» |
Assumptions |  |
This section assumes the system creating the media has a DVD
writer. If your system
does not have a DVD writer, you can create the ISO image and then
copy it to another system equipped with a DVD writer to burn the media. If your system is enabled with the HP Integrity Integrated
Lights-Out Management Processor (iLO MP) virtual media (vMedia) feature,
you can generate an ISO image that can be used with iLO vMedia virtual
devices. For more information, see Appendix D and the HP Integrity iLO 2 MP
Operations Guide available on www.docs.hp.com. File and ISO Image Size Considerations |  |
Prior to Ignite-UX version C.6.5.x for HP-UX 11i v2 and C.6.8.x for HP-UX
11i v1, the total size of the ISO image cannot be larger than 2 GB. The ISO image must fit on the DVD media (4.7 GB). The ISO9660 specification limits the maximum file size to 2
GB. For more information, see the sections FILE SIZES and IMAGE
SIZE at the start of the make_media_install script. Using the make_media_install and the make_opticaldisc_recovery
scripts |  |
The make_media_install script greatly simplifies
the creation of custom bootable DVD media. With one simple command
line, a CD/DVD can be created that supports two-step media
recovery. Additionally, make_media_install can
write archives to a bootable DVD. All HP-UX 11i v2 and 11i v3 bootable CD/DVDs created with make_media_install support both Itanium-based and PA-RISC boot. The make_opticaldisc_recovery script can
be used to create a recovery image and then
write it to a DVD. The script creates the recovery image with make_net_recovery, and then calls make_media_install to write the recovery image to DVD. This script is to be run from
the client system, and requires one argument — the hostname
or IP address of the Ignite server. The script first creates a recovery
image of the client and stores it on the Ignite server. Then, the
recovery image is written to the Ignite server's DVD writer. The make_opticaldisc_recovery script
was introduced in Ignite-UX version C.7.2. You can find both scripts in the directory /opt/ignite/data/scripts/examples. Detailed usage information is available via #make_media_install -? and summary information is available via #make_opticaldisc_recovery -? Additional information is available at the start of the scripts. The make_media_install script will automatically
write the .iso image (default file name is image.iso) to the DVD. If there is no writable DVD available,
the script will halt with a message similar to :-[ LOAD TRAY failed with SK=5h/ASC=24h/ACQ=00h]: I/O error
The .iso file will remain in the iso_directory specified with the -m option.
Make sure you have enough disk space in the iso_directory to hold the .iso image. Missing -c argument on HP-UX 11i v2 USB
DVD driveOn an HP-UX 11i v2 system with a USB DVD drive, you must use
the -c argument to make_media_install and install the patch PHKL_37814. For more information, see “Create HP-UX 11i v2 bootable DVD media on USB drive for two-step
media recovery”. If the -c option was not used, an error message similar to the
following will be displayed: :-( unable to open ("/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0",O_RDONLY: No such device
Boot CD/DVD Creation Examples |  |
Two-step media recovery using a bootable CD/DVD is necessary to restore from tapes created
with the Ignite-UX command make_tape_recovery on
certain Itanium-based systems that do not support direct tape boot. See “Tape Recovery With No Tape Boot Support — Two-Step Media
Recovery” for more information on two-step
media recovery and the Ignite-UX Installation
Booting white paper at http://docs.hp.com/en/IUX/infolib.html for information
on configurations supporting HP Integrity native tape boot. Two-step media recovery requires the version of Ignite-UX on
the tape, on the bootable CD/DVD, and on the system creating the CD/DVD
media to be identical. If you do not have a matching Operating Environment
DVD, the make_media_install script can be used
to easily create a bootable CD/DVD with the correct Ignite-UX version. Create HP-UX 11i v3 bootable CD/DVD media for two-step media
recoveryOn a system with a CD/DVD writer and the same version of Ignite-UX
as on your tape, execute the following command (iso_directory is the target directory for the .iso media
file and the -r option specifies the release, such
as B.11.23 or B.11.31): #make_media_install -r B.11.31 -m iso_directory
Create HP-UX 11i v2 bootable DVD media on USB drive for two-step
media recoveryIn order to write to a USB DVD drive on an HP-UX 11i v2 system,
you must install the patch PHKL_37814 and use the -c option with make_media_install. In the following
example, the iso_directory is the target
directory for the .iso media file, the -r option specifies the release, and the device_file is the DVD device file such as /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0. #make_media_install -r B.11.23 -m iso_directory -c device_file
Installation DVD Creation Examples |  |
Installation media can
be built for PA-RISC systems, Itanium-based systems, or both since
the bootable DVD created with make_media_install on HP-UX 11i v2 or 11i v3 will support boot for either architecture. The archive, however,
can only be installed on a system matching the architecture type it
was created from. The make_media_install script will generate
impact statements for you, using either the -l command
line option or the default $ImpactLevelDefault. See
the start of the script for more information.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: Building installation DVDs requires the mkisofs and growisofs commands. Beginning
with Ignite-UX version C.6.2.x, these commands
are delivered in the /opt/ignite/lbin/ directory. |  |  |  |  |
Put an Itanium-based HP-UX 11i v3 golden archive on a DVDThe following examples will write golden archives created with the make_sys_image command to DVD. On a system with a DVD writer, execute the following commands.
(The iso_directory is the target directory
for the .iso media file. The -r option specifies the release — valid values for Itanium-based
systems are B.11.23 and B.11.31. The -o option specifies the hardware architecture
— the only valid value for an Itanium-based system is IA.) #mkdir /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#cp goldenarchive.gz /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#make_media_install -r B.11.31 -o IA -a goldenarchive.gz -m iso_directory
Put a PA-RISC HP-UX 11i v2 golden archive on a DVDOn a system with a DVD writer, execute the following commands.
(The iso_directory is the target directory
for the .iso media file. The -r option specifies the release, such as B.11.11, B.11.23, or B.11.31. The -o option specifies the hardware architecture —
valid choices on a PA-RISC system are: 32, 64v, or 64w.) #mkdir /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#cp goldenarchive.gz /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#make_media_install -r B.11.23 -o 64w -a goldenarchive.gz -m iso_directory
Put two HP-UX 11i v2 golden archives, one Itanium-based and
one PA-RISC, on a DVDThe Itanium-based golden archive can
only be installed on another Itanium-based system. Similarly, the
PA-RISC golden archive can only be installed on another PA-RISC system.
The DVD will be able to boot either type of
architecture. On a system with a DVD writer, execute the following commands.
(The file suffixes .pa.gz and .ia.gz replace the make_media_install -o option. The iso_directory is the target directory for the .iso media file. The -r option specifies
the release, such as B.11.23, or B.11.31.) #mkdir /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#cp PAgoldenarchive.pa.gz /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#cp IAgoldenarchive.ia.gz /var/opt/ignite/media/pseudo_root/archive
#make_media_install -r B.11.23 -a PAgoldenarchive.pa.gz \
-a IAgoldenarchive.ia.gz -m iso_directory
Create a recovery image of the current
system on the named Ignite-UX server, and write that recovery image
to the DVD writer on the server system by issuing the following command
on the client system. #make_opticaldisc_recovery Ignite_server_name
Create an HP-UX 11i v2 Itanium-based recovery DVD using an
existing network recovery imageRun the following command from the Ignite-UX server on which
the recovery image exists. (The -r option specifies the HP-UX release, and the -o option specifies the hardware architecture.) #/opt/ignite/data/scripts/examples/make_media_install \
-r B.11.23 -o IA \
-f /var/opt/ignite/clients/client/recovery/archive/archive_cfg \
-f /var/opt/ignite/clients/client/recovery/archive/control_cfg \
-f /var/opt/ignite/clients/client/recovery/archive/system_cfg \
-a archive.gz \
-m /var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives/client