Chapter 3. Common Tasks

Table of Contents

Change the desktop background image
Application icons on the Desktop (CDE style)
Add Panel Plugins
Add new Window Manager Style
Get Multimedia support
Switching the keyboard layout
Printer configuration
Printer Configuration with the Browser
Printer Configuration with the Terminal (Advanced Users)
Managing Users and Groups
Configure Networking
Connect to the Internet
Change the Computer's Name
System Tasks
Check disk space usage and view the partition table
List devices
Mount/unmount CD/DVD-ROMs manually
Setting up Hardware
Set up Wireless Cards
Set up Modems


Change the desktop background image

If you want to set up a different background image, do:

  1. Launch ApplicationsSettingsSettings Manager.

  2. Choose Desktop.

  3. In the section Image, click on the file icon. This will bring up up a open file dialog, where you can choose an alternative image.

Application icons on the Desktop (CDE style)

To have minimized application icons instead of file/launcher icons displayed on your desktop, do this:

  1. Launch ApplicationsSettingsSettings Manager.

  2. Choose Desktop, and then the tab Behaviour.

  3. Change the Desktop Icons entry from File/launcher icons to Minimized Application Icons.

Add Panel Plugins

Here is a list of available Plugins for your Xfce Panel:


You will need super-user privileges to install the non-default plugins. See the section called “Root And Sudo”.

Xfce XKB Plugin

Displays your current keyboard layout and allows to easily switch between multiple layouts. (For configuring layouts, see the section called “Switching the keyboard layout”). Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Weather Plugin

The weather plugin displays information about the current weather according your timezone and settings. It allows to search weather location code in the same plugin and displays weather status in little icons. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Wavelan Plugin

The WaveLAN plugin displays information of a WaveLAN device. Installation:

sudo apt-get install xfce4-wavelan-plugin

Xfce Verve Plugin

The plugin displays a mini-command line on the Xfce panel. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Systemload Plugin

This plugin displays the current CPU load, the memory in use, the swap space. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Screenshoter Plugin

Xfce4-screenshooter-plugin is a simple plugin to take screenshots of your desktop. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Quicklauncher Plugin

Application launcher plugin for the Xfce panel. Supports multline launchers, zoom effect, and more. Installation: Installed by Default.

Xfce Netload Plugin

This plugin displays the current load of the network interfaces of your choice. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Mount Plugin

This plugin for Xfce displays a list of the various devices available, giving the opportunity to mount/umount them. Note that most removable media is mounted automatically by the File Manager in Xubuntu. Installation:

sudo apt-get install xfce4-mount-plugin

Xfce Mailwatch Plugin

Mail checker panel plugin with support for local, POP3, IMAP, and Gmail accounts. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Generic Monitor Plugin

This plugin repeatedly spawns the indicated script/program, displaying its output as a string in the panel. It is useful for periodic status monitoring. Installation:

sudo apt-get install xfce4-genmon-plugin

Xfce Filesystem Guard Plugin

The fsguard plugin checks free space on a chosen mountpoint frequently and displays an alarm if free space is less than given alarm limit. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce CPU Graph Plugin

The CPU graph plugin displays a graph of your current system load. Installation: Installed by default.

Xfce Clipman Plugin

Store and recall sequential X clipboard selections in Xfce4 with this plugin. Installation:

sudo apt-get install xfce4-clipman-plugin

Xfce Battery Plugin

A battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4 compatible with APM and ACPI. Installation: Installed by default.

Add new Window Manager Style

When you download new window manager styles, they usually come in a .tar or .zip archive. Extract the contents, and do:

sudo cp -r folder-with-new-theme /usr/share/themes/


You will need super-user privileges to do this. See the section called “Root And Sudo”.