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HP-UX Reference > Part IV Section 3: Library Functions



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basename(3C) - extract components of a path name
baudrate(3X) - get terminal baud rate
bcmp(3C) - memory operations — see memory(3C)
bcopy(3C) - memory operations — see memory(3C)
beep(3X) - audible signal
bgets(3G) - read stream up to next delimiter
bigcrypt(3C) - generate hashing encryption on large strings
bkgd(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a single-byte character
bkgdset(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a single-byte character — see bkgd(3X)
bkgrnd(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a complex character
bkgrndset(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a complex character — see bkgrnd(3X)
border(3X) - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
border_set(3X) - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
box(3X) - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
box_set(3X) - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
bsdproc(3C) - 4.2 BSD-compatible process control facilities
bsearch(3C) - binary search a sorted table
btowc(3C) - conversion between single-byte and wide character
bufsplit(3G) - split buffer into fields
bwtmpname(3C) - access and update routines for the wtmps and btmps databases — see bwtmps(3C)
bwtmps(3C) - access and update routines for the wtmps and btmps databases
byteorder(3N) - convert values between host and network byte order
bzero(3C) - memory operations — see memory(3C)
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