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Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide > Chapter 4 Command Fanout

pdsh Utility Wrappers


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Administrators can build wrapper commands around pdsh for commands that are frequently used across multiple systems and Serviceguard clusters. Several such wrapper commands are provided with DSAU. These wrappers are Serviceguard cluster-aware and default to fanning out cluster-wide when used in a Serviceguard environment. These wrappers support most standard pdsh command line options and also support long options (--option syntax) .


cexec is a general purpose pdsh wrapper. In addition to the standard pdsh features, cexec includes a reporting feature. Use the --report_loc option to have cexec display the report location for a command. The command report records the command issued in addition to the nodes where the command succeeded, failed, or the nodes that were unreachable. The report can be used with the --retry option to replay the command against nodes that failed, succeeded, were unreachable, or all nodes.


ccp is a wrapper for pdcp and copies files cluster-wide or to the specified set of systems.


cps fans out a ps command across a set of systems or cluster.


ckill allows the administrator to signal a process by name since the pid of a specific process will vary across a set of systems or the members of a cluster.


cuptime displays the uptime statistics for a set of systems or a cluster.


cwall displays a wall(1M) broadcast message on multiple hosts.

All the wrappers support the CFANOUT_HOSTS environment variable when not executing in a Serviceguard cluster. The environment variable specifies a file containing the list of hosts to target, one hostname per line. This will be used if no other host specifications are present on the command line. When no target nodelist command line options are used and CFANOUT_HOSTS is undefined, the command will be executed on the local host.

For more information on these commands, refer to their reference manpages.

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