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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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smfi_setreply() — sets the default SMTP error reply code


#include <libmilter/mfapi.h> int smfi_setreply( SMFICTX *ctx, char *rcode, char *xcode, char *message );



Specifies the opaque context structure.


Specifies the 3-digit (RFC 821/2821) SMTP reply code as a null-terminated string. rcode cannot be set to NULL value. rcode must be a valid 4XX or 5XX reply code.


Specifies the extended (RFC 1893/2034) reply code. An xcode must conform to RFC 1893/2034. If xcode is set to NULL, an extended code is not used.


Specifies the text part of the SMTP reply. If message is set to NULL, an empty message is used.


The smfi_setreply() routine directly sets the SMTP error reply code for a connection. Only 4XX and 5XX replies are accepted. smfi_setreply() uses this code on subsequent error replies from the Milter function.

smfi_setreply() can be called from any xxfi_callback() function except the xxfi_connect() function.


  • Values passed to smfi_setreply() are not checked for standards compliance.

  • The message parameter must contain only printable characters; other characters may lead to undefined behavior. For example, CR or LF causes the call to fail, a single % (percentage) character can cause the text to be ignored. If a % (percentage) character must be used in a string, it must be used as %%.

  • For more information on reply codes and their meanings, see RFC 821, 2821, 1893, or 2034.

  • If the reply code (rcode) given is a 4XX code but SMFI_REJECT is used for the message, the normal reply is not used.

    If the reply code (rcode) given is a 5XX code but SMFI_TEMPFAIL is used for the message, the custom reply is not used.

    In neither of these two cases, an error is returned to the Milter and libmilter silently ignores the reply code.

  • If the Milter returns SMFI_TEMPFAIL and sets the reply code to 421, the SMTP server terminates the SMTP session with a 421 error code.


smfi_setreply() fails and returns MI_FAILURE if the rcode or xcode argument is invalid or a memory allocation failure occurs; otherwise; smfi_setreply() returns MI_SUCCESS.


The smfi_setreply() routine was developed by the Sendmail Inc.


smfi_getsymval(3N), smfi_getpriv(3N), smfi_setreply(3N), smfi_setpriv(3N).

Sendmail 8.13.3 Programmer's Guide on docs.hp.com.

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