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11.6 gFTP FTP client

You can use your web browser to download files from an FTP server, but to upload files you need an FTP client. The gFTP client, included on the Linux CD-ROM, is an excellent choice, because its user interface resembles that of popular Microsoft Windows FTP clients, such as WS-FTP.

Figure 11.18 shows the gFTP client. To connect to a remote system, click on Remote -> Connect, identify the system's hostname, specify any necessary userid or password, and click on Connect. To upload a file, click on the name of the file in the local list box at the left of the window and then click on ->. To download a file, click on the name of the file in the list box at the right of the window and then click on <-. When you've transferred all your files, click on Remote -> Disconnect.

Figure 11.18: The gFTP FTP client

Figure 11.18

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