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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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which — locate a program file including aliases and paths


which [name...]


For each name given, which searches for the file that would be executed if name were given as a command, and displays the absolute path of that file. Each argument is expanded if it is aliased, and searched for along the user's path. Both aliases and path are determined by sourcing (executing) the user's .cshrc file.


A diagnostic is given for names that are aliased to more than a single word, or if an executable file with the argument name was not found in the path.


The command:

which sh

specifies where the executable program of the sh(1) command is found. For example, the response might be:


if the sh(1) being used is located in /usr/bin.


which reports .cshrc aliases even when not invoked from csh.

which cannot find csh built-in commands (e.g., jobs).

which's information may be incorrect because it is unaware of any path or alias changes that have occurred in the current shell session.


which was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.



source of aliases and path values

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