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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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xdr_simple, xdr_bool, xdr_char, xdr_double, xdr_enum, xdr_float, xdr_free, xdr_hyper, xdr_int, xdr_long, xdr_longlong_t, xdr_quadruple, xdr_short, xdr_u_char, xdr_u_hyper, xdr_u_int, xdr_u_long, xdr_u_longlong_t, xdr_u_short, xdr_void — library routines for external data representation


#include <rpc/xdr.h>

bool_t xdr_bool(XDR *xdrs, bool_t *bp);

bool_t xdr_char(XDR *xdrs, char *cp);

bool_t xdr_double(XDR *xdrs, double *dp);

bool_t xdr_enum(XDR *xdrs, enum_t *ep);

bool_t xdr_float(XDR *xdrs, float *fp);

void xdr_free(xdrproc_t proc, char *objp);

bool_t xdr_hyper(XDR *xdrs, longlong_t *llp);

bool_t xdr_int(XDR *xdrs, int *ip);

bool_t xdr_long(XDR *xdrs, long *lp);

bool_t xdr_longlong_t(XDR *xdrs, longlong_t *llp);

bool_t xdr_quadruple(XDR *xdrs, long double *pq);

bool_t xdr_short(XDR *xdrs, short *sp);

bool_t xdr_u_char(XDR *xdrs, unsigned char *ucp);

bool_t xdr_u_hyper(XDR *xdrs, u_longlong_t *ullp);

bool_t xdr_u_int(XDR *xdrs, unsigned *up);

bool_t xdr_u_long(XDR *xdrs, unsigned long *ulp);

bool_t xdr_u_longlong_t(XDR *xdrs, u_longlong_t *ullp);

bool_t xdr_u_short(XDR *xdrs, unsigned short *usp);

bool_t xdr_void(void);


XDR library routines allow C programmers to describe simple data structures in a machine-independent fashion. Protocols such as remote procedure calls (RPC) use these routines to describe the format of the data.

These routines require the creation of XDR streams (see xdr_create(3N)).


See rpc(3N) for the definition of the XDR data structure. Note that any buffers passed to the XDR routines must be properly aligned. It is suggested that malloc(3C) be used to allocate these buffers or that the programmer insure that the buffer address is divisible evenly by four.

bool_t xdr_bool()

xdr_bool() translates between booleans (C integers) and their external representations. When encoding data, this filter produces values of either 1 or 0. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_char()

xdr_char() translates between C characters and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise. Note: encoded characters are not packed, and occupy 4 bytes each. For arrays of characters, it is worthwhile to consider xdr_bytes(), xdr_opaque(), or xdr_string() (see xdr_complex(3N)).

bool_t xdr_double()

xdr_double() translates between C double precision numbers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_enum()

xdr_enum() translates between C enum (actually integers) and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_float()

xdr_float() translates between C floats and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

void xdr_free()

Generic freeing routine. The first argument is the XDR routine for the object being freed. The second argument is a pointer to the object itself. Note: the pointer passed to this routine is not freed, but what it points to is freed (recursively, depending on the XDR routine).

bool_t xdr_hyper()

xdr_hyper() translates between ANSI C long long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_int()

xdr_int() translates between C integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_long()

xdr_long() translates between C long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_longlong_t()

xdr_longlong_t() translates between ANSI C long long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise. This routine is identical to xdr_hyper().

bool_t xdr_quadruple()

xdr_quadruple() translates between IEEE quadruple precision floating point numbers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_short()

xdr_short() translates between C short integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_u_char()

xdr_u_char() translates between unsigned C characters and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_u_hyper()

xdr_u_hyper() translates between unsigned ANSI C long long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_u_int()

A filter primitive that translates between a C unsigned integer and its external representation. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_u_long()

xdr_u_long() translates between C unsigned long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_u_longlong_t()

xdr_u_longlong_t() translates between unsigned ANSI C long long integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise. This routine is identical to xdr_u_hyper().

bool_t xdr_u_short()

xdr_u_short() translates between C unsigned short integers and their external representations. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_void(void);

This routine always returns TRUE. It may be passed to RPC routines that require a function parameter, where nothing is to be done.


Thread Safe:


Cancel Safe:


Fork Safe:


Async-cancel Safe:


Async-signal Safe:


These functions can be called safely in a multithreaded environment. They may be cancellation points in that they call functions that are cancel points.

In a multithreaded environment, these functions are not safe to be called by a child process after fork() and before exec(). These functions should not be called by a multithreaded application that support asynchronous cancellation or asynchronous signals.

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