTER ; | =2 |
| public static final int DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION ; | =0 |
| public static final int DEFAULT_POSITION ; | =0 |
| public static final int LEFT ; | =1 |
| public static final int RIGHT ; | =3 |
| public static final int TOP ; | =2 |
// | Protected Constants |
| protected static final int EDGE_SPACING ; | =2 |
| protected static final int TEXT_INSET_H ; | =5 |
| protected static final int TEXT_SPACING ; | =2 |
// | Property Accessor Methods (by property name) |
| public Border getBorder (); | |
| public void setBorder (Border border); | |
| public boolean isBorderOpaque (); | Overrides:AbstractBorder constant |
| public String getTitle (); | |
| public void setTitle (String title); | |
| public java.awt.Color getTitleColor (); | |
| public void setTitleColor (java.awt.Color titleColor); | |
| public java.awt.Font getTitleFont (); | |
| public void setTitleFont (java.awt.Font titleFont); | |
| public int getTitleJustification (); | |
| public void setTitleJustification (int titleJustification); | |
| public int getTitlePosition (); | |
| public void setTitlePosition (int titlePosition); | |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public java.awt.Dimension getMinimumSize (Component c); | |
// | Public Methods Overriding AbstractBorder |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c); | |
| public java.awt.Insets getBorderInsets (Component c, java.awt.Insets insets); | |
| public void paintBorder (Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height); | |
// | Protected Instance Methods |
| protected java.awt.Font getFont (Component c); | |
// | Protected Instance Fields |
| protected Border border ; | |
| protected String title ; | |
| protected java.awt.Color titleColor ; | |
| protected java.awt.Font titleFont ; | |
| protected int titleJustification ; | |
| protected int titlePosition ; | |
} |
Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractBorder(Border,Serializable)-->TitledBorder
Subclasses: javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource
Returned By: BorderFactory.createTitledBorder()
 |  |  |
23.1. The javax.swing Package |  | 25. The javax.swing.colorchooser Package |

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