The Integrity VM commands have changed in the following ways:
The Integrity VM commands support mass storage agile
device names. Use of agile device names for configuring storage devices
is highly recommended as it provides multipathing benefits.
Four new commands have been added:
The hpvmdevtranslate command —
Translates Integrity VM legacy device names to agile device names.
The hpvmhostrdev command —
Manages virtual machine access to devices used by the Integrity VM
Host system.
The hpvmsar command — Displays
statistics about running virtual machines.
The hpvmupgrade command —
Assists an Integrity VM upgrade.
The hpvmmodify -P command changes existing legacy device names to their agile device
name equivalents.
The hpvmmodify, hpvmcreate, and hpvmclone commands can specify whether a
guest uses Cell Local Memory (CLM), Interleaved Memory (ILM), or none.
The hpvmstatus -C command provides a list of guests with their memory type.
The hpvmclone, the hpvmcreate, and the hpvmmodify commands have additional
syntax to specify the maximum amount of CPU entitlement.
The hpvmmigrate command has several
additional options:
The -D option — Deletes the
virtual machine from the source VM Host after migrating the virtual
machine to the destination VM Host.
The -n option — Quits after
starting the destination of a migration.
The -s option — Indicates
that the migration should not occur, but the hpvmmigrate command should check whether the migration is possible.
The -t option — Translates
the storage device names specified with the -m option
by comparing WWIDs.
The -T option — Specifies
not to translate devices.