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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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modstat() — get information for a dynamically loaded kernel module


#include <sys/mod.h>

int modstat( int module_id, struct modstatus *stbuf, int get_next_module );


modstat() allows processes to get information for dynamically loaded kernel modules. For processes with appropriate privilege, it fills in all the elements of the modstatus structure, specified by stbuf, with the information available for the given module identifier module_id. For nonprivileged processes, modstat() fills in all information except the address and size of the module object file sections in memory (ms_base, ms_size, ms_bss, ms_bss_size).

If the value of get_next_module is TRUE, modstat() returns the information for the next module whose identifier is greater than or equal to module_id. Any module_id associated with a registered module may be queried by modstat().

The struct modstatus and struct modspecific_stat definitions are:

struct modstatus { int32_t ms_id; /* numeric id of module */ uint64_t ms_base; /* base address of module */ uint32_t ms_size; /* amount of memory of module when loaded */ uint64_t ms_bss; /* base address of BSS */ uint32_t ms_bss_size; /* memory size of BSS */ int32_t ms_rev; /* version number */ char ms_path[MAXPATHLEN]; /* loaded module path */ time_t ms_unload_delay; /* unload delay */ int32_t ms_holdcnt; /* hold count */ int32_t ms_depcnt; /* dependent count */ struct modspecific_stat /* module type specific info */ ms_msinfo[MODMAXLINK]; int ms_reg; char ms_version[MODMAXVERLEN]; /* Version string */ }; struct modspecific_stat { char mss_linkinfo[MODMAXLINKINFOLEN]; /* informational */ int32_t mss_type; /* type of module */ int32_t mss_p0[2]; /* type specific info */ int32_t mss_p1[2]; /* type specific info */ }


modstat() is currently implemented as a macro.

Security Restrictions

For nonprivileged processes, modstat() returns all module information except address and size of module object file sections in memory. To retrieve all information of the module including the address and size of the module object file sections in memory using modstat(), the process must be a superuser process or a privileged process with PRIV_DLKM privilege.

See privileges(5) for more information about the DLKM_PRIV privilege.


modstat() returns one of the following values:




Failure. It sets errno to indicate the error.


modstat() sets errno to one of the following values if the corresponding condition is detected.


module_id does not match any loaded or registered module when get_next_module is FALSE or module_id is greater than the identifier for any loaded module when get_next_module is TRUE.


The Dynamically Loadable Kernel Module feature is not initialized.

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